
  Chapter 1778 Antidote The two are against the king, why on earth? She didn't understand these things, and she didn't plan to continue to think about it. There are always As the water recedes, the rocks appear. Nowadays, the most important thing is the safety of First Prince.

The queen watched Xiao Guoguo put a medicine ingredient into her mouth with her own eyes, and quickly covered her mouth. This was a bit crazy. It was a medicine ingredient, and it was a medicine ingredient for refining poison.

Chi Xuan is even more ugly, staring at Xiao Guoguo at any time, for fear that something unexpected might happen. Xiao Guoguo is not afraid of death, but her body is special, otherwise she would not dare to do this.

Queen Sea Clan didn't know this, but Chi Xuan knew it, but she was still worried, especially when she saw Xiao Guoguo's mouth beginning to have blood stains, which was clearly poisoned.

"Are you okay? Tell me what's wrong?" Chi Xuan picked Xiao Guoguo up and regretted it. He should stop her. This is just nonsense.

"I'm fine, you don't know that my bloodline is special, and if I want to be an excellent Pill Refinement Master, I must have the spirit of not being afraid of eating herbs." Xiao Guoguo knows that Chi Xuan has something Angry, he hurriedly coaxed him so, and laughed at Chi Xuan, but the effect was not obvious.

"I know you want to help Sea Clan, help the king win, and save this First Prince. However, compared to you, I don't care about this, I only care about your safety!" Chi Xuan Although his tone is mild, but the meaning in the words is very firm.

"Look at what you said, First Prince is vomiting blood now, and if I don't save his life, he will really be gone. If I can save it, I will save it." Xiao Guoguo breathed a sigh of relief. The injury of the medicine ingredient has passed, and it is completely fine now.

Xiao Guoguo stopped what Chi Xuan was going to say next, and hurriedly recorded all the effects of the medicine ingredient. Before that, she made a booklet which recorded the medicine ingredient in Secret Realm, and it is just right now. Complete the content of this medicine ingredient.

"You'll talk later, I'll write it down first, I'm afraid I'll forget it in a while." Xiao Guoguo This is simply a test report, Chi Xuan is angry, but helpless, can only look at Xiao Guoguo.

And the queen is very embarrassed. Xiao Guoguo did it for them. She is not a hard-hearted person, and her heart is full of gratitude. It's just that the atmosphere between Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo is not good. She can't tell Xiao Guoguo to give up. It is really embarrassing to stay here. The queen quietly left, leaving them room to talk.

"Are you really going to eat all of these medicine ingredients? But even if you eat all of them, you may not be able to find the corresponding antidote." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo even heard this. Seriously nodded.

"I understand this, but I already have a guess in my heart, you see the answer is here." Xiao Guoguo said this, and raised the little book in his hand for Chi Xuan to read it.

"This is not you... Isn't the medicine ingredient that you arranged with Yinjun in Secret Realm?" Chi Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"I found a very interesting thing. The seven or eight medicine ingredients I found, all happened to be known to Yinjun! Do you still remember, among the tens of thousands of medicine ingredients, he can remember There are only dozens of medicine efficacy according to the name.” Xiao Guoguo said so, and Chi Xuan immediately searched for it.

Sure enough, there are only dozens of medicine ingredients in this book, and there are some basic records. Just now Xiao Guoguo supplemented this record in more detail after eating it himself, basically there was not much error.

"You mean, this matter has something to do with Yinjun!" Chi Xuan said with a little excitement.

"I think Yinjun does not have this ability yet, not to mention that he is not in the palace. However, the person who made the poison must have something to do with Yinjun, and this booklet is the clue for us to find the antidote. "Xiao Guoguo said so, Chi Xuan seemed to understand a little bit.

"I understand what you mean, you mean that the antidote is probably in these dozens of medicine ingredients." Chi Xuan said excitedly, while Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"If you think about it, the medicine ingredients we found are all located in the seabed Secret Realm. The medicine ingredients in the Secret Realm must be very precious, otherwise they won't be brought into the Secret Realm. , It should be extinct outside, most people definitely don’t have it.

But this person happens to have the medicine ingredient in Secret Realm in his hand. Although not much, it is enough. And it is made with Secret Realm medicine ingredient. Poison should be the safest and most let you can't guard against it. Even if the Sea Clan pharmacist knows it, it is useless, because there is no antidote. So you are right, this antidote is also very likely to be Within these dozens of Secret Realm medicine ingredients."

Xiao Guoguo thought, did the tribe veteran do all this? Maybe he really has the medicine ingredient in Secret Realm in his hand?

"Someone taught Yinjun the knowledge of medicine ingredient in Secret Realm, and gave him a way to enter Secret Realm. Their ambitions are not small." Chi Xuan analyzed this, Xiao Guoguo said faintly Laughed.

"It doesn’t matter what this person wants. Anyway, the treasure of Secret Realm has been obtained by us. Even if he has more thoughts, it’s useless. I’m just curious, this person holds Are there only these dozens of medicine ingredients, or are there more records about medicine ingredients in seabed Secret Realm?"

Xiao Guoguo said this from the heart, she now has them in her hands. There are many medicine ingredients in Secret Realm, but she doesn't know anything about these medicine ingredients. If someone really has a record of these medicine ingredients, it would be a great thing for her.

"We must find this person, maybe there is an unexpected surprise! Such a big medicine ingredient garden, you can't eat it one by one! I have to get the medicine in that person's hand The ingredient book is good.” Chi Xuan seems to have already recognized this matter. More than anyone, he does not want Xiao Guoguo to taste the medicine ingredient.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and smiled. She also thought this might be very big. She could almost infer that the ancestors of Sea Clan should have left news about Secret Realm, otherwise Yinjun would also be impossible to know so much. The record of medicine ingredient may also be left, isn't it?

It’s just that the most important thing now is to save people. We will talk about this later. Xiao Guoguo didn't need to try medicine ingredient again this time. Instead, he searched for seven or eight similar antidote from those dozens of medicine ingredients. After verifying these medicine ingredients again, he had a bottom line.

Xiao Guoguo was afraid that First Prince would not be able to survive, and first gave him some medicine pills. Although these medicine pills could not detoxify the poison, they could stabilize First Prince's situation and the life-saving effect was good.

The queen saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan being busy in the medicine ingredient garden, and she was very grateful. She also knew that Xiao Guoguo simply didn’t need to help her find an antidote. She would be so lucky. Kindness.

And Xiao Guoguo finally decided on several medicine ingredients for making antidote, so he started to try pill concocting. Although the medicine ingredient of Sea Clan does not seem to be suitable for pill concocting, Xiao Guoguo still wants to give it a try. This is also a rare opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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