
  Chapter 1691 was discovered

Of course, Xiao Guoguo is so low-key, not because they can’t beat City Lord Zhao or his helper, but they have to take Sea Clan back smoothly, nothing is important.

"Let’s go, today is the only ship in these five days."

The man said Xiao Guoguo nodded. She knew that even this guild would be within five days. Only one boat will travel, so this time was chosen. Today is the day the ship departs. Of course, their inspections will be extraordinarily strict, if City Lord Zhao also arranged manpower here!

Xiao Guoguo handed over one hundred high grade Spirit Stones, bought ordinary ferry tickets, and followed the man into the crowd. Among them, the man can be regarded as a leader. He is a Level 3 Great Immortal Master. Among these people, he is indeed the one with the highest cultivation base.

"Boss tall, shall we go?" a sturdy man asked. He seemed to have followed this tall boss for a long time, and looked very familiar.

"Let's go, let's set off today, I will take everyone to make money!" The boss Gao said with excitement on his face.

There are too many people in their group, more than 70 people are under his hand, if there are no accidents when going out this time, they should make a lot of money!

"Boss Gao is right!" a woman shouted, standing beside Boss Gao.

Xiao Guoguo took a closer look. About half of these sixty-odd people are under the boss of Gao. They cooperate with each other very tacitly. Standing together, they are familiar with each other.

The remaining thirty-odd people, including a few of them, seem to have been temporarily drawn into the group. If they are not newcomers, they should be lone rangers.

Xiao Guoguo found that there are almost two types of people in this hall. One is that they have their own team to act together. Whether it is taking a task or directly taking a boat, they are all together. What's left is that they are either alone or in groups of three or five. In order to stay together and keep warm, they are not strong enough and can only follow these big teams.

But having said that, the truly powerful team does not seem to absorb outsiders. Since they entered here, they have been in a state of being ignored and despised by anyone. They just waited intently to set off the boat and never whispered to each other.

Everyone looked at their entire group and looked different, some were envious, and some looked down, but no one came up to find fault, after all, there were enough of them.

Xiao Guoguo also saw Wenwen and the worry-free old man. They seemed to have been absorbed by a group of people, and they were getting acquainted with each other. Xiao Guoguo's mouth slightly smiled, they only need to follow this group of people out of here, after entering the abyss of the deep, they will part ways.

Xiao Guoguo closed his eyes and meditated, waiting for the hour, thinking about what might happen for a while. Suddenly I heard a roar in my ears, opened my eyes, and saw everyone standing up. It should be the ship coming.

"The boat is sailing! The boat is sailing! Hurry up, everyone!" A burly man shouted, his eyes swept over the crowd, and everyone looked excited.

The cultivator also pays attention to boarding. Generally, lone rangers are ranked behind, and the Chamber of Commerce’s own person is the first to board. Xiao Guoguo saw a group of people wearing white clothed walking first, and after they left, it was the team behind.

Xiao Guoguo is not surprised to think about it. After all, people with a high cultivation base or rich net worth have their own spaceship, so there is absolutely no need to come here to be aggrieved.

And there were two people standing next to the burly man. One was very fat, and he carefully looked at the crowd on the boat. The thin man had cold eyes, holding something in his hand, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

Xiao Guoguo took a look and wondered if these two people belonged to City Lord Zhao? However, they couldn't recognize Sea Clan, not to mention the Yirongdan they ate, even people close to them would not recognize it.

"You, take off your hat!" As the fatty said so, a group of people ran out behind him, one by one was the Great Immortal Master's cultivation base. Xiao Guoguo sneered, and it seemed that he had guessed it right, and they had really arranged manpower here.

The white City Lord's eyes moved and didn't say anything at all. The City Lord Zhao didn't know that he had climbed onto who, with such a high degree of ability, his hand was stretched into the Chamber of Commerce. The background of the Chamber of Commerce is hard. It is not comparable to City Lords like them. Otherwise, such a Chamber of Commerce cannot be set up at the front entrance of the Abyss.

The people of City Lord Zhao are very active in this city during this time, although it is almost the same without blatant search, she will hide in the small courtyard, although the price of that area Expensive, but no one dares to harass brazenly.

Fortunately, Xiao Guoguo didn't come too slowly. Even so, she has changed seven or eight hiding places. If she doesn't come again, she will really be exposed.

Seeing that it is not the person they are looking for, then fatty can let this person pass. After all, this is the territory of Chamber of Commerce, not theirs.

When they arrived at Xiao Guoguo and their entire group, the man said hello to the brawny man before. They seemed to be very familiar with them. They simply let them go without looking at their waist cards. The speed is extremely fast. .

Several people, Xiao Guoguo, simply didn't wear a cloak or a mask. Instead, they looked very magnanimous. The fatty didn't feel much, so they just let them walk over.

But at this time, the thin man opened his eyes abruptly, and he shouted: "Stop!"

This angry roar, everyone is very confused, what's the situation? Who is this to call! And Xiao Guoguo's heart moved, the secret path is not good, this man is afraid that there is some unique method that can distinguish seapeople.

If anyone can tell the seapeople, then there is only Sea Beast, and it is definitely not a low-level Sea Beast! Xiao Guoguo thought of this in the blink of an eye. His body reacted faster and kicked the man standing in front of him. The man was unstable and knelt on the ground.

At this time, everyone was standing very close. As soon as the man fell, there was a riot. The man overwhelmed the people in front of him, and the entire group was stumbling. As soon as Wenwen raised his hand, the silhouettes of Huya and Feizhuo disappeared in an instant.

The scene became very chaotic in an instant, and everyone began to blame each other. After all, they were in a temporary group, so they were not familiar with each other. They didn't trust each other. Let this thin man shout and the scene was chaotic.

And the White City Lord didn't know what happened just now, he just felt that there was a flash in front of him, as if something had disappeared?

"Don't move!" The thin man yelled, but no one listened, and the union members wanted to maintain order, but simply couldn't get in.

"What's going on! Don't move!" Brawny man also shouted, but everyone would listen to him, and for a moment, everyone began to riot.

(End of this chapter)

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