
  Chapter 1902 Betting

The danger of the source of the deep sea, Xiao Guoguo is not the first time I have heard , Both the king and the stone dyed senior have repeatedly emphasized that if you don't go, it's best not to try your own risk.

But they have a reason to go. Boss Zhou actually used this in exchange, which Xiao Guoguo did not expect at all.

After a daze, it was a surprise.

If it is said that Mr. Zhou is willing to accompany him on a trip to the source of the deep sea, this is a great help to Xiao Guoguo and the others. At least with powerhouse by his side, the risk of losing his life is reduced a lot.

"Deal." Xiao Guoguo agreed directly without procrastinating at all. This kind of refreshment made Boss Zhou not expect, he thought these two people would be small man intoxicated by success, and even profiting from somebody's misfortune, it seems that he has misfortuned them.

Boss Zhou took a warning in his heart. He realized that he did have a big prejudice against Human Race. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were so good, he couldn’t help using prejudiced ones. Look at them.

"When can we start?" Boss Zhou suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked calmly.

"Let’s start now, let’s start with the mechanical beast, I think you can find a suitable Sea Beast Divine Soul."

Xiao Guoguo reciprocates, and Zhou Boss is willing to help them find The growth water, they will not delay each other's things, some things can wait, some can not.

"I will find the right one. We need not only the mechanical beasts of the Immortal Venerable, but also Saint Realm's. Can you do it?" Boss Zhou knows that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are great, but there are some things. Still have to ask clearly.

"Naturally, there is no problem."

Xiao Guoguo agreed. Shi Ran is still a little entangled in his heart and did not say, after all, he is completely not involved in this matter now. , They can also do Perfection. So what qualifications does he have to interrupt as an outsider?

And I heard that the mechanical beast had not been able to pass through the barrier before, and Shiran's mood also changed. He wanted to know if this new mechanical beast could pass.

"That's good, in addition, we need a Saint Realm mechanical general, this is also on your behalf."

Zhou Boss' words made Xiao Guoguo's heart move, a Saint Realm If you want to test the barrier, you will need a Divine Soul of Saint Realm's Sea Clan clansman, so who will this person be?

Xiao Guoguo didn't ask too much, Zhou Boss had already stated clearly the requirements of this mechanical general, Saint Realm, male.

There are a few Saint Realm men in Sea Clan, and I am afraid that I have to choose one of them. As for whether these people are willing or not, Xiao Guoguo thinks that there is a way to get that person to agree at the Zhou Lao Conference.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan got busy in the following days. When Shi Ran started, he was still ready to stand by and watch. Later, he saw that Zhou Boss and Mu Sen were mixed in. Some couldn't help it, and followed up with suggestions, but it made Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's understanding of mechanics improved.

Chi Xuan was previously inherited from stone dyeing, and coupled with his own exploration, he achieved his own mechanical skills. And now after listening to the ideas of Zhou Boss and Musen, Chi Xuan is almost a combination of the strengths of the three, advanced by leaps and bounds in mechanics.

It is that Boss Zhou sometimes looks at Chi Xuan with surprise. He never thought that Chi Xuan's perception in this respect is so high. Think about them back then, and then look at Chi Xuan now, there is a feeling that he is really old.

The production of mechanical beasts is very fast. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan spent three months making three mechanical beasts, while boss Zhou found three Sea Beast Divine Soul of the cultivation base level. Put it into the mechanical beast.

When the three mechanical beasts opened their eyes, Xiao Guoguo felt that this mechanical beast really had Divine Soul. Although her mechanical beast is also very difficult to deal with, but there is no Divine Soul. Of course, it is true that such a mechanical beast is not easy to control.

Watching the three mechanical beasts move their bodies in excitement, and some move their tentacles, the scene is very exciting. But Boss Zhou, no matter how curious they were at the moment, he only looked at whether the three mechanical beasts really met the requirements.

Zhou Lao has a strong atmosphere, and the mechanical beast that he thought was very fresh immediately converged, standing in place like a soldier waiting to be reviewed. Xiao Guoguo saw faintly smiled, the boss' deterrence this week was really amazing.

"Very well, this mechanical beast is ready, you can now be a mechanical general."

Mr. Zhou explained this matter. Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and thought I am still curious about who will agree to this matter. But Xiao Guoguo didn't dare to ask Boss Zhou, just looking at Shiran, Shiran faintly smiled and said: "Are you curious about whose Divine Soul will be placed in this mechanical general?"

Xiao Guoguo hurriedly nodded, this senior is really considerate, she only had one look at the other side and she answered so clearly, she deserves to be Chi Xuan's Master.

"Master, do you know?" Chi Xuan knew that Xiao Guoguo was curious and naturally helped to ask, for fear that Shi Ran deliberately teased Xiao Guoguo and refused to say it.

"Naturally, I know that this candidate was decided by the three of us." After Shiran said this, he winked at Mu Sen, and Mu Sen resisted the urge to sigh and faced him. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan laughed lovingly.

"It's a big clan elder, this candidate is highly recommended by your Master." Mu Sen directly said the answer, simply not giving Shiran a chance to show off.

"Musen old man, why do you speak so fast, you didn't even see me... Am I ready to say something?" Shiran hands kept making gestures to himself, he didn't believe it Musson didn't see it, it must have been intentional.

"But can the Dazu Lao be willing?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Mu Sen and asked. In her impression, the Dazu Lao was not the kind of person who could sacrifice himself for Sea Clan. He tried to embarrass them, but he didn't even care about the king's life or death.

"Is it important whether he is willing or unwilling?" Mu Sen asked rhetorically, Xiao Guoguo understood, yes, this is still the three people in Sea Clan.

"Although it sounds too much to put Divine Soul into the mechanical general, the mechanical general can be said to be almost immortal, so this is not necessarily a bad thing for the big clan elders." Shiran Then explained, in his opinion, this is a rare good thing, if the old man is not willing, he is a fool.

"Why don't we take a bet and see if the boss can bring back the Divine Soul of the old man." Shi Ran suddenly said with an idea, he felt that the old man simply did not have the right to resist. And with Zhou's ability, it's the old man's unwillingness, so what's the use?

"Okay, let's make a bet." Xiao Guoguo unexpectedly agreed with great interest, and she also wanted to know how it turned out.

However, no matter what the result is, Xiao Guoguo has decided that this machine will not be young and handsome. Instead, he will look like an old man, so that he can be considered worthy of the big clan. Thinking of them being embarrassed many times by the clan elders, Xiao Guoguo felt that she was not too much to do so.

And according to Xiao Guoguo's understanding of Boss Zhou, since he has identified the clan elders, they can't escape.

(End of this chapter)

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