
  Chapter 1740 Apprenticeship

Even if he already knows what he wants to do in his heart, Chi Xuan still It took a whole day and one night to build the mechanical city model.

After it was really finished, Chi Xuan looked at the machine city with a smile. Although there were still some dissatisfactions, it was the first time he did it. Experience is more important than anything else.

"Okay, very good! You are really very good!" Shiran walked in, and Chi Xuan was taken aback. He couldn't understand it a little bit. Is this senior complimenting himself, or is he angry, how come he feels that he has some gnashing teeth when he speaks?

"Senior." Chi Xuan called Shiran senior because he had never asked Chi Xuan to call him Master before.

"Senior what, senior! The old man has taught you what he has learned in his life, do you want to call me senior?" Shiran looked like he was abandoned by others.

Chi Xuan: "..." Can I be so unreasonable when I get older?

Although Chi Xuan admitted that Shiran was helpful to him, didn't this person stop him from calling Master? Why did you suddenly change your mind?

Shi Ran looked at Chi Xuan's skeptical gaze, and was slightly sorry. After all, what he taught in this discipline is not really good. Most of it was self-taught. However, it was he who taught him mechanics, so he has to become his own discipline, otherwise he won't lose it!

"Hurry up and apprentice your teacher, do you want me to wait?" Shiran said, Chi Xuan slightly smiled, and officially gave Shiran a dísciple.

"dísciple Chi Xuan, I have seen Master." Chi Xuan said so, Shi Ran's face looked good.

"Very well, let me tell you, I am your Master. You also learned this mechanic from me. You can't let other mechanics be your Master in this life."

Shi Ran explained this very carefully, Chi Xuan nodded, he never thought of letting others be his Master and teach him mechanics. Such a Master may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

"Your mechanical city is very well built. Compared with the one I built back then... it's on par, each with its own characteristics."

Although Shiran has a thick skin, In the end, sorry deceived Chi Xuan, and he could only express it implicitly. Although Chi Xuan's Mechanical City is much better than the one he made back then.

"Master, did I pass the test?" Chi Xuan asked with a look of surprise. He never thought that the final test would be so simple.

Seeing Chi Xuan's appearance, Shi Ran suddenly wanted him to stay for a few more years. Does he want to leave? But think about Xiao Guoguo's group of people, he still let them go early, he doesn't like such a noisy group of people.

"Yes, you are barely a finished apprenticeship." Shiran was very unhappy when he said that, there is nothing to teach him what to do. Why don't you let him learn?

"Master, the discipline has a presumptuous request." Chi Xuan said that, Shiran was very happy, and left without patting his butt.

"Go ahead, as long as I can help you." Shiran said, Chi Xuan pointed to the part in the secret room.

"I know these all are Master's beloved things, I dare not ask for it. Do you have materials here? I want to build some parts by myself and practice them later." Chi Xuan said so, and Shiran smiled Up.

"This material is in Underground City, you can find it yourself, take whatever you want, don't be polite to the Master." Shi Ran said that Chi Xuan didn't expect, he actually let him Go to Underground City to find?

"Master, are you really willing?" Chi Xuan couldn't believe it.

"The things in Underground City originally belonged to Sea Clan. I was also waiting for Sea Clan people to fetch them. Now you can help them to fetch them. It’s nothing. You just have to give Sea Clan some of those things. That's it." Shi Ran said, Chi Xuan bowed deeply.

"dísciple, yes." Chi Xuan replied.

Chi Xuan knows that this coincides with Xiao Guoguo's idea. Xiao Guoguo was also going to give half of it to Sea Clan, otherwise this stone dye would definitely not be willing to let them in.


"Are you on?" Yinjun looked at the worry-free old man lifts the head, Fiercely took a deep breath, and knew that this time it would definitely be done.

The worry-free old man has been busy for several years before opening the door, naturally sighed in relief in his heart, although his ability is here, but at least this time. If this door really can't be opened, just go out like this, and the worry-free old man will feel very sorry in his heart.

"Fortunately not insulting one's life!" The worry-free old man took a step back and put his hands together into palms, and saw that the lock of the Six Doors finally moved, a little deformed, and the huge door was fully locked. It is the size of a grinding disc.

"You said that for so many years, just to unlock the lock, isn't this mechanical pursuit too strange?" Yuemu approached Xiao Guoguo and said in a low voice, Xiao Guoguo gave him a fist in the stomach.

"Boss, the gentleman talks, the young man talks." His stomach hurts a little.

"I have never been a gentleman. People have worked so hard to open the door to you all these years, and you still say cold words. I am afraid that my conscience will hurt if I don't beat you."

Xiao Guoguo After talking and walking over, the huge door slowly opened from both sides, and there was a pink gleam inside. Xiao Guoguo was stunned, and everyone was stunned. Isn't this the pink crystal on the mechanical beast?

"Pink crystals! So many pink crystals!" The first one who reacted turned out to be Yin Yun, rushing forward with a look of ecstasy, lying on top of those pink crystals and couldn't get up. .

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this what you have done?

Seeing these voices, Huya is coldly smiled, it's also Sea Clan anyway, don't be so embarrassed, okay. Although there are a lot of these pink crystals, it would cost hundreds of thousands at a glance, but does this wealth make him so crazy?

"Isn't it just a pink stone? As for?" Han Meng said, picking up a piece of stone, what great use can this stone that they can't absorb.

Although there is a lot of energy in the powder crystal, Xiao Guoguo and the others tried it, and they couldn't absorb it at all. They were puzzled and had to give up, speaking of which things under the sea might not be the same as those on land.

"What do you know! With so many pink crystals, it can build hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts, that is an army of mechanical beasts!" Yin Yun said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him .

"Will you be a mechanical beast?"

With Xiao Guoguo's words, that Yinyun was struck with a staggered head. Why couldn't he do it? The mechanical beast he made was not as powerful as here.

"If I don't know how to do it, I can ask someone to help." Yinjun felt that she couldn't be ashamed.

"Do you have the materials?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, Yin Yun was depressed. What are you doing? Even if you don't have the material now, it doesn't mean that he won't have it in the future.

Xiao Guoguo put all these pink crystals away without saying anything, Yin Jun felt a little lost. The first time he saw so many pink crystals, he almost couldn't control himself, but he saw that he was caught by Xiao. Guoguo snatched it.

However, he couldn't beat others and had to be patient. This group of people is really hateful! Yin Yun clenched his fist, not daring to let people see the unwillingness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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