
鈥冣€僒he man behind Chapter 1795

"The king, the pink crystal vein! You found the pink crystal vein! "Great Elder was a little flustered in surprise, nothing is as important as the powder crystal veins, and everything else is just floating clouds.

"Yes, we found the pink crystal vein!" The king naturally concealed the fact that he was going to give Xiao Guoguo extreme grade pink crystal, so let's not say it for now, and the province will stimulate them.

"Hehe, very good, really very good." Great Elder understands the value of this powder crystal vein better, it can't be compared to anything.

Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, she took the initiative to bring up Secret Realm under such circumstances today, but also deliberately, just to avoid future troubles. No matter what, this Secret Realm belongs to Sea Clan. In this case, they don't say that if Sea Clan knows about it in the future, the king wants to help them and it is difficult to convince the public.

But now is the time when the rebellion is uncertain, and any problems must be dealt with quickly, so now is the best time. They also occupy the most advantageous advantage, the help of the king and Shiran. In addition, Xiao Guoguo did not take away the powder crystal veins, and everyone at Sea Clan has nothing to say.

"You are really cunning!" said the gnashing teeth, the Lord of Disorder, didn't expect this woman to be so powerful. This group of Sea Clan actually gave in!

When did you hear of Sea Clan's retreat? It was because he came to Sea Clan this time through the hands of Xiujii and the tribal elders, so he didn't dare to jump out by himself. They actually did it, because they have the protection of the king!

"nonsense." Old Ancestor without sword will naturally not let the Lord of Disorder ruin Xiao Guoguo's plan, and the two will fight again.

And Xiao Guoguo looked at the situation of the match, although the swordless Old Ancestor did not lose the wind, but the man on the opposite side was also extremely powerful, and the two of them almost drew a tie.

No Sword Old Ancestor was originally here to help them, Xiao Guoguo naturally couldn't let him fight alone, so he released the three mechanical beasts in the space.

These three are Saint Realm mechanical beasts she got from Secret Realm. Chi Xuan has installed extreme grade pink crystals on these mechanical beasts, making Xiao Guoguo marked as Spiritual. Imprint, several mechanical beasts are now Xiao Guoguo's men.

This is also the reason why Xiao Guoguo dared to break into the palace of Sea Clan alone. In her space, there are not only Wujian Old Ancestor and Saint Realm powerhouse, but also three Saint Realm level mechanical beasts. Is her biggest hole card.

I was discovered, I met an expert, and they were able to retreat. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo made perfect preparations before going to the palace this time. She will not let Wenwen and them fall into a dangerous situation, this is Xiao Guoguo's bottom line.

Saint Realm cultivation base mechanical beasts, and three of them appeared all at once, and those three clans also felt toothache. Who the hell is this woman, that is the three mechanical beasts of Saint Realm!

Everyone stepped back once again, and the big brothers in this game are better than the other. They should cherish this little life and hide a little bit further.

And the king seems to have learned from Xiuya that Xiao Guoguo has a mechanical beast on his body. He is not surprised, but smiles. A strong and powerful helper is better than a strong enemy. Fortunately, the first time he met Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he decided to be their friends instead of enemies.

"Who the hell are you!" The Venerable Chaos asked, staring at Xiao Guoguo with murderous aura.

He didn't know who this woman was, but he was turned around by two juniors. I thought of catching Huya Princess from the beginning because they had been stigmatizing it, and now it has broken his good deeds, and even rescued Prince and the queen, I hate it in my heart.

"I am Sword Sect Sect Master." Xiao Guoguo's answer was powerful, looking at the Chaos Lord on the opposite side.

People are too greedy, he is a Human Race mixed with Sea Clan is probably driven by huge profits, but I don鈥檛 know whether he did it alone, or if there is something behind him. Of people are intervening.

"Sword Sect?" The Lord of Disorder is no longer able to speak at this moment. He is besieged by those mechanical beasts, and naturally can't hold it. At this moment, he just wants to escape. It doesn't matter if things don't happen this time, the key is that you can't lose your life here.

"Catch him!" Xiao Guoguo didn't want to let the tiger returns to the mountains. If such an enemy really let him go, the consequences would be disastrous.

"hmph!" The Lord of Disorder is coldly snorted, and it is not so easy to catch him.

Although he has fallen short at the moment, his cultivation base is so high that he can support him for a while. He only hates Xiao Guoguo for destroying his array. Otherwise, he will take the three Saint Realm with him. Sooner or later, the cultivation base will be able to come back to take revenge. Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity now.

The sword light of Old Ancestor without a sword shone, and the chaotic god was hit by the sword light, loudly roared, and he saw the black mist entangled on his body, unexpectedly giving his body instantly Wrapped up.

"en?" Xiao Guoguo was very surprised when he saw such a scene. This chaotic saint looked normal. Who would have thought it turned out to be a demonic cultivator.

"It turned out to be a demonic cultivator!" The worry-free old man was also very surprised, while the sword qi of the Old Ancestor without sword was more awe-inspiring, and the demonic cultivator was even more difficult to deal with.

"You are damn it!" The voice of the Lord of Disorder came, but his appearance has changed at this moment.

"He is not a demonic cultivator! He is an Earth Demon clan!" The worry-free old man only said this sentence, and Xiao Guoguo understood that things were not good.

"How come the Earth Demon clan came to the deep sea!" The king also understands that things are not good. There are very few Earth Demon clan, and they are imprisoned, just like their Sea Clan can't get out, their Earth Demon The clan can't come out, they should all be in Earth Demon city.

"He is not the body of the Earth Demon clan. He uses the body of a Human Race to store his power in it." Shiran sighed, just like Human Race can store Divine Soul In terms of objects, their Sea Clan can put Divine Soul into the mechanical beast, and this Earth Demon clan naturally has its own way.

"How can this be good!" The king was a little anxious, and the strength of the Earth Demon clan made the Sea Clan king a little flustered.

"Don't worry, this Earth Demon is not the main body, so its ability is not enough, it won't be too difficult to deal with." Shiran said this and walked over, and at this time he was the only one to take the action.

The Earth Demon clan has fewer people than Sea Clan, and most of them gather energy by driving a demonic cultivator. The Earth Demon clan that can occupy a Saint Realm body must be the powerhouse within the Earth Demon clan. It must be very powerful.

"Who is it, dare to hinder this deity!" The Disorderly Lord spoke again and it was no longer his voice, and looked at the surroundings with red eyes.

"Master, they are obstructing our actions, and the woman wants to kill her subordinates here!" The Lord of Disorder explained, and the huge black smoke changed its shape and became an Earth. The appearance of the Demon clan, he only has the black illusory shadow on his upper body, and the black mist that appeared from the back of the Lord of Disorder supports him.

"A woman, ruined your plan?" The Earth Demon clan seemed very dissatisfied.

"The subordinates are incompetent!" Discord was trembling in his heart when he said that, and he was obviously afraid of the Earth Demon clan.

"That's good, then I will come in person!" The Earth Demon clan said so, looking at the stone dye in front, it was a little surprised at this sight. This is a Sea Clan powerhouse.

"You are an Earth Demon clan, why do you want to make waves on our Sea Clan site?" Shi Ran asked with sharp eyes.

"Because it's boring." The Earth Demon clan replied, obviously not wanting to tell the truth.

"In that case, you will save your life!" Shiran said and took the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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