
  Chapter 1877 Father and Daughter

"I said, this is my life saving benefactor, if it is If you don't admit it, I won't recognize you! If you dare to kill him, I will never come back here again. You can figure it out by yourself!" Beibei shouted, and he was not afraid that Zhou Boss would not agree.

Beibei’s reaction made Shiran and Mussen quietly in the heart and gave her a thumbs-up. After so many years, they met for the first time who dared to talk to Boss Zhou like this. dísciple would not dare to do so! Looking at the reaction of Boss Zhou, it seemed that he was still helpless, and he was even really threatened by this girl, so he didn't dare to continue doing it.

Xiao Guoguo couldn't react to this scene in front of him, so the girl they met halfway, Bei Bei, was really extraordinary. It seemed that Beibei's words had a great impact on Boss Zhou, Boss Zhou had already let go of Yuemu's neck.

"You brat is dead!" Boss Zhou gritted his teeth and said, looking back at Bei Bei as if he had already backed down.

Yuemu fiercely coughed twice, and was deeply afraid of Mr. Zhou. This is not an ordinary person. If you change someone, even if you want to kill him, you will only use spiritual power to destroy him. How can you pinch his neck with your own hands? Yuemu felt that Boss Zhou really wanted him just now. life.

"Don't look at me like that, I finally go out to play, can't you not make trouble?" Turning a blind eye to Zhou Boss's accusing eyes, Beibei walked up to Yuemu and looked carefully Look at his neck, it's bruised.

So when Yuemu hadn't reacted yet, Beibei took out the dark ointment again and put it on his neck. The smell made Yuemu almost spit it out.

"Don't move, this ointment can remove blood stasis and stop bleeding." Beibei said, holding Yuemu's arm and not letting it move.

"Last time you said this ointment can cure fractures." Yuemu was very helpless, how could this ointment cure all diseases?

"Yes, it treats blood stasis and hemostasis and bruises, and has a good effect on fractures." Beibei's bright smile made Yuemu successfully swallowed the rebuttal.

Of course, on the one hand, he didn’t want to hurt this girl’s mood. On the other hand, Yuemu felt a murderous aura that came from Zhou Boss, so he didn’t move, and he enjoyed it with peace of mind. Take care of Beibei.

He can feel that this week's boss just saw him not pleasing to the eye, and Yuemu seemed to understand it too. Could it be that the relationship between him and Beibei is relatively close, and that is the reason for Zhou's boss?

Yuemu is a man who is rebellious, and now Xiao Guoguo is very confident by his side, and he is not afraid of Boss Zhou at all, so he immediately began to provoke him.

"Babe, I also hurt here." Yuemu deliberately pointed to his chin and said, this week the boss's hand was really heavy.

"Okay, this face needs to be painted a bit more, otherwise it will be a pity for your face." Beibei said, regardless of Tsukiki's slightly red face, she was very serious about it. Huhu's ointment was applied to Yuemu's chin.

Xiao Guoguo thinks that the current Yuemu is dying, and the tiger's whiskers can't be teased. He is not only touching the tiger's whiskers, but also touching the tiger's ass. I am not afraid of being the boss this week. Can't help him kill him? Xiao Guoguo is sure that Beibei must be the most important person of Zhou's boss, otherwise he won't be so angry.

"Babe, come here quickly." Boss Zhou looked at Yuemu's dark face, coldly smiled, and called Beibei.

Beibei looked back at Boss Zhou and asked: "You still don't do it?"

"Don't do it, I promised you that you still don't believe it?"

"Boss Zhou said helplessly.

"Well, then you must not embarrass them." Beibei continued, and Zhou boss nodded reluctantly.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It's true. As long as Beibei has a few words, he won't be embarrassed by them?

"Boss, this is your discipline, huh?" Shiran looked at Beibei and asked in surprise, and saw that Boss Zhou's face was slightly red, and Beibei smiled and gave the answer.

"This is my father, my daughter."

Beibei's words shocked everyone present, and the black ointment-looking Moonwood was stared wide. -eyed, all the ointment on the face has fallen off.

"No, Boss, when did you become a biological child? No, there is a woman who can see you!" Shiran asked with a look of disbelief. He didn't wake up, so he must have not. Only when I wake up do I have such thoughts.

"Why, can't I have a child? What's your expression!" Zhou Lao was furious, and this guy would step on someone's sore foot.

"No, I mean you have such a bad temper, no woman can stand you!" Shi Ran said the truth again.

Boss Zhou: "..." He wanted to kill this guy very much.

"Boss, Ishiran didn't mean that, he meant, is this really your own daughter?" Musson was much calmer than Ishiran, he looked at Beibei and asked. .

"That's natural, it's not Lao Tzu's daughter or yours!" Boss Zhou said irritably. Everyone looked at Bei Bei simultaneously, and saw her head down, as if a little sad.

"Boss, Beibei is Human Race." Musson sighed helplessly. Is the boss dizzy this week?

"What! How do you know... No, I mean what nonsense you are talking about!" Boss Zhou turned his head, only to find that Beibei's neck was clean and the disguise was gone.

"Babe, where are your scales?" Boss Zhou asked Dao Heart so anxiously. He still remembers when Beibei held him to grow scales on his neck, in order to make her I'm glad he made a fake sticker on his neck.

"Father, I know, my mother is Human Race, isn't it?" Bei Bei asked with tears on his face, and this question made everyone present messy again.

A Sea Clan and a Human Race? This is impossible, they are impossible to have children.

"Babe, I don’t hide it from you anymore. Your mother is a Human Race, but we love each other sincerely, and we have to hide it from you. I promised you. Mother will take good care of you for the rest of your life." Boss Zhou explained, everyone stared at him, and he didn't blush when he was lying to Wuwei!

If Human Race and Sea Clan can really succeed and have offspring, then why should the king stop Feisha and Huya! This week the boss is clearly lying to the child! Who would believe this!

"Father, I see, thank you for telling me this. Don't worry, you are my father no matter what time it is."

Beibei started holding Zhou's boss Weeping, while boss Zhou stared at everyone present, the murderous aura in his eyes made everyone shut their mouths.

Well, this is a matter between father and daughter, they still don't interfere. Although I know that Beibei Impossible was born by Boss Zhou, they have to be raised as his own, and they have no right to interfere.

And Shiran and Musson's mood is the most complicated, when did their boss be like this? In order to conceal Beibei's true identity, such a lie can be told, which really convinced him.

(End of this chapter)

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