
  Chapter 1742 Juli clansman

This is where these mechanical beasts are powerful. They don’t feel pain. And not afraid of death, this is where human cultivator and Sea Beast can't compare to mechanical beasts.

Because of such a mechanical beast, you have quite an army of fierce and unafraid of death, which is simply terrifying. Unless you encounter Master Mechanic like Chi Xuan and Shiran, otherwise, such an army of mechanical beasts is simply too difficult to deal with.

Chi Xuan's speed is getting faster and faster. Before everyone even reacts, these attacking mechanical beasts have been dismantled. Xiao Guoguo was happy and relaxed. All these mechanical beasts were put away. This is a complete mechanical beast that can be used directly after changing it back.

"Chi Xuan, you are really amazing. In just one hour, twelve mechanical beasts were dismantled. Last time we played six and it took half a day." Han Meng praised. Looking at Chi Xuan, there is joy in his eyes. Anyway, this is also his Junior Brother. He has become amazing. Han Meng is happy for him and Xiao Guoguo.

"Senior Sister, what I learned can only be used when dealing with mechanical beasts." Chi Xuan said this, and Han Meng smiled.

"If you have many skills, you won't be able to hold you down. If you learn it, you will be able to use it sooner or later." Han Meng's words surprised Xiao Guoguo. When did Senior Sister become so wise.

The worry-free elderly see Chi Xuan's mind more complicated. He knows the most usefulness of this mechanical technique, and only he knows the strength of Chi Xuan.

At the last time, Chi Xuan took apart the powder crystals of eight mechanical beasts at once. This is already a very scary thing, which means that Chi Xuan can disassemble 16 mechanical points with his bare hands, which he simply can't do. The worry-free old man is still not sure whether Chi Xuan has tried his best, he seems to have some reservations from his performance.

The worry-free old man also understands in his heart that no matter how powerful the Master is, he will not teach a dull discipline. Chi Xuan is able to have today's ability because of his own high innate talent in mechanics. In just a few years, Chi Xuan has gone from a layman to become the Master Mechanic of today, which is simply incredible. The worry-free old man guessed that perhaps his innate talent on machinery is even better than stone dyed senior.

"Chi Xuan, you are indeed young and blue. It seems that I am really old. The road below will trouble you."

The worry-free elders are very fond of Chi Xuan. Convinced, even with the feeling of worship, it has nothing to do with the age and generation of the cultivation base, but the ability in mechanics makes the worry-free elderly admire.

"Senior is polite, I will do my best to not let everyone down." Chi Xuan is so humble, in fact, he still has confidence in these doors.

Xiao Guoguo didn't go to cultivated after seeing this, but stood directly beside Chi Xuan. She wanted to see how Chi Xuan opened the door.

Of course, other people are not as open as Xiao Guoguo. They were afraid of disturbing Chi Xuan, so they took the initiative to avoid them. While cultivation, they were distracted to think, when will Chi Xuan open this seventh fan? door.

When opening Six Doors, the worry-free old man spent three years, so this door should be more powerful than Six Doors. Even if Chi Xuan is a good method, Will it take a few months?

Thinking about it this way, everyone began to earnestly cultivation. They also count on every second and strive to improve themselves. That's the case with Huya, she always sits behind Feisha, working hard to improve.

The experience along the way has changed Huya, she is no longer the carefree Little Princess in the past, but has learned to work hard, understands many things, and knows well. Sea Clan's life is not peaceful.

She is now ashamed of her ignorance before. She has lived very waywardly these years. She thinks that Sea Clan is powerful and unmatched, and she has never worked hard. Now it seems that Sea Clan is also facing various problems. As a Princess, she never wants to share the worries for the Royal Father. She is really unfilial.

However, Huya also has her own persistence. There is only one thing in her heart that cannot be given up, and that is Feisha. In any case, she didn't want to give up the fate between herself and Feisha.


The King of Sea Clan is very anxious at the moment, Huya has lost news for several years. Over the years, he sent people to search around the seabed, and apart from finding some unusual Human Races, he still found no trace of Huya.

And these Human Races, they all caught them back, some of them came out of the interrogation to inquire about the news, some were crazy, and they couldn't interrogate anything.

Even if the king of Sea Clan is not familiar with the methods of Human Race, he still understands that there are many secrets hidden in these people, and their master ruined their Divine Consciousness. He had never seen such a method before, and it seemed that they still underestimated the capabilities of Human Race. How can one completely destroy one's Divine Consciousness?

"You let me go, let go!"

There was another uproar. The king knew that this was another catch of who, but he didn't have any mood to pay attention to it because of his There is still no news from Huya Princess, and no news from Sea Clan who was dispatched to the cultivation world.

"I want to see your king! I am Juli clansman, you can't do this to me!" The man shouted, and the king was slightly taken aback. How could Juli clansman appear here? Are they afraid of water?

The king once wandered around when he was young, and this giant clan was on the edge of the abyss. However, their clansman cannot cultivation, and the Sea Beast inner core is also useless to them. Therefore, even Juli clansman rarely visits this Sea Territory. How did you meet today?

"Let go of me, I am the Second Prince of the Juli clan!" Another voice came, and the king stood up. This is the Prince of the Juli clan?

"Let people bring them in." The king of Sea Clan said so, and he saw a group of giant clansman being brought in.

King: "..." What is the situation? Why did you catch so many clansman and come back?

"You guys, why did you get to my Sea Clan site?" the king asked, and the second Prince of the Juli clan felt depressed. He also wanted to ask, why did he kick him?

"Dear Sea Clan King, I am the Second Prince Ge Xi of the Juli clan, speaking of which all this is a misunderstanding. We were caught by your people in the second Sea Territory, I have been brought here all the time. We have to say that we are unpredictable. I also ask Wang Zhemingjian. We came here this time, and we did visit with serious things."

Although the Second Prince was arrested from the second Sea Territory I came here, but it was considered cooperation, because they were originally going to find the site of Sea Clan and find the king. This is called hit and hit.

"Prince Ge Xi, what do you need to find this king?" Sea Clan King didn't understand. Why did this Juli clan suddenly start dealing with them Sea Clan?

"The specific reason is not very clear to me. I have brought a letter from my Royal Father, and I also ask the king to read it."

Second Prince said and passed a jade slip to After the king of the Juli clan, the king was stunned. A Prince who doesn't know anything, dares to go down, is this stupid?

Second Prince is also helpless, his father kicked him off, what can he do? But somehow he brought him more than a hundred guards, otherwise he would rather die than come.

(End of this chapter)

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