
  Chapter 1726 Threats

Xiao Guoguo don’t want to say anything anymore, her Senior Sister has been a child. No worries, no good things are in your eyes, and it is impossible to expect her to live well.

"I brought the stone out." Wenwen said, and took out a pink stone from the storage bag. Xiao Guoguo's eyes lit up, she was indeed her person, very demeanor. .

"Wenwen, you are doing well! This stone is very useful." Xiao Guoguo's expression became agitated when he said that. The old man sitting on the shell chair was very dissatisfied. He actually It was ignored.

"You impudent!" shouted the old man, Yin Yun was a little worried, he won't be implicated by this group of people, right?

"Senior, don't be angry. They are Human Race and don't know the rules. You can't be angry with them. I have nothing to do with them. I respect you." With that, the old man glanced at him, and this Sea Clan was a little bit spineless.

Looking at Human Race, he felt too impudent to not see him in his eyes, but looking at Sea Clan, he felt that this person was too spineless and lost their Sea Clan face. In short, he was dissatisfied.

"Is being ignored, are you upset?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The old man was choked, he definitely couldn't admit it, otherwise, where would I put my face?

"What you took is the old man's things, don't hurry back." The old man said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at him with bright eyes, as if staring at some treasure.

"What do you want to do?!" The old man was a little dumbfounded. It was the first time I saw people who disrespect him...Wait, after waiting for so many years, they seem to be the first to break in. people!

When the old man thinks this way, he feels sore in his heart. What kind of thing is this? I have been waiting here for so many years for nothing.

"You are not a daoist, are you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man's heart trembled. How could he be seen through by a Human Race if his machine is so real?

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The old man said so, Xiao Guoguo looked all around.

"Look at this all around, there is no sea water. Can a Sea Clan stay in the sea for a long time?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the old man was stunned. It was... it turned out to be for this reason. Guess it?

"Also, you have no breathing, and no bloodline beating. These are all too fake! Do you think I will be scared facing a robot? I will return these treasures to you? "

Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man's face was very ugly. He did it mechanically and thought he had no weak spot, how could this woman see it at a glance!

"What nonsense are you talking about! The senior obviously has breathing and the sound of bloodline beating!" Yinjun couldn't believe that he hadn't distinguished that this was a mechanical general! This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Those are all fake and confusing! If you don't believe me, I will show it to you." Xiao Guoguo said he wanted to do it, but the worry-free old man stopped him.

"Not impudent, this is a mechanical Great Grandmaster." The worry-free old man's voice was very flat, but Xiao Guoguo still stopped. It was not that she was obedient, but that she didn't want to really offend the machine in front of her. Great Grandmaster, just go down the stairs.

Seriously, they are for treasure hunting, not for revenge!

Whether this person is a real Sea Clan or a mechanical general, as long as he doesn't trouble him and prevents her from releasing the collected machinery, then everyone is still good friends.

Otherwise, she will turn her face!

"Cough cough, those tattered ones, you can take them if you like them."

The old man changed his words immediately, for fear that Xiao Guoguo would really have to do it. His choice made Yinjun deeply confused. Is what Xiao Guoguo said true?

And the old man looked at the worry-free old man again, and deeply nodded: "Your mechanical skills are already very high. You don't need to get anything from me, and I can't teach you."

What the old man said, Xiao Guoguo looked at the worry-free old man, but saw him said with a bitter smile on his face: "Thanks Senior for such praise."

But Xiao Guoguo still looks It's out, it's simply not the same thing. Xiao Guoguo could feel that the worry-free old man was rejected, but the reason for rejection was better.

"And you...yes, really good! It's a pity, you are a Human Race." The old man began to struggle, and Xiao Guoguo probably understood when he looked at him.

This old man wants to choose someone to teach his skills among those who pass the test! Otherwise, the worry-free old man will not be disappointed, the Yinyun will not be so jealous, and the white beard old man will not be entangled.

"I haven't consulted the senior surname." Xiao Guoguo became more respectful to the old man in front of him because of Chi Xuan, which made him secretly proud.

"Does your Human Race know the name of the old man?" The old man said so, Xiao Guoguo closed his eyes slightly and raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" Xiao Guoguo stomped, and the old man saw that there was a deep hole on the ground, and then watched her move her fingers, just like every time she was about to destroy the mechanical beast Looks like, the old man swallowed.

"But old man is not an unreasonable person. Since you want to know so much, I will tell you. Old man's real name is Shiran, and his nickname is Mechanical Hand!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." So you still have a fake name? Also, what is the nickname of the mechanical saint! But anyway, he believed Xiao Guoguo, anyway, the name is just a code name.

"Shito senior, don't you like him?" Xiao Guoguo asked, pointing his finger at Chi Xuan.

"I am Shiran, not Shiran senior!" Shiran was unhappy, and how did this little girl come from, so rampant.

"This is not important, the important thing is that besides us, has anyone come in for so many years?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, Shiran didn't say anything, so For many years, no one else had come in, but he didn't want Xiao Guoguo to know about it.

"Why no one has come in? It's just that their aptitude is average, and the old man doesn't want to teach them my mechanics." Shi Ran said that, without realizing it, he was being talked about by Xiao Guoguo. .

Sure enough, she wants to teach mechanics. She is not interested in this thing, but Chi Xuan seems to like it very much. Since Chi Xuan likes it, she will naturally by fair means or foul... Bah , I did everything possible to help Chi Xuan achieve this wish.

"So, you are not in a hurry?" Xiao Guoguo said with a funny face, the Shiran senior raised his chin and said nothing.

Why is he not in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, why bother with them? If they had come thousands of years earlier, he would simply not consider it when facing a Human Race.

But now, after waiting so long, he is really a little scared. What if you wait for thousands of years?

"Don't worry, if you don't accept the person in front of you, I can guarantee that no one can enter here in the future." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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