
  Chapter 1718 Salamander Sober

Huya hid in the crowd and never spoke, she could think of it The way to bring Xiao Guoguo and the others in. However, as Sea Clan Princess, it is always not good for her to do so.

Now by chance, this man is willing to help, and she has no reason to stop it, only if this is Xiao Guoguo's good luck, she is not sorry Sea Clan for doing so.

Xiao Guoguo also knew that Xiuya was embarrassed, so he cooperated with the worry-free old man and asked the man to open the barrier for them. And this man was also savvy and took the initiative to take out a few beads, but these beads were transparent tears.

"You should have been expelled, you got this thing!" The worry-free old man sighed, but the man was coldly snorted.

"You are the ones who want to go in. Now you are the one who pretends to be. If you don't want to, then forget it. I keep this thing for great use." The man said so, but he didn't dare I really put these beads away, but put them in my hands.

"Come on." The worry-free old man said sighed, and then sent it to everyone.

"These beads are good things. These are the tears that we seapeople will only shed when they fall. The cultivation base and insights of a lifetime are in it, and ordinary people can't get it." The man is so. While talking, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

"Then who can get it?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man was taken aback, his face flushed.

"The king, every time a new king appears, you can obtain these beads. However, the king will not really take all of these away, but will leave a part of it as a life-saving medicine ingredient." No Those who worry about the elderly answer Xiao Guoguo's questions.

Men also didn't expect, worry-free old people know so clearly. He didn't say a word, watching the worry-free old man explain to Xiao Guoguo and they wanted to see what the worry-free old man knew.

"If the clansman of Sea Clan is seriously injured, the general medicine pill is difficult to heal, but they found that these tears have a magical effect. They put these tears on the wound, as long as there is a trace of vitality , Can be saved! So these things are strictly guarded, this guy actually got so many."

After the worry-free old man finished speaking, he saw the man raised his head and looked very proud. . Xiao Guoguo thought, this guy is probably not a good person, what is right or wrong, simply doesn't care, and he is not ashamed of what he has done.

"Who did you keep these things for?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, the man indifferently.

"I am going to heal my own injuries. Who knows what dangers I will encounter when I go out alone? I'm just in case." The man replied, but Xiao Guoguo didn't believe it at all.

When he shoots a dozen, no one knows how much he still has. Besides, since this man has been expelled, doesn't he want to retaliate?

Xiao Guoguo's thoughts Chi Xuan daoist can also feel that they are becoming more careful with this man. Huya and Fei Zhuo were even more angry. They really didn't expect that there would be such a scum among clansman!

"Be patient, I have to borrow a few scales from you to use it." The worry-free old man said that the man complexion changed, the old man didn't even believe him.

The worry-free old man did not believe him, so he took off a few scales from the man and gave them to everyone, so that they could carry it with them just in case.

The scales have not only the breath of a man, but also the fluctuation of his cultivation base and spiritual power. If you pass the barrier in your hand, it should be foolproof.

"I'll go the first one, you guys be careful." The worry-free old man said so, and the first one walked over.

Everyone saw the barrier shining twice, but the worry-free old man passed by, and everyone felt at ease, and walked over one by one.

Han Meng and Xiao Guoguo stayed and looked at the man. The man was anxious to see everyone leaving, and said to Xiao Guoguo: "If you don’t bring me, there are more barriers inside. You simply can’t get through!"

The man said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him and said: "Let these monster beasts go."

Xiao Guoguo was stunned with a word, what is this? mean? He didn't understand why Xiao Guoguo suddenly made such a request at this time. What do these monster beasts have to do with her?

"It's not that I don't want to let them go, but that the sea flute was taken away by you. I can't help it." The man said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at the monster beasts around, but forgot at this point.

So Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand and took the salamander directly into his own space, and the rest was no longer paid attention to. Then she grabbed the man and walked in directly.

From this look, the man couldn't understand why Xiao Guoguo only caught a monster beast and left.

Enter barrier Xiao Guoguo and look around all around. This great hall is very primitive, because of the protective barrier, it is actually dry and there is no water at all. Therefore, the great hall is very intact. It seems to have been sealed by time, leaving no trace.

"This great hall should have been built by Sea Clan back then. I really want to know what treasures are hidden in it." The man's eyes were full of enthusiasm, looking at this great hall, like these years The wish was finally achieved.

"Don't talk nonsense, wake up this monster beast first." Xiao Guoguo simply didn't have the mind to listen to what emotion he expressed, only one thing in mind, that is, to wake up the salamander first.

"What does this monster beast have to do with you?" The man looked at Xiao Guoguo curiously and asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at him coldly smiled, this man with a smile on his face is clever, what do these mean, Why does this woman look at him smiling so treacherously?

"Ah...what did you pull out my scales!" The man looked at Xiao Guoguo in disbelief, how dare she just pull out his scales! Really think he is a bully!

"Does it hurt?" Xiao Guoguo asked seriously, and the man was angry.

"What do you think! This is scale!" The man roared, how could it not hurt, he was sweating in pain.

"Knowing that it hurts you, you will be blind! Hurry up and wake it up, or I will pull all the scales off your body!" Xiao Guoguo said, his manly face flushed...but , Heroes can't eat the shortcomings in front of them.

"I need a sea flute." The man felt helpless, and the worry-free old man put the sea flute in his mouth. As expected, the blue beads began to emit rays of light in circles.

Xiao Guoguo They didn't hear any sound, but the salamander who hadn't reacted suddenly shook his head, looking at everything all around with a bewildered expression.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

Xiao Guoguo looked at the salamander like a bear, didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It can’t be the same as the normal Spirit Beast. At this time, it threw down the owner’s feet and weeping bitter tears for comfort?

"Oh, I remember! I am the Salamander King, I am the underground king, the master of the lava... haha, I am free at last!"

Salamander After shouting, I saw Xiao Guoguo's gaze despising it, and a clever mind in his mind, this is...Master? Why are the masters here? Haven't they been missing for hundreds of years? Hey, why is it underwater!

"Master, water! There is water everywhere outside here!"

The salamander rushed to Xiao Guoguo's feet, burying his head on the ground with a look of horror. It seems like this can escape reality. Xiao Guoguo looked helplessly, what kind of life treasure Spirit Beast this was, she had admitted sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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