
  Chapter 1731 Search

The black clothed man wandering in the third Sea Territory is the huge Sea Beast has never found that anyone has entered its territory. The level of Sea Beast in this place is obviously better than that of the second Sea Territory.

"Didn't you find it?" The man's voice was low, and a huge black chair appeared behind him, as if he were alive, raising his figure.

"Holy Lord, according to the report, no suspicious people have been found." The subordinates said so, and they were trembling with fear in their hearts, for fear that the person in front of them would kill them if they were unhappy.

"I haven't found any suspicious people. How about the unsuspicious people? Have you found a lot?" The man asked, and the people under him were very worried.

"According to our statistics, the second Sea Territory has a total of 150,000 cultivators, and the third Sea Territory is even less, everyone is only about 80,000." The subordinate said so, the man squinted. Eye.

He wants to kill all these cultivators, but although he has immortal veterans, most of them are Great Immortal Masters. Such a thing cannot be done.

And he doesn't want to do it himself. On the one hand, he doesn't want to be entangled with cause and effect. On the other hand, they are too moving. Sea Clan will definitely get news. If Sea Clan feels something is wrong, it is not good to find them along the way.

"Go down, let everyone find that the suspicious person is brought back, and those who can't be brought back will be killed! I only want the two Sea Clan!" .

"Holy Lord, someone recently reported that they had encountered Sea Clan's patrol guard." The man said so, and the man was silent for a while.

"Let them not disturb each other." When the man said that, his men understood that their Lord was not ready to confront the seapeople in the seabed abyss.

In this way, seapeople did not find a group of people underneath, searching for the Human Race cultivator. However, the king of Sea Clan has been very sad recently, because their spies sent back the news and his Princess has disappeared.

"Royal Father, don't be too sad. The younger sister's life stone is safe and sound, and she must be very safe." First Prince said that, he was also very worried in his heart. Huya is their only younger sister, so naturally. Dear.

"But where did she go?" the king asked, hating the unbelieving City Lord Zhao very much.

The city Lord who broke the City Lord asked for so many treasures to them is nothing, Huya's safety is the first. But he was too cunning, relying on them not to get angry and dared not let go. Fortunately, Huya is not in his hands now.

"According to the news that the spies brought back, Huya should have escaped from the City Lord Zhao with Feizhuo. However, later, Zhuo was caught again, and the auction took Feizhuo away. People are some Human Race cultivator.

But Huya has no news, they may not be together. And recently seabed has some Human Race restless, as if looking for something, I was thinking, will it Are they looking for Huya?"

First Prince was calmer. Although he was anxious, his analysis was very reasonable. He probed the aggregated intelligence a little bit before telling the king.

"Where is your younger sister?" The king asked Second Prince, and First Prince thought for a while before answering.

"Royal Father, do you think it is possible that the younger sister has reached the seabed?" First Prince asked, and the king was stunned. Is this possible? If so, should they send someone out to search?

"I would rather believe it. Anyway, we have a lot of manpower. Let the patrol bring a large number of people, one Sea Territory and one Sea Territory! Let them spread out. I want to know the whole seabed situation!" The king felt eyes shined and thought of this idea.

"You must search Human Race. The younger sister was taken away by Human Race. They will definitely prevent her from coming back. Even if we can’t attack Human Race right now, it’s under the sea. Human Race must be checked, and you can't miss a little news."

The King agreed with what Second Prince said. They just refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, so they can't attack Human Race, otherwise they really want to destroy the Human Race around this deep sea abyss, let them know that Sea Clan can't be messed with!

"Just as you said, search Human Race, if something is wrong, kill!" The king said very angrily, everyone agreed.

So most recently, Sea Clan is dispatched very frequently. They seem to be stimulated by something and constantly check the Human Race they have passed.

Human Race is hunting Sea Beast in the seabed treasure hunt. They Sea Clan never care about it, but they will not be too polite to Human Race. As a result, many black clothed persons' spies were also searched, and some of them were directly killed if they were not right. The manpower of the men continued to decrease.

The man knew nothing about it. He was thankful that he didn't order all the cultivators to be killed, otherwise they would be particularly conspicuous now. Sea Clan must be able to guess what happened to seabed. After all, they have many eyes and ears, and all Sea Beasts are afraid and obey their instructions.

The man hurriedly transferred his people to the third Sea Territory. He planned to block the entrance of the entire third Sea Territory. He didn’t believe that these people would not pass through the third Sea Territory. Don't believe it, they will enter Sea Clan's territory without passing him!

How did he know that Xiao Guoguo did not enter the Sea Clan site, they entered the Secret Realm of Sea Clan.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed. The worry-free old man looked at his palm and concentrated all his energy. At this moment, there were spiritual power filaments in his palm, which were changing shapes, little by little entwined together, and turned into an object.

This thing is not only peculiar in shape, but also meandering, like a twist of countless threads. But with the formation of this object, the worry-free old man still smiled. Because he has found the key to open this organ city.

The worry-free old man remembered these steps in his mind, and the silk thread in his hand dissipated. Xiao Guoguo looked at this scene slightly smiled. Isn't that Shiran very confident? Unexpectedly, they can open this mechanical city so soon!

"Did you succeed?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the worry-free elder nodded said: "It succeeded!"

"Then you should take a good rest and get your spirits up. Let's open this mechanical city again." Xiao Guoguo said so, but the worry-free old man shook his head.

"I don't need to rest, in a spurt of energy, these things have been deeply imprinted in my mind a long time ago, but they are not verified."

mechanic Xiao Guoguo's thinking is also clear. They have obtained a possibility after constant calculations, and they have to personally verify before they know whether their calculations are right or wrong, so this moment is very important.

And Yinjun also saw the key created by the worry-free elder. He thought he didn't have this ability, so he didn't need to worry about it, just just follow them in.

I just said it a year ago, and the big talk of not disturbing anyone is still in my ears. Now it seems a bit embarrassing. But he was defeated by others, and he has become accustomed to shame. Yinjun calmed down after comforting herself like this.

(End of this chapter)

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