
  Chapter 1697 Waiting

In Xiao Guoguo’s heart, the threat of the abyss has always existed. And it is very strong, which makes Xiao Guoguo always have a sense of rejection here, and is very cautious.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Wenwen asked.

"How many vortex are there from First Area to Second Area?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Huya was faintly laughed.

"I don't know how many there are, even Sea Clan has never actually counted these." Huya felt very comfortable under the sea, and she had never felt uncomfortable at all.

"In other words, we may be caught a lot less." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, Xiuya hurriedly nodded.

It is not easy to intercept them here, because there are too many entrances, unless they have thousands of people, looking at all entrances, otherwise it is simply impossible.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that even if they guard these entrances, they may not be able to catch them, because these entrances are a few hundred thousand li apart, and no one can do one step. Just step over.

The seabed abyss is not a big plane, it is incomparable to dozens of huge planes gathered together.

"Then where are we going this time?" Huya asked. Naturally, she wanted to go home as soon as possible, but they didn’t know if there were any chasing soldiers or interceptions ahead, so they had to be cautious. . Now that they are here to discuss these things, they are also avoiding the entire group of the tall boss.

"We will stay in the second Sea Territory for a while and we won't be on our way anymore." Xiao Guoguo's answer made Xia a little disappointed, but she knew that this woman was smart and was not comparable to her, so Willing to be obedient.

Xiao Guoguo laughed after seeing that Xiuya and Feizhuo never objected. Although they are Sea Clan, they are willing to listen to them and not trouble them. This is good. Now that we are together, if we can't work with a common purpose, there will be big problems.

"Old man, what do you think?" Xiao Guoguo asked the worry-free elderly, this is her respect for the worry-free elderly.

"That's good, that person is Saint Realm, he must be much faster than us. We can't run them. If they don't chase, we just go back later, if they chase, This is the best policy for us.

We will stay here for a while, and slow down so that we don’t go too fast. If we can gather with cultivators, it’s best. "The worry-free old man said so, and the White City Lord didn't understand.

"A Sea Clan, is it really worth chasing for so long? These people are too greedy." The White City Lord came down to hunt for treasure, and he was running for his life along the way.

If it weren’t for her to agree to send Sea Clan back, I’m afraid it’s going to part ways with Xiao Guoguo. After all, the enemy they face is too powerful.

"Don't be greedy, how can you do such a thing regardless of everyone's life and death." Xiao Guoguo said, looking ahead.

"Then we can't lose money, right?" Bai City Lord looked at Xiao Guoguo, but they were going to find the ruins.

"Then let's make money. It's a good thing to join the crowd. It's just that everyone has to keep a low profile during this time." Xiao Guoguo said so, and everyone agreed. The White City Lord was helpless, but it was a good thing to have money.

Boss Gao and they know that Xiao Guoguo entire group is not the same with them, but this is not important. They are here to make money and do not want to cause trouble.

He doesn't care if Xiao Guoguo is who they are, as long as everyone can cooperate. Moreover, they didn't expect Xiao Guoguo. They have such a good spaceship, and they are considered to be touched.

Because spaceship belongs to Xiao Guoguo, Boss Gao and the others did not express different opinions. At least Xiao Guoguo promised them that they would take them to make money. Moreover, they all got into trouble this time, and everyone's interests were the same. Boss Gao didn't worry that Xiao Guoguo would cheat them.

In this way, another half a month of flying time, spaceship gradually slowed down, and everyone began to disembark for activities. This so-called activity is not to stretch the muscles and bones, but to collect the seabed material.

Everything in this deep sea abyss is treasure. These treasures not only refer to the Sea Beast inner core, but naturally also include the special product of this seabed. They passed a colorful area this time, Xiao Guoguo stopped decisively and started collecting.

This seabed is rich in materials. In addition to various ores, there are also various special plants. They don't know whether these plants have medicinal properties, but these things are valuable things after they are taken out.

Sometimes, they will come across huge marine fish, and everyone will kill it without letting it go. You can sell the fish and the skin. Xiao Guoguo saw that Boss Gao is really an expert!

And now there is an additional advantage, that is, this spaceship is very huge, can put a lot of things, they can collect things as much as they want.

In the past, Gao Boss and their collection are incidental, after all, storage space is limited. But this time, Xiao Guoguo and their spaceship was quite shocking, so they were willing to put the collected items on the ship.

Of course, the real valuables are still placed in the storage space.

But even so, Xiao Guoguo still stipulates that not everything can be put on spaceship because they have to pass the vortex. This vortex is also a huge test for spaceship.

Anyway, Boss Gao felt that they had made a profit this time, and they started to enter the Sea Beast domain.

"What kind of Sea Beast is that colorful?" Xiao Guoguo asked with excitement on his face.

"That's a colorful flying fish!" Boss Gao's expression says it all. Although Xiao Guoguo is not familiar enough with Sea Beast here, he can see that Boss Gao's bright eyes represent this Sea Beast. the value of.

"What level is that?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously.

"This equivalent to Level 3 fairy! If we people cooperate, we may be able to catch more than a hundred pieces!" Boss Gao, forget it, the more than one hundred pieces is a high grade of 100,000. Spirit Stone, what came out this time was taken back.

"Then kill it." Xiao Guoguo without the slightest hesitation, Boss Gao arranged more meticulously.

Some of them are responsible for the bait, the big fish they killed before, some are responsible for hunting, and some are even responsible for preventing the spread of blood energy. This is to avoid alarming a large number of Sea Beasts to come and besiege them.

Seeing Boss Gao’s methodical arrangement, Xiao Guoguo admires him very much. He really lives on this and is more cautious. And Xiao Guoguo volunteered and brought the bait to approach those huge colorful flying fish.

It is said that it is a fish, but it is actually Sea Beast. They have sharp teeth. It is said that it is because of bad eyesight.

Xiao Guoguo can't believe this, she always feels that this thing is a means of attack.

The closer Xiao Guoguo gets, the more blood-reeking qi is felt by Xiao Guoguo. It is the nest of these Sea Beasts who want to come here, so there is a lot of food here.

However, this is not the most important thing. This group of Sea Beasts also have to live in clusters. This shows that their level here is not high, otherwise they don’t need to rely on mutual cooperation and quantity to improve. Strength.

"Come on, little fish, I have something delicious for you." Xiao Guoguo said, and took out three sea fish from the storage bag.

Everyone: "..." What are you doing!

(End of this chapter)

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