
  Chapter 1790 How to Prove

This question makes everyone puzzled, and Xiu Kai looks at the king in front of him No matter how you look at it, you can't understand, what's wrong with this king.

"Who am I, don't you know?" the king asked, and the old tribe clenched his palms.

"From the beginning of the battle, although your body was covered with wounds, there was not a trace of blood energy appearing!" said the tribe, everyone looked at the king.

Yes, although the king is very difficult to deal with, is there really no trace of blood? They are underwater, and once they have wounds, they will inevitably be unable to hide it.

"Who the hell are you!" A look of surprise appeared on Xiu Kai's face. If the person in front of him is not the king, then things will be easier to handle. If the king is dead, wouldn't he be a righteous king?

But at this time, I saw that the king in front of him stood up straight and stopped speaking, and a silhouette came out of the crowd. Everyone looked at the people who walked out and took a deep breath. Why didn't they find out just now? The king was by their side.

Everyone was puzzled. The current king and the one who was fighting seemed to be the same person. These two people are exactly the same in appearance and figure! Is this the King's Shadow Guard?

"Didn't expect the tribal elders still found out." The king said so and slowly walked towards the tribal elders. At this moment, the tribal elders looked like the king on the martial stage and had changed. Poker face.

"He is not Shadow Guard!" The tribe elders understood in an instant, this was a bit surprised, and a bit unbelievable.

"Yes, he is not a Shadow Guard or a stand-in, but a mechanical general." The king's answer made everyone in the audience unbelievable. It's not that they haven't heard of mechanical generals, but even Sea Clan can't achieve this level of mechanical generals.

"Did you do this?" The three clansman couldn't believe that this Saint Realm mechanical general, he even more did not believe that the king made it himself.

"Three tribesmen, don’t you want to find Secret Realm? I found Secret Realm, and I have already entered." The king said so, everyone was stunned, even the tribesmen didn’t dare Believe.

"No, you are lying to me! You must be lying to me! How can you get in Secret Realm?" The three clans couldn't believe it, the king had found Secret Realm. If so, then what is his betrayal this time!

"King, is what you said is true?" Third Elder asked, and several nobles were also surprised.

They couldn't believe that the king actually went looking for Secret Realm. Wasn't he very opposed to it before? Why did you suddenly change your mind?

They don't believe it, but instead suspect that the king is deliberately mystifying in order to relieve this crisis. After all, even if Secret Realm is looking for it, it is impossible to find it in a short time.

"Naturally it is true. I have not only found Secret Realm, but also got the treasures in Secret Realm." The king said so, everyone looked at him and saw a few appear in the hands of the king. Strain medicine ingredient.

These medicine ingredients were given by Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Guoguo said that the things in Secret Realm would be allocated half of Sea Clan. In order to express his gratitude to Xiao Guoguo for returning the powder crystal ore to them, Xiao Guoguo only needed 30%. . But this 30% is quite a lot. The medicine ingredient in front of you is brought out from the inside, but there is simply nothing outside.

"Is this medicine ingredient really brought out from Secret Realm?" A nobleman said so, this medicine ingredient seemed to have never been seen before.

"Is it true? I think the tribal elder knows best. After all, in the entire Sea Clan, he is the one who knows Haixia medicine ingredient best. Tribal elder, do you know this medicine ingredient? Are you telling me that this is in Secret Realm?" The king said so, the old tribe's face was gloomy.

That’s right, the person in Sea Clan who knows the medicine ingredient best is him. He can naturally see that this is the medicine ingredient in Secret Realm, because he has a detailed copy in his hand. Record the jade slip of Secret Realm medicine ingredient. But now if he admits it, then what happened to them this time, wouldn't it look ridiculous?

"There are so many medicine ingredients under the sea, even if I haven't seen them, I don't know how many. Just a few medicine ingredients that you haven't seen before don't mean anything." Speaking of everyone's nodded, this statement also makes sense.

"If you say so, there is nothing wrong, but what else can the king prove?" Fifth Elder asked, and the king looked at him and smiled.

"Just now Fifth Elder plot against me was not without a stabbing, thanks to the replacement of the mechanical general, it is not afraid of poison." The king said, the mechanical general standing in the middle tore apart Armor, everyone saw a damage behind the mechanical parts of the body in the back waist.

This made Fifth Elder a little ashamed. This is what they agreed to do. He will respond internally, so he can tell them what happens in time. Moreover, he had to assassinate the king, even if he couldn't kill him, he would have to be seriously injured, so that Xie Jia had a chance to win.

He just injured the king's lance. There are poisons given by the three clans on it. The king will drop his cultivation base if he touches a little bit. When they are in a battle, they don't have to be so obvious.

"I use this mechanical general to guard against you. The Elders have all betrayed. I really don't know who is really loyal, and who wants to plot against us. It seems to me. This worry is not unreasonable. Your lance has poison on it. If it weren't for this mechanical general, am I still alive?" The king asked Fifth Elder so, everyone saw that the mechanical general's damage was indeed colored.

This made everyone look at Fifth Elder and the tribal elders even more disdain. And those soldiers can't believe that the people they follow are so mean and plot against so thorough. Several nobles also felt embarrassed. They were together after all. They had been talking about the future of Sea Clan before, but now they have done such a hurtful thing behind the scenes, which is really unreasonable. They are also embarrassed.

"I did it for the big picture!" Fifth Elder made excuses for himself.

"I also used the machine for the sake of the overall situation! I also want to prove to you that I did find Secret Realm. This machine is made by me but I have no ability! I want you to be there. No one in China can create a Saint Realm mechanical general, right?"

The king asked so, everyone was nodded, anyway, they don't have this ability. I just don't know if several clan elders have this ability.

"This can't prove anything. After all, there are two clan elders who are proficient in mechanics." The three clan elders said so, and the king laughed.

"Shiran senior, please come out and tell them, otherwise, why would anyone refuse to believe it." The king's voice fell, and the entire face of the three tribesmen changed. Impossible, that The legendary mechanical Grandmaster stone dye, this is impossible!

However, when an old man walked out of the crowd, the tribe old man looked decadent, because this man is really Shiran, and this man is the same as Shiran's portrait!

"I originally thought that Sea Clan had been doing pretty well these years. I never thought that you are now so prosperous to kill each other." Shiran said this, very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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