
  Chapter 1744 Finding

Princess Huya has been away for a long time, and the King of Sea Clan does not want to wait any longer Going down, after finally getting news of Huya, he naturally wanted to find her quickly.

"Don't worry, the king, there were clues left when Princess left." Fuxia said and took out a jade slip, this jade slip can locate the position of the text.

As long as Wenwen and they have reached the abyss, this jade slip should be able to find them. Fuxia gave the jade slip to the king, and the king entered spiritual power, and he saw the jade slip lit up, pointing a direction.

"Very well, now I'm going to find my Huya Princess!" The king said without waiting for a moment, and immediately summoned the people of the clan, they are going to find someone now.

"King, did our Huya really find it?" Sea Clan's queen came out with an anxious expression on her face.

"Yes, I really found it, you wait for me here, I will bring Huya back soon!"

The king said with a smile, that The queen's face was surprised. Knowing the news, all the worries and depression in her heart over the years were dispelled. Because she was worried about Huya, she hadn't had a birthday in these years.

"Definitely, you must bring her back." The queen said and took the king's hand.

"Don't worry, I will." The king gently kissed the queen's forehead, and then set off with his two Princes and thousands of Sea Clan soldiers.

Their mounts are huge Sea Beasts. They are the fastest in the sea and unbeatable, so that they can swim on the seabed at the fastest speed. And in the palace of Sea Clan, it is the First Prince who stayed, and he will handle everything in Sea Clan.

"Second Prince, congratulations, our mission is completed." Fuxia said, the Juli Clan Second Prince gently sighed, no matter what Wenwen is her younger sister, he does not Hope that things will come out of text.

And since the last few Great Family rebellions, this Second Prince has discovered the importance of text. Only if she is safe can their Royal Family's life be stable. Therefore, the Second Prince of Juli also hopes that the text will be safe.

"It's also your credit. I will ask Royal Father for your credit when I go back." The Second Prince has changed a lot, and I know it's soothing.

"many thanks Second Prince." Fu Xia is also heart relaxed. This Second Prince seems to have changed a lot in the temperament and never hates him.

Juli clansman is inconvenient to move under the sea. They never participated in this rescue, but waited in the palace of Sea Clan. Everyone didn't know that at the moment when the Sea Clan King set off, a message was sent out, and the message was finally sent to the Saint Realm man lurking in the third Sea Territory.

"Are they looking for someone?" The man said, looking outside, thinking about what to do next.

"Holy Lord, our men have lost a lot." The men's men said so, and the men looked at the distance, it seemed that their chance had arrived.

"It's all rubbish, and it's not a pity to lose it." The man said and stood up. It seems that they have to change their plans this time.


Xiao Guoguo didn’t know what happened outside. He only waited for Chi Xuan to open the seventh door with peace of mind, and Chi Xuan was even more surprising. He only After two hours, the seventh door was opened.

Everyone finds it incredible. The worry-free old man of Six Doors took three years to open it. How could Chi Xuan only open the seventh door in two hours?

"This is too fast, right?" Qingyun daoist sighed, he knew that the gap between himself and Chi Xuan was getting bigger and bigger.

"This is called the layman watching the excitement, and the expert watching the doorway. We only look at the time. In fact, this is the time to test the real skill. It seems that Chi Xuan Fellow Daoist's mechanical skills are already at their peak." The White City Lord praised this sincerely, and everyone was nodded.

"I'm overwhelmed." Chi Xuan was very humbly.

"It's not an exaggeration, Chi Xuan's mechanical skills are indeed the pinnacle! The old man also admires it, Chi Xuan has time, you have to point the old man to one or two!" The mechanical lock opened, with a look of admiration.

"When I have time, I also want to discuss one or two with the senior." Chi Xuan said with a smile.

"Okay, let's learn one or two." The worry-free elder knows that Chi Xuan is humble, so he can take advantage of the situation.

"Okay, don't be polite, let's quickly open the door to see what treasure is inside!" Han Meng looked excited.

Since entering here, this is the first time Han Meng feels so happy. Those messy mechanical techniques made them dizzy, but Chi Xuan gave her a sigh of relief. Not only did she deal with the golden mechanical beasts very neatly, there was no muddy when opening the lock.

They are cultivators, even breaking the formation have never been so angry. This is bullying that they don't understand mechanics, now it's alright, someone on their side understands.

Han Meng didn't know, just for these two hours, the Shiran who was watching them on the other side was very dissatisfied. He is the one who really knows Chi Xuan's abilities. With a few golden mechanical beasts and a mechanical lock, Chi Xuan can do it in two hours alone.

The reason why he is so slow is to take into account the mood and face of all of them. Especially the face of the worry-free old man, otherwise he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem.

"This smelly brat, why don't you understand me for this kind of mind, you know it will stimulate his Master." Shi Ran said with some irritation in his heart, it was his favorite discipline, and he was never really angry.

The door opened, and everyone walked inside but felt a little disappointed. The things in this room did not have rays of light dazzling, nor were they Spirit Stone and inner core, nor were they powder crystals and medicine ingredients, but rather A mess of stones. Stones of various colors and shapes?

"Is this a stone?" Wenwen asked, looking at these huge stones.

"No!" Xiao Guoguo quickly denied this statement.

"This is not a stone! Yes, it is a good thing." Han Meng also said with a look of surprise, as if he had picked up treasure.

Chi Xuan slightly smiled, he knows Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng are the people who know these things best, because they are Artifact Refinement Masters and know more about ore than himself.

"Then what are these?" Yuemu asked puzzledly, rubbing it lightly with her finger, and she saw a layer of green powder left on her finger.

"This is ores, and I think they are all rare materials!" Han Meng replied, and began to check these huge ores quickly. She knew some materials, but some simply hadn't seen them.

"Rare materials? Used for refining?" Wenwen also understood that materials that can surprise Han Meng so much are very rare.

"Not only refining tools, these are also the materials for making mechanical beasts." Xiao Guoguo said and glanced at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan slightly smiled, and they really knew each other.

(End of this chapter)

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