
  Chapter 1899 Revisited

Shiran slowly opened his eyes, feeling as if there was no past How long, but the rest of this time made him feel refreshed. For so many years, he hasn't rested like this for a long time.

Shiran’s Divine Soul was removed from the mechanical beast and placed on the soul gathering stone. The soul gathering stone Zhou boss personally kept it and set up a soul gathering formation for Shiran. This array can Ensure that the stone-stained Divine Soul is not damaged at all. After Shiran entered the array, he fell asleep, ensuring the integrity of Divine Soul.

"How long has it been?" Shi Ran asked Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan slightly smiled looking at his Master and said: "It's been more than a month."

Shi Ran Weiyi Frozen, will it take so long to repair the machinery? He looked down and was distracted. This mechanical general was so much better than the previous one. All his mind was immersed in this mechanical general.

He didn’t know that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan took a few days to repair the machine, but they were waiting for his Divine Soul to take a good rest. . It wasn't until Boss Zhou spoke that the Divine Soul dyed with stone was put on the machine again.

Xiao Guoguo smiled at Shiran senior’s shocked and satisfied look, as long as he likes it. This is a gift from himself and Chi Xuan to this senior and also to express their gratitude. Affection.

Let’s not say that Shiran received Chi Xuan as a discipline, and passed all the mechanics to Chi Xuan. It is said that this senior has been silently helping them, leading them to break through three secrets. Realm, Xiao Guoguo feels very grateful. Therefore, although Xiao Guoguo's stone dyeing is not obvious on the face, he still admires it in his heart.

"Hehe, the younger generations will surpass us in time, my discipline is good!" At this time, Shiran not only was happy, but also let two old friends feel him Feelings, by the way, hesitate.

Musson looked at Shiran's expression and said nothing, this guy was simply overwhelmed. It's not that they haven't received the discipline, but the achievements of the disciplines have never surpassed them, and all have fallen.

In the past, Shiran was unwilling to accept disciples. They thought Shiran was too picky. When they thought that the latecomers would be on the top, he actually accepted Chi Xuan, such an unexpected discipline. Qualifications to show off.

"This is what I should do. If I don't have a Master to teach me mechanics, then I want to help but I am powerless." Chi Xuan has a very good mentality, and he is not arrogant or impatient. Very satisfied. Shi Ran was so, Mu Sen and Zhou Boss felt a touch of envy.

"Hehe, Master was also very fortunate to have accepted you at the beginning. Otherwise, where did I come from such a good machine will be used." Shiran said, while still trying to deform the machine, it turned out to be true. Turned into a mechanical beast.

"Okay, don't panic, we all know that you received a good discipline." Mu Sen said so, watching Chi Xuan and Shi Ran think of serious things.

Shi Ran doesn’t have the habit of just taking it away. He experienced all the functions of the machine, and he was very excited. After one hour, the boss was pressed on the stool by Zhou. Quieted down.

"I have something to tell you." Boss Zhou said so, Shi Ran calmed down. It has been a long time since Boss Zhou has been so serious.

"Now I have to admit that it is indeed much better to combine mechanics and Artifact Refining Technique to make mechanical beasts." Boss Zhou suddenly said that everyone didn't expect, Shiran was also slightly taken aback. Then there was a big smile.

He knows the temperament of Boss Zhou, this one is very hard-mouthed, and it is not easy to be able to say this. It seems that Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo were really shocked.

However, Xiao Guoguo's heart moved when she heard this. According to her understanding of Boss Zhou, even if he had this idea in his heart, it should not be someone who can easily say it. So what is the purpose of Boss Zhou now? Xiao Guoguo doesn't think that Zhou Laotai said this for no reason.

"Boss, it's really good that you can think so, so my Sea Clan mechanics can be considered a big step." Shi Ran said so, Zhou Boss was silent, yes indeed it is very Big step.

"I mean, I want to use mechanical technique and Artifact Refining Technique to make a mechanical beast to try and see if it can pass the barrier." Boss Zhou went on to say that Shiran was stunned. Then, looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, they didn't want to agree.

Chi Xuan is his discipline, he naturally wants to plan for him longer, no one knows whether this mechanical beast can carry Sea Clan's Divine Soul or barrier. Chi Xuan also didn't need to take risks for this kind of thing. Now that the boss talks about the old things again, he is somewhat reluctant. As for Shi Ran's expression, Zhou Lao Nature saw it.

"Although our clansman is living well under the sea, you should know that this place is not stable. If one day you can no longer live under the sea, would you just watch Sea Clan be destroyed? Is it?"

When Boss Zhou asked Shiran, Shiran's mouth moved and resisted without refuting. If that time is really reached, you will have escaped to the cultivation world. I am afraid that you will not survive.

"Mu Sen, what do you mean?" Shi Ran asked Mu Sen. He didn't really want to try it. They didn't leave this method to future generations because they were worried about the younger generation of Sea Clan. If there is a belligerent among them, then this mechanical beast will cause huge damage to the cultivation world and Sea Clan.

They don't want Human Race to disturb Sea Clan, but they don't want Sea Clan to fight with the cultivation world because of arrogance. That is also a thing that will harm Sea Clan. So they left behind the mechanics, but not the high level mechanical beasts and ores, which is in order to guard against the unexpected.

At that time, they only left relics, which is to let them find them in Secret Realm in case they have any trouble. Unexpectedly, Sea Clan did not go in, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan found them.

Although today's king is good, Shiran is not sure whether to do it or not. What he left was the method of making mechanical beasts, and the method of leaving Divine Consciousness Imprint on the pink crystal to control the mechanical beasts, but he did not leave the method of combining mechanical beasts or mechanical beasts with Divine Soul. Now that they know this method, there are only three of them Old Guy in the entire Sea Clan.

"I think the boss is right to worry about it. No matter whether this matter is left to Sea Clan in the future, we will always try it." Musson's thinking is very rational, and they are not sure about it. If you can’t succeed, why not leave it to posterity.

Shiran frowned, because of disagreement, he didn't try it. Back then, their three people finally found a way to integrate Divine Soul with the machine, but neither he nor Musson wanted to try the barrier with such a machine, and the thing was not done.

Now that Musson has changed his mind, it seems that he is the only one who still has the meaning of opposing it. Even if he is not sure in his heart, he should continue to oppose it.

(End of this chapter)

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