
  Chapter 1704 Escape

He has killed the messenger, if it is Mu Shao, he will still hold on , Then they will inevitably fight, when the time comes, whoever suffers may be at a loss!

Mu Xiao glanced at Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo coldly smiled. This person didn't say anything before he arrived. How could he let him run when he arrived?

"If we don't want to forget it, what will you do?" Xiao Guoguo stood up and asked, then Huo Lie glanced at her.

"Let's talk about things, what do you mix with a woman? Mu Ju, you can't look at it, this woman is too ordinary!" Huo Lie was reluctant to look at Xiao Guoguo more. The expression, didn't know whether to cry or laugh for Xiao Guoguo, he still has a high eye.

"Huo Lie, shut up, this is my boss!" As soon as Mu Ju said this, Huo Lie was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked at Xiao Guoguo seriously.

"Your boss? You found a primary level Immortal Master to be the boss? Haha, Muju, why are you so bad at all! How to choose the boss, you should also find a fairy. Ah, how do you choose a boss who is worse than you?"

What Huoxue said this time was sincere. He didn't understand why Mu Jiu chose a lower level than himself. Boss, isn’t it okay to find things? Could it be that he lacks a boss!

"Huohun, I don't bother you to worry about my business." Mu Ju said so, and he will know why he chose this boss in a moment.

"Hehe, I don't worry, I just want to tell you, if you lack the boss, I can reluctantly accept you and the people under your hand." Huohun finished speaking and shook his hand. Magic weapon, in fact, he is not afraid of fighting.

There are one hundred and fifty people under him, and they are all outlaws, and his level is higher than Muju's. They fight, at most both sides suffer, and he will definitely not lose!

"That won't work, they are all mine now, you can't take it away." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone came out from the cabin one after another, because they had already seen it Now, Xiao Guoguo wants to fight, Xiao Guoguo wants to take down the gang of thieves opposite.

As more and more people walked down, Huohunting was dumbfounded. What kind of situation, why didn't these people appear before? They are really cunning. Now Huo Lie suddenly understood why his secret whistle had made the wrong information, because this group of people was too capable of hiding.

"Where do you come from so many people! Mu Ju, I really underestimated you." Huo Lie said with a bit of resentment, the situation suddenly changed, and his people were not as many as others. Up.

"So, never provoke a spaceship, because you don't know how many people can walk down from this spaceship." Qingyun daoist exclaimed, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him, yes, brother , This statement makes sense.

"hmph! Just hit it, I'm afraid you won't make it!" Fire Hunter said to inquire about the people on Xiao Guoguo's side, and his heart sank slightly. It seems that these people's cultivation base is not low.

Huohun didn't know that Han Meng and Bai City Lord still didn't come out in the cabin. They were afraid they might show up too early and scared them away.

"I don't like people who break the rules, fire hunting, you are too arrogant and very ruthless. Do you behave in this seabed abyss because you think no one can control you? Your group Human life, do you think it must be under your control?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Huo Lie looked at her with murderous aura in her eyes, and the woman started to provoke the separation between him and her men.

He naturally knew that these people didn't really obey him, they were just afraid of him. However, he never took the lives of these people in his eyes, they were all his pawns, and just grabbed them when they were used.

"Hehe, they are really under my control, otherwise you can ask them, who dares to betray me!" Huohun said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him and then Everyone.

"Are there any of you who are willing to abandon the shadows and leave this guy from now on?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and everyone looked at each other.

Some of them sincerely wanted to chase after the fire, and some were persecuted. Therefore, everyone thought differently, but at this time, no one dared to say a word.

"Look, they won't leave me, and you don't have to waste your time." Huohun said, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"They dare not, not unwilling. Then I will ask again, are you going to die with the fire hunt, or stand up now and leave him?

I only give one chance. If you don’t stand up now, I will treat you as his accomplices and kill him together without exception. You have to think clearly, now it’s still too late to escape!"

Xiao Guoguo said so Now, more than one hundred and fifty people under her have taken out magic weapons. It's not a nuisance, they are serious. If you don't surrender now, you can only die together!

"You dare!" Huo Lie was angry, this woman is splitting his hands.

Fire Hunt definitely didn't want Xiao Guoguo to continue like this, so he threw the golden ring in his hand directly. This golden ring was filled with water spiritual power, and at the moment of attack, countless ice needles were shot in the seawater, facing the vital part of Xiao Guoguo! Such an attack is hidden under the sea and it is difficult to detect.

But Xiao Guoguo never dodges. With a single tap of her finger, a huge ice shield appeared in the sea. This ice shield directly shielded more than a hundred people and spaceship behind her. And those ice thorns simply couldn't penetrate.

"You are also a Water Spiritual Root!" Huo Lie was surprised that Xiao Guoguo actually blocked all his attacks and never hurt her or her people. Her Immortal Master is not high, but she didn't expect spiritual power to be sufficient.

"Under the sea, Water Spiritual Root is always more convenient." Xiao Guoguo said so and looked at everyone, his eyes seemed to be asking, they regret not regret.

The fire hunt sneak attack failed, and Jin Huan returned to his hands. At this moment, one person stood up. This man didn't speak, and never flew to Xiao Guoguo's side, but quickly started to flee!

He doesn't want to participate in the fight between the two parties, so now it is his most direct choice to escape. Xiao Guoguo saw that he was slightly smiled. With the first one, there will be a second one.

"Asshole, let me see how you escape!" Huohun couldn't tolerate anyone betraying him, and threw the golden ring in his hand at the man. At this time, Xiao Guoguo also threw out the silver frost in his hand.

The two magic weapons collided in the air, and with a bang, a wave of water was stirred up. The cultivation base was hurt by this, and he spits out mouthful of blood directly.

However, because of Xiao Guoguo's obstruction, Huoxue couldn't punish the opponent, and the man had already run away. In other words, the escape was finally successful!

Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, holding a long spear in his hand and said: "If you want to escape, take advantage of it now!"

After Xiao Guoguo said this, he directly attacked the fire hunt, but None of Xiao Guoguo's people moved. They were giving the opposing person a chance. If you want to run, just take advantage of it.

Sure enough, Xiao Guoguo fought with the fire hunt, and people began to flee quickly. They didn't want to follow the fire hunt for evil, and now they have the opportunity to run quickly!

"You dare to betray the boss, I will kill you!" The loyal man who was loyal to Fire Hunter saw this and hurriedly blocked it, but Chi Xuan attacked with a flame, and the other party did not dare to continue blocking it.

(End of this chapter)

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