
  Chapter 1716 Scale

Xiao Guoguo discovered that since entering the cultivation world, she has heard all kinds of tricks Threat, this man's threat level is relatively low, but his risk index is high. Don't ask why, Xiao Guoguo feels that way, the man in front of him is extremely dangerous.

"Who are you?" Chi Xuan asked, taking a step forward, blocking Xiao Guoguo halfway up.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan's back, knowing that Chi Xuan felt the same as her, and felt that the man was very dangerous, so she blocked her.

But does this work? Xiao Guoguo Look at the monster beasts who are all around controlled. Even if they die, they don't feel anything. This man's methods are terrifying. Moreover, these monster beasts are dead, and the monster beasts on the opposite side have no reaction at all. It seems that they have completely lost their minds.

"I am the master here!" The man said so, Xiao Guoguo's heart moved.

"Are you Sea Clan?" Xiao Guoguo said, the other party was stunned, and then he he he laughed.

"Aiya, didn't expect you guys are very smart!" The man said so, slowly taking off his hat and mask, and it turned out that he was indeed a Sea Clan from his appearance, but, There is a strange mark on his forehead.

"The two over there, aren't you also Sea Clan? They are both clansman, what do they hide their heads and show their tails!" The man looked at Xiuya and Feizhuo far behind Xiao Guoguo and said.

Xiao Guoguo’s secret way is not good, this man knows that they have Sea Clan here, and such unscrupulous threats, it’s obvious that he simply doesn’t care about the life and death of these two kinsmen, otherwise he wouldn’t directly point it out. Their identity.

"You are a traitor to Sea Clan, and you dare to be rampant here!" Huya and Feizhuo did not speak, but the worry-free old man stood up and looked at the man in front of him, so mocking.

"I'm talking to seapeople, what are you doing as an old man?" The man asked, watching the worry-free old man squinting his eyes slightly.

The man looked at everyone in front of him, and his heart was not at ease. Because the combination in front of him is very unusual. Among them are Sea Clan and Human Race, but it is a very strange thing that they can cooperate with such a tacit understanding.

And the old man who stood up just now was an old man from Human Race, he could feel the other person's cultivation base, it seemed deep and unmeasurable. Moreover, as soon as he opened his mouth, he pointed out that he was a traitor to Sea Clan, which was even more wrong.

But the man was worried for a moment, and then relieved himself. No matter they are who, he has a treasure in his hands, and no matter how powerful they are, they are nothing but chess pieces.

"You must have committed a terrible mistake before being expelled by Sea Clan. Now what face is here to call yourself the owner of this place!" The worry-free old man asked, and sound transmission gave Everyone, let them be careful.

Because he felt that this man has a very high cultivation base, and that so many Sea Beasts and monster beasts are driven by him, even if he has the treasure of Sea Clan in his hand, it also makes countless Sea Beasts afraid of Sea. Clan's treasure!

Everyone's expressions tightened, looking at the man opposite, they didn't know what to do. It's just that this man didn't entangle them but kept staring at Feizhuo and Huya.

"I heard that Sea Clan had clansman captured recently. Could it be that you did it?" The man said that with a bright light in his eyes, he just wanted to see how these two seapeople are. What kind of identity, don't be caught by any great character.

After hearing this, Xiao Guoguo and everyone surrounded Xiuya, for fear that the man would see something. At this time, Fei Zhuo took the initiative to pull off his veil and stood up.

"You are really interesting, where does Sea Clan come from here?" After Fei Zhuo finished speaking, Huya also walked out and pulled her veil down.

The man was stunned. This is not right. He clearly felt the breath of the same clan. These two people are the breath of Sea Clan! But how can these two people grow up like this... Why are they so ugly?

Sea Clan, regardless of age, looks very good, just like a law. But let alone the ugly appearance of these two people, they also don't have the characteristics of Sea Clan, which is really weird!

"No, you are lying to me! You dare to swindle me! You dare to swindle me!" When the man said, he had to do it. A ray of light shot in his hand appeared. Obviously he was prepared for it. Kill them all here.

But without waiting for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to defend, the worry-free old man's crutches dropped suddenly. With just this one, everyone felt a powerful force appearing from the worry-free old man, the crutches suddenly became extremely heavy, and the sea water all around turned into ropes, binding the man.

Everyone: "..." It looks so awesome, why did you lose all of a sudden?

The man is really impossible to move even a little bit. Although he struggles hard, it is useless. He never thought that this worry-free old man was such a powerful cultivation base.

"Who are you!" The man asked hard, but the next moment, the worry-free old man silenced his voice, and the man could only make two wu wu.

"Hand over your sea flute!" The worry-free old man said so. The man looked scared. How could a Human Race know the treasure of their Sea Clan?

"wu wu!" The man shook his head frantically, obviously uncooperative. Xiao Guoguo smiled, it seems that this man hasn't figured out his own situation yet.

"If you don't hand it over, I will remove all your scales and cut your ears. No one will recognize you as a Sea Clan anymore!" Said the worry-free old man, and the man was frightened. Looked at him.

He is also a vicious and merciless person, but he has never encountered anyone more cruel than him. The old man clearly knew his weakness, and now he held it tightly and refused to let go.

The man resisted for a while. From his expression, he could tell that he was unwilling, even provocative. Xiao Guoguo felt that this man was so stupid because he had never really been taught by others. Now, provoking at this time is tantamount to having trouble with him.

Sure enough, the worry-free old man did not show any mercy, and pulled off a piece of the man's scales directly! This scale is silver, which can be seen to be different from the Royal Family. Xiao Guoguo thought, the silver scales don't know what level it is.

The man's face is very painful. Their Sea Clan scales are treasures. Once they are pulled off, it will cause great harm to them, and his cultivation base will be affected.

"One piece of Sea Clan scales will fall, and the cultivation base will fall a little bit. I want to see, you, Level 2 Immortal Venerable's cultivation base, can withstand a few times!"

Xiao Guoguo once guessed that the cultivation base of the speechless elders is the peak of Xianzun, or the Saint Realm of Early-Stage. Now it seems that the guess is right, a Level 2 Immortal Venerable is being bullied by him, the cultivation base of the worry-free old man must not be weak.

"wu wu!" Sea Clan's man was not reconciled. He looked at the worry-free old man with very resentful eyes. He didn't understand, who told him such a big secret!

"Want to know how I knew? Tell you, I didn't have you when I was on Sea Clan!" Said the worry-free old man and pulled out another scale.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo suddenly thought of the three red scales in the hands of the worry-free old man. She actually wanted to know how did the scales come from?

Is it really the Sea Clan king who gave him it? Or is it that they used to be not so friendly, and they were also unplugged by him like this?

(End of this chapter)

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