
  Chapter 1686 Makes His Position

Xiao Guoguo Look at the king, I don’t want to say anything, this guy It looks like a king on the outside, but in fact it is bronze on the inside.

But this Juli clan's affairs have to be resolved, so Xiao Guoguo glanced at the king and coughed, and the king remembered the business. By the way, to retreat, the people underneath must retreat.

"Cough cough, if you old man dare not come to the challenge, then even if I win." The king said so, everyone was confused, what does it mean to count you won? Where is your face?

This kind of king made everyone very puzzled, and the soldiers underneath seemed to be the king who knew them for the first time. Such a king felt unreliable.

"How can you win! Why do you win!" Old Chu yelled so, the king squinted at him, simply ignored.

"I also know that you feel that I don't deserve to be your king, so you besieged the king. In that case, I won't be the king anymore. Are you satisfied?!" The king suddenly said that. It makes people completely unprepared, this is true and false!

The people below are stupid. They didn't expect that the king would make this decision so easily, so why did they fight for so long? What is the reason for the loss?

And Second Prince, they are also stupid, why on earth did they hold on for so long? How did they come here during this time, how hard and hard, how could the king open his mouth and give up?

"Royal Father! Please think twice!" Second Prince is unwilling, even if he can't inherit the position of the king, there is no reason to make a group of rebels so vainly!

"You shut up." The king said directly to Second Prince, and Second Prince was aggrieved.

At this moment, everyone is looking at the king, wanting to see what he is doing. Only Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen understand the mind of the king, but Wenwen will really agree? Xiao Guoguo looked at Wenwen with some concern. She always felt that if Wenwen didn't work properly, she would hurt the king's face. But Wenwen smiled faintly at her, as if not embarrassed.

"I am no longer the king of the Juli clan from today, but you traitors still have no qualifications! You are unfaithful and ignoring the lives of so many clansman of the Juli clan, Fighting for the throne for one's own selfishness is simply shameless and shameless!"

The king's curse made the faces of patriarchs of several families blush. This is purely to scold them and scold them! He is not the king, but he doesn't make them happy anymore. What is this guy going to do?

"We are doing this for the future of the Juli clan. You are a mediocre person who is not worthy of being a king!" Old Chu cursed like this, so you can't suffer.

"I'm not worthy, then you are worthy? Don't look at your age and body, just how many years you can live? Don't look at your own virtues, look like that Ugly, I am embarrassed to come out!" The king seemed to be a different person, and everyone was stupid with his spoiled rogue appearance.

And Yuemu looked at the king with a smile on his face. That's right, this is all his credit. During this period of time, he did a good job of educating the king, and it seems that the effect is good. When Xiao Guoguo saw Yuemu's expression, he wanted to shoot him, as expected, this guy did it!

"You, you bastard!" The last thing Old Chu can't listen to is his age. He is too old, which is the most fatal flaw.

"You old bastard!" The king cursed directly back.

Everyone: "..." Their king and Old Chu are not like this, absolutely not like this. Everyone looked at the king and Old Chu scolding so much, that scene, it was hard to bear to look directly at it!

"Old Chu, please calm down first, and listen to what he says first." Patriarch is anxious, the king must give way to the throne. This is a good thing, but Old Chu can't be mixed up.

Moreover, they always feel that this matter has turned for the better. They couldn't compete with this Old Chu before. However, seeing that the king is unwilling to let him be his home, then do they have a chance?

"Listen well, I am no longer the king, and my daughter will inherit the king! She is the new king of the Juli clan!" The king said so, and everyone looked dumbfounded. Look at him.

"Where do you come from, daughter!" Old Chu stood up and shouted again, this king is crazy!

"Who said I didn't! This is my daughter!" The king stretched out his hand and everyone saw Wenwen.

Everyone: "..." Their king seems to be really crazy.

Wenwen is a human cultivator no matter how you look at it. Although she has changed her appearance now, she has long silver hair, but this will not change the fact that she is a Human Race!

"Haha, you think we are all fools, point to a Human Race and say it is Juli! You are looking for a daughter, and you are looking for a little one!" Old Chu said. Wenwen looked at him faintly, and with just one look, Old Chu's legs were weak.

To be honest, Wenwen’s strength is really impressive, Old Chu can’t forget, her legs were broken by this woman! He broke his legs in just one shot, and now the pain is still very clear.

The text at the moment is standing there, without saying a word, but it makes the surrounding Juli clansman feel a powerful threat. This woman is simply too terrifying, and they feel the cold sweat on their body. Constantly going out, this is stronger than the deterrence that an army brings to people.

"Who said I am not a Juli clan?" Wenwen said so lightly, everyone lost their voices, what did she mean by this!

"Hehe, does the girl mean that she is a Juli clansman? The girl is when we are all blind!" Then Old Chu asked, or silently stepped back a bit, in his heart I am really afraid of Wenwen.

"I am naturally Juli clansman, you are naturally blind." Wenwen said so, everyone looked surprised, impossible, this absolutely impossible!

"How can you prove that you are a Juli clansman!" Old Chu asked. Everyone looked at Wenwen, as if she was a strange person.

Wenwen looked at them without saying anything, and understood their feelings. Her appearance was not the Juli clan anyway, but she was the Juli clan.

"You bastard, my own child, can I admit my mistakes myself?" The king replied, and everyone looked at him, it might really be possible!

"What we want is proof. As long as she can prove that she is a Juli clansman, we will admit that she is a Royal Family!" Old Chu said. Although everyone thought Old Chu’s decision was a bit risky, There seems to be no better way now.

This royal city is an attack for a long time without any success. Now that the king is back, the morale of the other party is greatly boosted. If it takes a long time, there may not be any changes, so they also want to end this battle as soon as possible. .

"This is what you said, don't regret it when you come when the time comes!" The king said, Old Chu already regretted it a little, wouldn't it be true? It shouldn't be?

(End of this chapter)

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