
  Chapter 1728 Fenjing

"Look, boss, I got a lot of good things when I went in this time." In order to distract Xiao Guoguo, Yuemu poured out what she had gotten, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"You also picked up the mechanical beast parts?" Xiao Guoguo asked in surprise, and Yuemu smiled. He knew that their old man liked those things.

"Although I don't know why this is used, I brought it back to you when I thought you might like it." Yuemu said this, and Xiao Guoguo patted him on the shoulder, and it was really with her. Mixed people.

Wenwen brought back a lot, and Yuemu also brought back a lot. Among the remaining people, only the worry-free old man also took out a lot of parts with a smile.

"I can't ask for you, you can definitely restore these mechanical beasts yourself." Xiao Guoguo shook his head and refused.

"I hold these useless. I can get rid of the mechanical trap, but I really don't have the ability to reassemble the mechanical beast." Said the worry-free old man.

"So, then I will give you the Spirit Stone." Xiao Guoguo can't always take advantage of him.

"It doesn't need to be this way, I don't lack Spirit Stone either." The worry-free old man refused again, always putting the word sale on his lips, but now he doesn't want Spirit Stone, and Xiao Guoguo does it too. Stunned.

"If you don't need Spirit Stone, then I won't let you suffer. I brought these things from the inside. See what you like." Xiao Guoguo directly puts the treasure from inside On the ground, let the worry-free old man choose.

"Did you get all of these?" Yuemu looked dumbfounded, and he only got half of it!

"Don't you guys?" Xiao Guoguo thinks it doesn't make sense, so I won't take out such treasures.

"Boss, do you think we don't want to? But it fell off as soon as I touched it. I only got half of it with the best means. They must be inferior to me!" Yuemu said proudly. Now, Xiao Guoguo looked at everyone.

"I got all of mine." Wenwen was still expressionless, but Yuemu didn't slow down for a long time, which was irritating with this sentence.

"How is it possible!" Bai City Lord thought about the treasure he had got. Compared with them, it was so pitiful.

"The boss said that we must be diligent and thrifty. I will definitely take so many good things before talking." Wenwen's explanation is also invincible. Everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo, co-authoring is better for her education.

The worry-free old man chose two things that he liked, and the rest was unnecessary, but everyone looked at it with envy, some of them took more, some of them took less, but they got all of them. , Only Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen these two people. Even the worry-free old man, he only got more than half of the treasure, this is because his cultivation base is high and the response is fast enough to do it.

"Right, what about the remaining treasures? Where did the remaining treasures go?" White City Lord thought of this question. She came in to hunt for treasures and naturally wanted to find more treasures. .

"The rest should have been taken back." The worry-free old man analyzed this, and Xiao Guoguo glanced at everyone.

"I think so too. Think about it, the stone dyed old man is a stingy guy. His treasures are bait, and those treasures that lead us to touch mechanical traps must be taken away. And he definitely has more treasures in his hands."

Xiao Guoguo's analysis made everyone's eyes bright, more treasures!

And Xiao Guoguo wants this effect, she just wants to tear down this mechanical city! Even if it can't be dismantled...you have to have this attitude!

"Worry-free senior, do you have a way to open the entrance of this mechanical city?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man Wuyou looking at the mechanical city in front of him, pondered for a while: "I am I can barely try it."

When the worry-free old man said this, everyone looked at him expectantly, and that Yinjun also shined. He's here to hunt for treasures, he can't come back empty-handed, since it's a mechanical city, he can naturally look for it too.

"hmph, this time, let's scatter away and look for it! No one should disturb anyone!" Na Yinyun said so, watching Xiao Guoguo wait for their reply.

"Whatever you want." Xiao Guoguo didn't think about this sound.

He couldn't beat them anyway, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke him, and Xiao Guoguo didn't do anything to him. Xiao Guoguo didn't kill Yinjun for a reason. For one thing, this man was a Sea Clan. How to deal with it depends on the meaning of Sea Clan, so Xiao Guoguo didn't want to cause trouble. Secondly, Xiao Guoguo always felt that this man had something to hide from them, so he had to figure it out before talking about it.

"Everyone is looking for it too, there is no mechanical energy switch here!" Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone was nodded, and started looking, except for Huoya and Song Xing who never got involved.

Xiao Guoguo saw that everyone was busy, and then he took Xiuya to the side, set up a barrier, and took the red stone in his hand.

"Look at Xiuya, what is this?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Xiuya was surprised.

"Elder sister, where did this come from? This is not an ordinary stone!"

Xiao Guoguo can see from Xiuya's eyes that this stone must be very rare Yes, even Huya was surprised when she saw it.

"This is what I got from the mechanical beasts. I think this is their energy source." Xiao Guoguo said so, Xiuya took a deep breath, looked at the stone, and put it in her hand carefully I felt it for a while, and it really wasn't wrong.

"If this stone is used as energy, this mechanical beast should be very difficult to deal with." Xia said so and returned the stone to Xiao Guoguo.

"Xiuya, is this your treasure of Sea Clan?" Xiao Guoguo asked Xiuya nodded.

"You don’t know elder sister, these stones are pink crystals. Even in Sea Clan, only Royal Family and nobles can use it. These are all used in Sea Clan cultivation these years, so the remaining There won’t be much left. Royal Family claimed that there is no more. I heard Royal Father say that even if it is only given to the nobles of Sea Clan, we won’t have powder crystals in a thousand years."

Xiuya understands what Xiao Guoguo said. This is indeed a high level Spirit Stone, and Sea Clan cherishes it very much. If so, how many of these pink Sea Clan can have?

"elder sister, this is my Sea Clan's secret, please don't tell elder sister." Xiuya believed Xiao Guoguo very much, and naturally told her everything, but she didn't want such a thing. Spread out.

"Huya, don't worry, I won't say it. But this pink crystal must have been seabed for longevity. If you don't have it, wouldn't it be there in other places?"

Xiao Guoguo asked this, and Xiuya was taken aback for a moment: "Royal Father said that these pink crystals are very rare, and they are all under the deep sea. The ancestors found this place after searching for so many years."


Xiuya said that Xiao Guoguo was lost in thought. If it is gone, what energy does the mechanical beast use? This problem can't be solved, and certainly an army of mechanical beasts can't be built.

Xiao Guoguo thinks very far about what things, she is not satisfied with collecting some mechanical beast parts, Shiran, he set a mechanical beast test here, she Xiao Guoguo thought of building An army of mechanical beasts.

"But Royal Father seems to have said that it is not that absolutely does not have a way. Maybe there are other fine crystal mines, but no one knows where they are hidden. Keep looking." Xiuya said, Xiao Guoguo eyes shined.

(End of this chapter)

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