
  Chapter 1910 Preparation

Xiao Ying referred to her current state as being free from Divine Soul. The reason is simple. Although she is still a Divine Soul, she can now do things that Divine Soul cannot. Except that she has no body temperature, she is just like a normal person, at least on the outside, she simply can't see the difference.

Xiao Ying briefly talked about what happened after they arrived at Sea Clan. The first generation of Old Ancestor also didn't expect Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to have such luck and good fortune. He had long discovered when they entered here that these two children would not be ordinary persons, and they would definitely do something of their own.

It's just didn't expect. It's so powerful, which is a bit beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, this is a rare opportunity. But why don't they come back?" A generation of Old Ancestor in turn began to worry about Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"They want to come back too, but they need to find more growth water before they have to stay. It's just that Sword Sect needs us now, and we have to come back." Xiao Ying prepared Starting from returning to Sword Sect, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were refreshed anytime and anywhere.

"It's really difficult for two children." The Old Ancestor of the first generation said so, with pride and pity in his voice.

"By the way, Guo Guo Na child asked me to bring you a gift. If you want to accept it, please think about it." Xiao Ying said, in the expectation of the generation of Old Ancestor, the storage The bag slowly opened, and there was a mechanical general inside!

This machine will stand in front of everyone, just like a generation of Old Ancestor with its eyes closed. The generation of Old Ancestor never thought that Xiao Guoguo would have prepared this for him. For a moment, he was a little excited and worried. Do you really want to do this? Is it really possible to do this?

"This machine will be Saint Realm's later cultivation base. Although it may not be as high as your cultivation base back then, it can only be made like this because of time constraints. It depends on you whether you need it or not. My own choice."

Xiao Ying finished speaking and stood quietly, while that generation of Old Ancestor walked down and looked at Xiao Ying very excited. If this is the case, can he go out too? gone? And it is also the later cultivation base of Saint Realm, which is already a very high cultivation base.

Xiao Ying smiled at the hesitant generation of Old Ancestor, and directly gave him the machine. Regardless of whether the other party is willing or unwilling, the gift has been delivered, and her task is completed.

"Is it really possible to maintain Saint Realm's later cultivation base?" The voice of a generation of Old Ancestor came, Xiao Ying laughed.

"Nature is impossible for no reason, we need energy, and this thing is only available in Sea Clan, it is pink crystals. Here is a small box with pink crystals, which is my respect Yours."

When Xiao Ying came back, Xiao Guoguo naturally brought her a lot of pink crystals for emergencies, and the machinery for the generation of Old Ancestor will also be produced by Xiao Guoguo.

Of course, even if time is tight, Xiao Guoguo will not fool around with a machine. She did it with heart, which is regarded as a respect and reward for the generation of Old Ancestor.

"Fanjing?" The generation of Old Ancestor felt that he had been surprised many times today and couldn't continue, but he still felt that he couldn't control it. They even brought back Fanjing, which made seapeople Something in droves.

"Yes, a lot, but this thing cannot be used for cultivation, Human Race cultivator can not be absorbed, can only be used on the machine. So although this pink crystal is scarce, but it is nothing to Human Race "

Xiao Ying finished saying that, looking at a generation of Old Ancestor, waving his hand to salute and leave. At this time, I heard the voice of a generation of Old Ancestor: "What you say, I will consider it carefully."

"Old Ancestor, now is the eventful season, we hope not to disturb your cultivation . But if you can get out, it should be more meaningful to sect." Xiao Ying turned around after saying that, and the first generation of Old Ancestor was lost in thought.

He is very reluctant to look at all around. He has lived here for too long and has already used this as his home. However, for Sword Sect now, he should also appear in front of everyone, this choice is really not easy.

Xiao Ying knew that a generation of Old Ancestor was struggling, but was not prepared to persuade him again, but let him make his own decision. Xiao Ying and Fei Jian Old Ancestor were also surprised when they arrived at the Elder Council. What happened and what happened!

"Martial Uncle ancestor, you are back." Great Elder saw Wujian Old Ancestor at a glance. Just now Han Meng and Li Jian had already outlined the situation. They looked at Wujian Old Ancestor, Look at Xiao Ying and Feijian Old Ancestor standing behind him, one after another saluted.

"Third Elder infatuated?" Wujian Old Ancestor narrowed his eyes, and their Sword Sect Elder became a demonic cultivator, which is an extraordinary shame and humiliation.

"Martial Uncle ancestor, it is not Third Elder's fault. He was plotted against and ate the seeds of the demonic cultivator." Great Elder hurriedly explained that if this were not the case, he would not be able to bypass Third Elder, no Will be left to Wujian's disposal.

"Now that the demonic cultivator is so rampant, my Sword Sect Elder can't escape it?" Xiao Ying said and looked closer. Then Third Elder had a black demonic energy on his face, and his face was struggling. The time affected by demonic energy is not long.

"This time it was Third Elder's carelessness." Great Elder replied respectfully. Compared to Old Ancestor without a sword, Xiao Ying was very strange to them.

"How long has it been?" Xiao Ying looked at Third Elder with pain on her face. Fiercely's frowned, even the sword cultivator, was under the influence of demonic energy, and it was difficult to control herself.

"It's been a month." Great Elder hopes that, as Han Meng said, they really have a way to restrain the seeds of the demonic cultivator. Otherwise, the life of Third Elder may not be saved.

Xiao Ying stopped saying anything after hearing this, but went directly to Third Elder's side, grabbed his chin so that he could not move at all, and a drop of milk-white medicinal liquid in his palm sent him In the mouth of Third Elder.

Xiao Ying is like this, so everyone dare not say anything. They are not quite clear. The tempers of these two seniors who have come back from the dead are afraid of collision. At the same time, they are also more curious. no effect.

Third Elder knew that everyone was very cooperative in rescuing him, swallowed the potion, and then began to tremble all over. Everyone saw that the demonic energy on Third Elder's body was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed to leave him at once. I was very anxious when I got control.

But because Xiao Ying and Fei Jian Old Ancestor were standing in place, no one dared to take a look, but could only look from a distance. After about a quarter of an hour, the demonic energy on Third Elder's body began to dissipate, and it turned out to be the same.

After one hour, Third Elder opened his eyes, only to feel refreshed. The torture of this month is finally over. He is sure that there is no trace of demonic energy on his body anymore.

"Thanks Senior for help!" Third Elder got up and saluted. Everyone felt joy and joy. This could be regarded as a solution to the seed of the demonic cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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