
  Chapter 1736 Cooperation

Regardless of what Yinjun said, Xiao Guoguo will not completely believe it, This man, they had to take precautions.

"What treasure are you talking about?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, that Yinjun took a step forward, holding the red powder crystal in his hand.

"That's it! Pink Crystal." Yin Yun said so, everyone thought, they had never seen this kind of stone, and it seemed to be the energy source of a mechanical beast.

"What is this?" Xiao Guoguo asked quietly. Although she had known the origin of Fenjing from Xia's mouth, she still pretended to be ignorant.

"This is the core energy of mechanical beasts. With this thing, we can make an army of mechanical beasts. When the time comes, you want to dominate the seabed, it is possible!"

After Yin Yun finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo looked at him and continued to ask: "Is there nothing outside of this thing?"

"Of course not, this thing only exists in Secret Realm! "

Yin Yun replied, Xiao Guoguo's eyes were smiling, and as expected, this guy was lying. This thing seapeople normally cultivation is used, how could it not be? This obviously wants to use them!

"If this is the case, how do you know this?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, Yin Yun choked, not knowing how to answer.

"This is a long story." He wanted to prevaricate.

"It's okay, we have time now." Xiao Guoguo directly blocked Yinjun's retreat.

Xiao Guoguo's meaning is very clear. He wants to cooperate with at least a little sincerity. If he refuses to say anything, they will definitely not help him.

Yinyun’s plot against has been broken. He has not become a stone-dyed dísciple. Naturally, he is also impossible to learn more profound mechanics. Then it will be impossible to pass one level and one level, and finally get a fan. crystal.

So now there is only one way, that is, to cooperate with Xiao Guoguo and the others. With their strength, they may be able to succeed. However, the premise is that he has to tell them some secrets he knows, otherwise they won't believe it.

However, this is not important, they are Human Race, they can not pass the last level, then they will be left here forever. In that case, what if he tells them the secret?

"Okay, then I will tell you all." Yin Yun said with a decadent expression, but Xiao Guoguo still doubted what he said, would he really tell them all the secrets? Not necessarily.

"Let's listen carefully." Xiao Guoguo said so, Yin Yun's face was even more ugly. He knew that this woman was very cunning and would easily refuse to believe him.

"Do you know why I was exiled by Sea Clan?" On the topic of Yinjun, everyone was interested and looked at him curiously. Yinjun felt as though she had been spied on her privacy, but she couldn't help but say.

"That's because I know the secret of Secret Realm! And I want to find Secret Realm, but the king doesn't agree."

"Why don't you agree? This Secret? With so many treasures in Realm, who wouldn't be tempted?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, as if Yin Yun only found a friend.

"I said the same, but he just didn't want to be tempted and expelled me, saying that I encouraged everyone to look for Secret Realm. That was unpredictable." Yin Yun said sneaked, as if right. The king looked down very much.

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything when he looked at it this way, and that Xiuya lowered her head, she didn't know whether she should defend Royal Father or not.

Because to be honest, although the Elders in the clan have been saying that they are looking for Secret Realm these years, the Royal Father has never agreed. He seems to have something unspeakable.

Think about it, Huya, she just gave a drop of blood and unlocked the Secret Realm. Then, Royal Father knew how to find the Secret Realm but didn’t mean it. Why? Woolen cloth?

Xiao Guoguo can't understand, and Xiuya can't understand, but Yinjun, the only one who knows the inside story, refuses to say. Yin Yun looked at everyone staring at him, as if he already believed him.

"Since he didn't let me find it, he expelled me. After that, I will never look for Secret Realm for clansman anymore, I do it for myself!" Yin Yun said. Vice Zhengyi looked awe-inspiring, but Xiao Guoguo smiled.

Will this person take risks for clansman? She didn't believe that it was true that he was deported, because Secret Realm could be deported, but she didn't believe it for clansman's treasure hunt.

"Go on, how did you know the things in Secret Realm." Xiao Guoguo pointed to the point, not letting Yin Yun fool it.

"This is a coincidence. I found a treasure in the family, which is a book that records various organ traps in Secret Realm. I took down the clerk and destroyed it. , That is to say, no one except me knows what the trap inside is."

Yinjun said so and told Xiao Guoguo that they have their biggest reliance, which is their cooperation. Base.

"So we want to find treasures, look for pink crystals, we still have to rely on you?" Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, that Yinyun nodded.

"Forget it, let you have this opportunity, and such help is not rare for us." Xiao Guoguo said, turning his head and leaving, as if he really was a little bit about this treasure The child doesn't seem to care about it.

"Are you going to watch so many treasures fall into other people's pockets?" Yinjun couldn't believe that there was something wrong with this woman's brain.

Xiao Guoguo listened to this, and turned around, coldly smiled, and said: "Don't say it as if you can really find treasure. It's not too late to say this when you find it."


Xiao Guoguo's face was flushed with the excitement of Xiao Guoguo's words. This is a humiliation, because he really can't rely on his own strength to the end, so this humiliation can only be endured.

"Half! As long as you help me find the pink crystal, I will divide you half!" Yinjun can only be used to lure him, he thinks Xiao Guoguo is negotiating with him.

"Half? You treat us as stupid! Without you, the probability of finding pink crystals is not small, why do we need to divide you half? And you forgot, the most important point, we don’t need Pink crystal.

This thing is not good for us, we are not Sea Clan, we are not good at making mechanical beasts, and there is no need for an army of mechanical beasts to dominate seabed."

Xiao Guoguo said that, that Yinjun was stunned, he couldn't even refute, how could this woman be so powerful.

"no! You have excellent mechanics, you have Chi Xuan, and you have worry-free elders. As long as they are willing, they can make the best mechanical beasts! When the time comes, your strength will double, you Don’t be afraid of anyone! Just like me, I can go back to Sea Clan to take revenge!"

After all, Yinjun seemed to have said what was in his heart, Xiao Guoguo looked at him and continued to ask: "So, Do you hate Sea Clan?"

"Hate! How could you not hate! They expelled me and made me humiliated!"

"We also humiliated you, it seems We still can't cooperate, otherwise you will have a knife in the back." Yuemu said.

Yinjun: "..." Can we talk about it?

(End of this chapter)

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