
  Chapter 1711 is on the move

Everyone watched Xiao Guoguo entire group leave and took away their boss , My heart is very unstable. They actually want to follow, why doesn't the boss let them go?

"Everyone listened to me, Old Mu followed in because he has confidence in his own strength, but we can't, the place is too dangerous, let's wait for them outside."


The person who spoke was Mu Ju's deputy who had been following him. He was best at calming people's hearts before being left by Mu Ju. They were ready to hunt monsters in the vicinity and waited for Xiao Guoguo to come out by the way, but they were not going to go far anyway.

Xiao Guoguo entire group walked inside, and only then noticed that the plants here are very unusual, because the worry-free old man and Xiuya have never seen it. Under the sea, there are plants that resemble trees, and they are so green that they are fresh and fresh.

"What are these all are?" The White City Lord also increased his vigilance. Looking at these strange plants, no one could answer her because no one knew.

"Everyone, be careful, these may hurt people." The worry-free old man warned everyone, everyone retracted themselves and did not touch these things.

Mu Xiao can only stand beside Chi Xuan. He wants to protect Xiao Guoguo. However, Chi Xuan doesn’t give him this opportunity at all. He occupies the most important position beside Xiao Guoguo, while the moon stands on the other side. Wood.

Walking down like this, Xiao Guoguo discovered that these trees did not attack them, which is really strange. And the farther you go, the more trees and plants there will be, and the fewer roads they can pass.

"The map indicates that the treasure is here, but after we walked for so long, why didn't we find anything?" Yuemu also took over the seabed abyss, it was too big.

If they are hunting treasure on the ground, the location of the treasure will always be within a hundred miles of the vicinity, right? But it's not here. It is estimated that there may be treasure hiding places within a few hundred miles nearby, because it is too big...that fork occupies such a large area!

"Have you found that these trees seem to be moving?" Xiao Guoguo said, everyone was taken aback, what did that mean?

"Did it really move?" Qingyun daoist looked all around, staring at a tree for a long time, as if it didn't move.

"It moved, this tree just now, we passed by." Chi Xuan said, everyone looked at him puzzled, why are you so sure?

"No, I didn't seem to move." Qingyun Daoist still believed in his own judgment.

"It's not the tree that moved, but the ground. We have been walking, but we didn't realize that the ground was moving." Chi Xuan said, and Yuemu was not convinced.

"How is it possible, if the ground moves, can we not feel it?" Yuemu asked, everyone was nodded, they really didn't feel it.

"Because the trees here are different from the ones just now." Chi Xuan said, everyone was stunned, why are they different?

"There is no difference between so many trees, why are you sure they are different?" Yuemu asked, and everyone wanted to see Chi Xuan's answer.

"The tree just now didn't have fruit, this one has." Chi Xuan pointed to the tree in front of him and said.

Everyone: "..." You are serious! With a few strange fruits?

"That doesn't mean anything, maybe the tree just now doesn't grow as good as this one, so it doesn't have fruit!" Yuemu turned her head when she said it, and then realized that it was wrong.

No, there are fruits on the tree that I walked just now! But when they walked by just now, it was clear that there should be nothing on those trees, how come they suddenly appeared!

"I saw these fruits a few minutes ago and I wondered if I could eat them, but when I turned my head, I found that those Fruit Trees are full of fruits. Simply not the way we walked, we seemed to enter It’s a new area, and it’s changing all the time."

Chi Xuan said that everyone was heart trembled. If the earth is slowly turning around, why haven’t they noticed it? Xiao Guoguo suddenly flew up while watching all around, she wanted to see what was happening outside.

"Come down, it's dangerous up there!" Said the worry-free old man, but Xiao Guoguo continued to ascend, bowing his head and looking down, sure enough, this is a huge basin.

"This place is so big, you can't see the slight sway, you hurry down!" Bai City Lord also persuaded that, Xiao Guoguo looked all around, and then it fell.

"Why are you so courageous, what if you run into the great Sea Beast." The White City Lord said so, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"If we really run into the powerful Sea Beast, it will be useless for us to be afraid. We might as well kill it now to avoid future troubles!" The killing firmness of Xiao Guoguo's words surprised Bai City Lord. Xiao Guoguo's personality is really hard to guess.

"Did you move?" The worry-free old man is most concerned about this issue, and there is no point in investigating the other things.

"Move, our spaceship can be used as a reference, this place is indeed moved. We are now on the left side of the entrance, about forty-five degrees!"

Xiao Guoguo is a road idiot, how can he remember the road, but their spaceship is a good reference, Xiao Guoguo suddenly found something wrong.

"How could this be? Then why don't we feel it?" Wenwen is puzzled, they have been away for a day, what is going on?

"It is estimated that the whole continent is rotating, but the speed is very slow, we can't find it. If we still want to go in the direction of the map, we need to find the right direction and angle. !"

Song Xing said so, everyone looked at him, they have a Zhiduo star here, which is really a good thing.

"But, as the distance is far, we can't see the spaceship, and this green tree, have you discovered that it can isolate Divine Consciousness?" Chi Xuan asked, and everyone hurriedly released I went out with Divine Consciousness, and sure enough, I couldn't feel anything, I could only feel the things within several hundred meters nearby.

"So, we need to plot against well, plot against good time and entrance." Xiao Guoguo said and looked at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan nodded.

"One day, one night has moved so much, if we want to enter that entrance next time, we need to enter on the fourth day! If we missed it on the fourth day, that is..."

Xiao Guoguo is counting with his fingers, Song Xing has already opened the mouth and said: "On the eighth day!"

"Yes, the eighth day! I just don't know what's inside. What, can we persist until the eighth day. This tree has blocked our Divine Consciousness, and it may be that we have cut off contact with each other. So listen carefully, we can’t disperse, even if it’s a battle, don’t Disperse."

Xiao Guoguo speculates carefully. She would rather guess wrong by herself, and don’t want anyone to be dispersed. If such a big forest really can’t find a team, then It is a very dangerous thing.

"Okay, we know." Everyone said that. When they look at the green trees, they feel more and more dangerous. What are these and what kind of dangers are waiting for them? .

Seabed, there is not much difference between day and night. People in the abyss know this, and they are used to it. But everyone did not expect that this valley is different. When night comes, this valley is black.

(End of this chapter)

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