
  Chapter 1684 Gifts

Wenwen looked at the king and thought for a moment that this is my father. He raised the corner of his mouth and gave him a smile.

The king looked at him and he was relieved. Where did he think that only to verify Wenwen's identity, he arrived in this holy pond, but caused such a lot of things.

But overall it is good, Wenwen’s cultivation base has been improved, and it seems to be stronger than before. And taking a bath in the sacred pool is not the treatment that ordinary people have ever enjoyed. It is estimated that there are not many in the history of the Juli clan. After all, their feelings for the sacred pool have always been full of awe and admiration.

The king discovered that he didn't know what kind of feelings he should maintain for the holy pond in the future.

"Senior, thank you for helping me Transcending Tribulation."

Wenwen turned her head and looked at Golden Carp and said, she found out what happened outside this time after she was sober It was clear in her mind, but when she was in the illusion, she couldn't feel it at all.

"You are welcome, this is my duty." Golden Carp replied, Wenwen frowned slightly.

"Why do you say it's a matter of our own? I don't know you before." Wenwen said so, Golden Carp looked at her with a little regret.

"Girl, you still don't think of it, but it doesn't matter, Golden Carp, I will stay here forever, waiting for you to come back." The golden carp said that, Wenwen knew nothing to ask When he comes, he will say goodbye slightly smiled.

"Girl, wait a minute, I have one more thing for you." The golden carp read Wenwen to leave and said so quickly, Wenwen turned his head to look at it.

Everyone saw the golden carp's tail flicked fiercely, and the huge lake was separated, and there were some green beads on the bottom of the lake, which were very round.

"Please accept this, girl." Golden Carp finished speaking, Wenwen watched one of the huge green beads flew towards him and rushed into the center of his eyebrows.

Wenwen's eyebrows were originally very white, but now there is a pattern that looks like a green water drop. Xiao Guoguo thinks it is very beautiful. Wenwen himself felt that Sea of ​​Consciousness was a lot clearer at once, and his spirit improved.

"This bead can protect your safety, and it's also good for improving your strength." Golden Carp said so, Wenwen hurriedly thanked him.

Because she also felt that this bead did have a lot of benefits. She could feel that the bead was continuously delivering spiritual power to her, and there was a force that strengthened her body.

"Then we will leave." Although Wenwen is familiar with this place and is very grateful for this Golden Carp, she does not want to stay here in her heart, just want to leave quickly.

"I hope the girl will be able to go smoothly." After Golden Carp finished speaking, he glanced at Wenwen, turned his head and sank to the bottom of the water, as if he had never appeared before.

Xiao Guoguo and the others didn't dare to ask anything, they left the holy pond quickly, and even the king felt that Wenwen should stay away from the holy pond.

Bodyguards looked at Wenwen and Xiao Guoguo entire group and only felt very mysterious, but with the king’s order, they didn’t dare to tell what happened during this time, they just guarded the holy pool faithfully. . They also know that this holy pond is not simple, and the golden carp inside cannot be known to anyone.

And Wenwen looked around the holy pond when she left, she walked under a huge tree and picked a fruit from it...Sure enough, a familiar taste.

"What's the matter?" Qingyun Daoist felt very disturbed after seeing Wenwen desperate.

"This fruit is delicious, let's pick more." Wenwen said, picking more than half of the fruit from the tree.

The king looked at it and hesitated, the trees around the holy pond, no one has ever dared to pick the fruit. They are in awe of the holy pond and everything around it. But that's his own child, so let's just think about it, let's just help to watch it, and don't let others see it.

In fact, the king is not sure about what identity Wenwen is. She is her own bloodline relative, surely right, but looking at Wenwen's changed appearance. He always felt that the silver hair and silver eyes looked too much like the legendary sage.

His luck will not be so good, will it? Got a daughter back and inherited the abilities of a sage?

Xiao Guoguo and the others naturally saw the changes in Wenwen’s appearance, but just as Yuemu said, no matter how the text changes, she is still their Wenwen, their friend, these things, Say hello in your spare time.

"Let’s go to the Royal City to take a look. The group of people are here. It’s not necessarily what the Royal City looks like now." Xiao Guoguo said. At this time, everything else must be released first. They Have to hurry back.

"That's fine." Han Meng agreed, and the king was nodded quickly. In any case, there are two sons in the royal city, both of whom are biological.

The situation in the Royal City at this moment is indeed not optimistic. They can hold on for so many days without being breached. They have to thank the people who built Wang Cheng who did not sloppy-work, and the city wall is tall and strong. The Chu family changed many methods and failed to attack. , Give them time to breathe.

In order to keep the king's city, Song Xing also shaved his face and used everything. Not only did they counterattack with that powerful crossbow, they also used stones and wood to smash down those clansman who wanted to climb the city wall.

There are not many guards and weapons in the royal city, but there are a lot of wood and stones. In order to retreat from the enemy, they have demolished more than half of the palace in the royal city.

That's how long it lasted, leaving Old Chu outside with nothing to do. But Song Xing knew that this situation would not last long, because the other party would definitely think of new ways to deal with it.

The situation has changed. Finally, in the early morning of the day, the officers and soldiers guarding the city wall saw the darkness in the air and gradually approached the royal city. The worry-free old man can see clearly that it is a group of flying monster beasts.

They even cooperated with monster beast in order to attack the king city. I am afraid that they have paid a lot of price. These monster beasts can fly into the air, and there are a large group of clansman standing on them, and there are also ten-twenty thousand people.

If these people can really enter the royal city by such means, it will be a bloody storm.

"It seems that we have taken a shot!" Said the worry-free old man, and Song Xing saluted him.

Now the most powerful battle strength among them is the worry-free old man, so the biggest reliance on monster beast is his old man. And some of the remaining a fish that escaped the net was given to Juli Clansman. Fortunately, he had made a plan early in his heart, and Juli did not use much.

Groups of monster beasts moved towards the King City attacked, and everyone underneath was cheering excitedly and felt that they finally saw hope. This time, they will surely be able to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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