
  Chapter 1688 is king.

Piece by piece of giant clansman knelt down, they are not religious at all The worship of the king, but the body is not controlled at all! They seemed to be controlled by Wenwen and had to kneel down.

Tens of thousands of horses have such a posture, making Old Chu extremely desperate. This is a who, how could there be such a powerful ability, how could they think of opposing her!

"Bend your head and claim your court, or die!" Wenwen asked so coldly, the people who knelt simply didn't have the courage to resist, and their hearts seemed to be afraid.

"I'm willing to surrender when I wait!" The patriarchs shouted, and they couldn't even look up at Wenwen.

"I'm willing to surrender!" The soldiers shouted, they are here at Successful Dominance, not to die!

"From today, I will be your king." Wenwen continued, everyone still bowed their heads, they couldn't even look up at Wenwen.

"The king is invincible!" The crowd continued to shout, this sentence may not be from the sincerity, but it must be from fear.

Wenwen gently raised his hand, and saw that the kneeling Juli clansman stood up at the same time, and at the same time they also regained control of their bodies.

Everyone looked at Wenwen more frightened, why such a young woman from the Juli clan can control so many of them. If this is the case, what will they say about rebellion in the future, can the other party kill them as long as a single thought?

This idea appeared in my mind, everyone thought it was a bit absurd, impossible, and this woman would definitely not be able to do it! When everyone was swaying, they saw five people swaying forward. They came out of the crowd, it was the patriarch of the five families.

They seem to be choked by someone, they simply don't have the strength to fight back, they are constantly struggling but they keep moving forward. Everyone felt cold all over when they saw it, but five people quickly lost their lives, and in front of so many people, there's no resistance was killed.

"Betrayer, die!" Wenwen's voice was cold, and everyone bowed their heads. No one dared to doubt that she could kill them anymore. They simply disobeyed Wenwen.

Seeing this, Xiao Guoguo only felt that Wenwen was very domineering. Wenwen had done so with the fastest speed and the least cost to end this rebellion.

Afterwards, whether the Five Great Families should be expelled from the king's city or let them be annexed by other forces is the matter afterwards. But basically what can be expected is that the Five Great Families strength great injury this time will no longer be impossible to restore to its previous glory. Even their offspring will be monitored for a long time. If there is a disturbance, it may be an extinction disaster.

Of course, these things are something to say. Now they have cleaned up the mess, and the army outside the city retreats quickly, going back wherever they came from. The people of Five Great Families just hurriedly packed their things, and dísciple began to move out of the city, and all ran away under the cover of the nest.

Wenwen didn't mean to kill everything, but she wouldn't care if they left. The city gate, which had been closed for so long, was reopened. Everyone was excited and felt full of hope because of the appearance of the new king.

Second Prince look at Wenwen, this woman has really become her biological younger sister! She really proved that she is the Juli clansman.

Until First Prince and the Queen were overwhelmed, Second Prince also suddenly realized that all of this has nothing to do with the Queen.

"She really is your daughter." The queen's expression was already very flat at the moment, and there was no bit of resentment in her eyes when she looked at Wenwen.

"She came back like this, are you disappointed?" The king gritted his teeth and asked, the person he hates most now is the queen.

"I didn't want her life back then, otherwise she won't live today." The queen said so, to be honest, Wenwen actually didn't hate her much.

If she hadn't left the Juli clan, she would not have met the boss and Yuemu, and she would not be what she is today. However, the enmity of the biological mother is always to be reported.

"You killed Wenwen's mother, I can't forgive you." The king said so, First Prince finally had an expression, although he knew his sin was inexcusable, or for the queen to intercede.

"Royal Father, please take a look at your son's face and spare your mother!" First Prince shouted, and the king shook his head.

"There must be an explanation for the evil she did, and don't blame me for being cruel." The king said, the queen was taken down, and her results can be imagined. And First Prince was taken away, and Prince is no longer just an ordinary person.

"Wenwen, you are now the king of the Juli clan, I hope you can stay." The king looked at Wenwen, with love in his eyes, but Wenwen shook the head.

"Today I promised to be the king, but I just caught up with it. I nodded in order to end this farce as soon as possible. However, I will not stay here. I have a long time to come. The way is going, please don't embarrass me."

Wen Wen said so, the king was stunned, and the disappointment in his eyes made people see clearly. He couldn't think of the position of a king and couldn't keep the child.

"But you are gone, what should they do if they come again?" The king would not hesitate to sell and beg to stay.

"I believe you have this ability to stop them, and I don't believe that after this time, who would dare to court death." Wenwen said that the king could not go on, the family card is useless .

"Then you can always stay for a while, right?" the king asked again, this time nodded.

They really can't leave right now. They also need a solid cultivation base to complete Transcending Tribulation. This is a period of time when the cultivation base is stabilized and they can leave. Moreover, they need a boat.

Wang Zhe was full of joy because Wenwen agreed, and he didn't notice at all. Wenwen never called him father from start to finish. Second Prince watched with cold eyes, only to feel that this younger sister was deep and unmeasurable and his personality was very cold, and my father might be disappointed.

Second Prince never thought of the king anymore, never jealous of Wenwen, on the contrary, he was very obedient, and treated Wenwen as a king, but with a little more respect.

The news that Wenwen became the king spread throughout the entire Juli clan, and some people questioned it, but all were suppressed by the king. Without Five Great Families, there are really few forces in this giant clan that can compete with the king.

Although it was a change of king in name, he was still the master of the house, and Juli clansman felt a little more comfortable. Moreover, during this period of time, the king comforted clansman one after another, and everyone's mood became much calmer.

Later, there were more and more legends about Wenwen. On the contrary, the clansman were very curious about this new king. Unfortunately, they had never seen Wenwen before.

After that, Xiao Guoguo didn't ask about what happened in the holy pond when the Japanese text, even Qingyun Daoist didn't ask. They knew that Wenwen would tell them without asking her, if she didn't want to mention it, then it was unimportant. If it was unimportant, why bother.

(End of this chapter)

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