
  Chapter 1671 The Throne

The king’s face turned blue. I never thought that they were for the people’s support and to weaken him. The forces of the People's Republic of China can do everything. He really underestimated them in the past!

The king was very angry, and First Prince and Second Prince were very frightened. They never thought that one day, these people would want to overthrow the king and overthrow them!

It was a joke for two people, but now the joke has actually happened.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the old man on the opposite side. He said that she was verbal and penalized, and now she understands the meaning of this sentence. This old man has a deep mind and a great tongue... By the way, Wenwen is doing this!

Xiao Guoguo hadn't finished despising the old man, he saw Wen Wen flying up, a Meteor Hammer slammed down, the stone chamber where the old man was in collapsed suddenly, and there was a sound from inside. Scream.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Sister, you are too anxious!

Everyone: "..." This woman is too rampant!

But before everyone was angry, Wenwen took a sip fiercely and looked at everyone around him. These all are noble family. They think their lives are more precious than the ordinary clansman. They naturally cherish their lives. They don't have the courage to fight Wenwen with their lives.

They always judge the situation and judge the situation. When the situation is good, they don't mind fighting for greater interests. If the situation is not good, there is nothing to be at the worst!

"Who wants to kill us?"

Wen Wen asked, and saw that the nobles in the surrounding stone chambers were afraid to speak, they looked at Wen Wen Wen stood in the air, feeling very scary.

"With this courage, I still want to think about the throne! You are really heroes!"

Normally, I rarely speak in the text, and everyone shrinks when I say this today. On the neck, she is actually holding two Meteor Hammers in her hands. The danger is too high!

At this moment, the old man who was blocked by the stone climbed out with the help of the guard, also in a panic, looking very pitiful. Xiao Guoguo saw that this article was still rational, and did not kill him at all.

This old man seems to live enough, pointing at Wenwen with a bloody finger and cursing: "Trifling Human Race, actually attacked in my Juli clan territory! Juli clansman, is he still scared? She won't succeed!"

Sure enough, ginger is still hot! This old man is the most cunning, Wenwen shouldn't save his life.

Xiao Guoguo saw this coldly smiled and slowly walked to the king's side, watching all this. At this moment, because of the old man taking the lead, the surrounding Juli clansman were excited, but no one dared to really make a move.

And Xiao Guoguo looked at the king and said: "Even if we suppress the minds of these people here today, I am afraid that your position as the king is still unstable. These news will spread, and the whole Juli We are also helpless against clansman's objection."

The king of Xiao Guoguo heard this passage clearly and understood it in his heart. Unless it takes the lives of everyone here today, the news will spread sooner or later, and soon there will be more and more people who oppose him, and there will be many people who will replace him.

"You leave tomorrow." The king said so, in the end he wanted to save the lives of Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen.

"I'm afraid it won't work, they won't let us go. Your royal city will be besieged tonight." Xiao Guoguo concluded that the king's eyes became more and more disappointed, because Xiao Guoguo was right. , In fact it is so.

"That's because I am tired of you." When the king said this, he glanced at First Prince, only to blame him for not being able to raise his children and grandchildren.

"Is the king the only two sons?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the king gave a bitter smile.

"I also want to have other sons, but it's a idiot after all." The king thinks that maybe this is luck.

"I don't have a son, don't I have a daughter?" Xiao Guoguo asked again. The king was taken aback, looking at Xiao Guoguo with shock in his eyes.

"Daughter...my youngest daughter." When the king said this, his eyes were sad.

"Does it really exist? In fact, whether you have a son or a daughter, as long as you are strong enough, you can become your heir, right?" Xiao Guoguo said, the king nodded and then shook his head.

"But my woman didn't give birth to that child." The king seemed unwilling to recall the past, and he was also very hurt back then.

"Oh? Really? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Xiao Guoguo was cursed in his heart. It is estimated that this is something someone else is in the middle of.

"I am naturally..." The king thought so, but suddenly realized that he had only seen his beloved, but had never seen their children.

"What do you mean by this...Is my child, she is still alive?" The king said while looking at Xiao Guoguo, and Xiao Guoguo sighed.

"I'm not sure, but we came back this time to find relatives. The jade pendant Wenwen carried with him since childhood is the same as the one worn by your Prince." Xiao Guoguo said. , Wang Zhe looked back at Wenwen fiercely.

Wenwen was standing in the air at this moment, no one dared to provoke him. Everyone looked at her like a beast. There was also a young giant clansman who wanted to attack. They even ignored the rules and besieged this woman with dozens of people, but at this moment they are lying on the ground, life and death unknown.

They couldn't beat this woman. Although it was ridiculous, they still couldn't beat her. And this is still on the premise that she hasn't used spells to attack.

Therefore, Juli clansman approached Wenwen one after another, but no one dared to act first. Seeing this situation, the old man was very anxious, but couldn't say anything, because Wenwen made a violent shot just now. He didn't show mercy this time, but interrupted his two legs.

The white-haired old man didn't expect Wenwen to be so ruthless. She didn't take his life but interrupted his two legs, so that he didn't dare to stand out again. This woman was not only powerful, but also very intelligent, which made him feel a great threat.

"You mean, that girl has such a jade pendant on her body!" The king was anxious and pulled off the jade pendant from Second Prince. Second Prince was also taken aback and looked into the sky. Wenwen is surprised, is that his younger sister?

"Similar to this, but the pattern is slightly different." Xiao Guoguo said, the spiritual power in his hand was condensed, and a pattern was drawn with the sliding of the finger.

That is a pattern that looks like the word'文', which is also the source of Wenwen's name. She used this jade pendant to name her back then.

"I drew this pattern back then, it is true!" The king seemed to be full of surprises, his eyes looked at Wenwen with excitement, and he couldn't believe that he was suddenly lost and regained today.

He has no time to think about who lied to him back then, only feeling full of hope. His two sons are not very promising. Who could have imagined that a daughter could be so arrogant!

"She is my daughter, really my daughter!" The king was happy and didn't know what to do, but First Prince and Second Prince were both stupid and very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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