
  Chapter 1700 Trouble

The man carrying the knife didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be the first to think It turned out to be this. Some didn't know whether to cry or laugh. They don't know what Sea Beast is surrounding them, right?

"Go ahead, this is the big trouble you want to avoid?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask the man carrying the knife.

"Yes, this guy chased us all the way. It's been 3rd day. Let him find it. Now, I guess it will hurt you."

The man said so So, after all, I feel a little sorry, although their hearts are very cold, but it is still a bit sad to involve Xiao Guoguo and the others in this way.

"Stop talking nonsense like this, I just ask you, if I save your lives, are you willing to serve me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man was stunned, this woman Is it crazy?

"Are you crazy? You are a primary level Immortal Master, where did you come from this kind of ability?" The man said, looking up and down Xiao Guoguo, very disdainful.

"Whether I can do that is my business, dare you dare to agree, it is your business! Don't you often say, life-saving grace, it's your job?"


Everyone: "..." That is life-saving grace, devote one's life to! But having said that, devote one's life to is almost the same as retribution.

"Okay! If you can really save our lives this time, the lives of all one hundred and twelve of us are yours!" The man said so, he was very refreshing. He agreed, Xiao Guoguo smiled in his heart.

And at this time, a huge object moved towards spaceship smashed over. The worry-free old man took advantage of this opportunity to violently pull the joystick, and saw that their spaceship seemed to be suddenly upgraded. It flew out with a swish, extremely fast.

Everyone: "..." What happened just now!

Xiao Guoguo held the cabin very calmly, so he didn't fall, and the rest of the people fell stumblingly, and now they got up from the floor. Looking at the fast-moving scenery around, they couldn't believe, when will this spaceship have this speed!

"This is impossible! Why is this ship so fast!" The man looked surprised and looked at Xiao Guoguo with anger as she plot against them!

"It's so fast, our spaceship is an upgraded version!" Xiao Guoguo finished talking and looked at the front. She had already told Wuyou old man that she could not hurt her ship, so even if she wanted To fight Sea Beast, you have to hide the ship.

"You are scamming! You didn't go out to kill that Sea Beast!" The man shouted, Xiao Guoguo looked at him faintly smiled.

"I just said that I saved your lives. I didn't say that I was going to kill that Sea Beast." The man who Xiao Guoguo said was speechless, as if it was really the same.

But just like this, they became subordinates. They didn't feel reconciled after all. The man carrying the knife looked at Xiao Guoguo and didn't speak any more. After all, they are still running for their lives. I don't know if they can get rid of the Sea Beast.

"There is a cave in front, let's go in." Xiao Guoguo said, the worry-free old man nodded, their thoughts are the same.

Here is seabed, there are caves but there are not many, and Coral Mountain is too fragile for them to hide, so they searched for a long time before they found this cave.

The cave is very deep. As the spaceship goes all the way down, everyone looks at the dark water a little disturbed. Can we really escape the Sea Beast here? The man and his men are even more worried, they don't know if they can escape this time.

Sure enough, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, they still heard the movement. They wanted to find the Sea Beast for a while, but finally they found them. Xiao Guoguo heard the movement, holding the Life and Death Sword in his hand, ready to go out.

"I'll go too, I haven't been out for a long time!" Han Meng said quickly, Xiao Guoguo looked at her nodded.

In addition, the White City Lord stood up. Since everyone is on the same boat, they can't be separated from each other. Although she knew that Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng were almost the same, she stood up after all.

"I'll go too, and I will move my muscles and bones." Bai City Lord asked so, Xiao Guoguo did not refuse.

Seeing the three women walking out like this, the man carrying the knife was stupid. Are these women crazy? But no matter if they are crazy or not, he is a big man who can't do what he is hiding in a woman to charge and fight!

"Brothers, come with me to help!" The man said that he wanted to go out, but Chi Xuan grabbed his arm, simply unable to move even a little bit.

"She let you in, you can't go out." Chi Xuan said so, the man was very unconvinced.

"You are all bullshit, I am not! I tell you, you refuse to go out, let's go out!" The man said, Chi Xuan glanced at him, and then a few sword qi appeared, directly Aimed at various vital parts of the man.

Everyone: "..." Who is this! Their boss was suddenly controlled by the other party.

"If you dare to do it, come now, I am not afraid of death!" The man is crazy, not afraid of Chi Xuan at all, so Chi Xuan glanced at him with a smile on his mouth, a sword qi It pierced directly into the man's thigh.

"Ah! You really pierced!" The man didn't expect, Chi Xuan was so cruel, he actually pierced him.

"You let me do it." Chi Xuan's expression was very innocent, and then looked at the others, everyone sat down quietly, the boss was in the hands of others, and they had nothing to do.

"But brother, don't you really want us to help? Can those three women beat that Sea Beast?" Boss Gao can't understand, why not let them help, the one outside looks like It's a great Sea Beast!

"No, we have a trump card by our side, so don't worry about it." Chi Xuan said so, Boss Gao was even more worried.

Along the way, these people didn't behave particularly well, how come they suddenly became amazing? He felt like he was being cheated all the time.

But since their treasure hunt together, Boss Gao only knows that Xiao Guoguo is much better than what they have shown, but he is not sure how good they are. Today it seems that they have to change their perceptions again.

"Hehe, trump card? Any trump card is useless. Outside it is a sea beast equivalent to the fairy tale period! That is a unicorn golden flame beast!"

One said that Boss Gao is not calm, a unicorn golden flame beast that is equivalent to the immortal reverence period, how powerful it is! Even if they are all gone, they are probably not the opponents of that Sea Beast!

"Then I will go and help." Wenwen said and stood up. No one stopped her, she went out alone.

Everyone: "..." The people in this boat are so strange, all hiding behind the woman?

But no matter what they thought, Chi Xuan didn't let anyone go down, and Xiao Guoguo watched Wenwen come and didn't say anything, just because Sea Beast was getting closer and closer to them. .

This white City Lord is a sturdy man, but the moment he sees this Sea Beast still feels tight, why is this guy so big? Look at that eye, it turns out to be golden!

(End of this chapter)

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