
  Chapter 1669 Excuses

At this time, everyone looked at First Prince with shocked expressions , especially He is the king, he never thought that his eldest son would do such a thing! Does this matter really have something to do with him?

"no! It's not me!" First Prince will naturally not admit that he did this thing, but the expression of guilty conscience and the look of fear, everyone already knows in their hearts, let’s look at First Prince’s The look in his eyes was a bit contemptuous.

"You bastard! It turned out to be your father who colluded with outsiders to harm you!" The king didn't expect that his son would do such a thing, so he was naturally very disappointed and hated.

"no! Royal Father really isn't me! I don't, Royal Father, I really don't!" First Prince shouted desperately to explain, but Xiao Guoguo grabbed it and pressed it to the position.

"You dare to quibble! I don't have a disappointing son like you!" said the king. Normally he always taught First Prince the same way, but he never thought that the First Prince at this moment was frightened. On the verge of collapse, but can't listen to such words.

"Why Royal Father! Why don't you take me as a son? Although my health is not good, he is also your son, but you think about Second Brother everything, and all good things are Second Brother Yes, I'm not convinced!"

First Prince suddenly seemed to have the courage to speak out the dissatisfaction and resentment he had in his heart over the years. He simply didn't know that Xiao Guoguo just sprinkled some medicine powder near him, causing him to surge in blood, his mind was unstable, and his heart collapsed so quickly.

"Are you not convinced? Why are you not convinced! Isn't it clear in your heart whether your body can be the king? Our Juli clansman only serves the powerhouse, you are only a weak, you don't have this right! "

What the king said was ruthless, and it directly hurt First Prince's nerves. He laughed wildly: "Then look, how is your Second Prince now? His arm Crap! A cripple is worse than me, how can you become a king!"

First Prince said, the surrounding clansman are watching this scene, watching Second Prince, and at the same time feeling a little confused. . Royal Family, these two Princes are all abandoned, what should their Juli clan do in the future?

At this time, First Prince seemed to be very happy, so he sold General Julu without the slightest hesitation, and said directly: "Yes, I just joined forces with General Julu, we are abandoned Second Brother, you have to pass the throne to me! Otherwise, you can pass it to an outsider."

After First Prince said, he calmed down and looked at the king as if he was quite sure of him. Things have reached a dead end already, there is no more choice. And the king is also very painful, no matter how he didn't expect the child he brought up to fail so easily, he believed in the instigation of others so easily.

"You rubbish, is that giant land helping you? He is clearly harming you! You can't beat him, and you don't have the military power in your hands. He helped you seize the position of the king, but in your next life you It's about to listen to his orders! When the time comes, you are just a decoration, he is the True King of the Juli clan!"

When the king shouted, First Prince's expression was very surprised. Thinking about it now, if this matter is not revealed, this matter will become a handle for General Julu to threaten him. When the time comes, the situation that Royal Father said may really happen.

Everyone looked at this scene and found it very absurd. Not only is their Prince ridiculous, but this giant general is also shameless. They are now very disappointed with the Royal Family and the general.

"General Julu, are you still embarrassed to say that it is for personal revenge?" Xiao Guoguo asked, General Julu glanced at her and never answered.

But the next moment, his hand gently waved, everyone saw one after another huge arrows shot down from the cliff, and the attack was the woman standing in the middle.

Xiao Guoguo simply didn't move. The Life and Death Sword in Chi Xuan's hand was spinning fast, flying into the air, and the dozen or so long arrows were cut off. And Han Meng was even more direct, her Flying Sword directly attacked the strong crossbow.

Don’t they like to use crossbows? So today they will take down all these powerful crossbows, and see what else they will be arrogant in the future!

Han Meng is really powerful. A dozen crossbows instantly turned into a pile of scrap iron, which was simply unusable.

This makes the king very heartache, but there is no way. It's still important to save my life now, and the rest will be discussed later.

"Haha, you are useless! Now I have tens of thousands of soldiers in my hand. They only obey my orders. It’s hard for you to fly today!"

General Julu is going to take a step forward again. He wanted to control First Prince before, but the king was so ignorant. If he broke through them, he could only kill them all and be his own. Well the king!

Xiao Guoguo saw that he was so arrogant and didn't say anything, but just took a step forward. Xiao Guoguo walked forward this step, and the people surrounded by it took a step back.

They have all experienced Xiao Guoguo's greatness, and they don't want to confront her head-on. If it weren't for the crowds, they wouldn't have the courage to stand here. But even so, they couldn't help feeling scared.

"No retreat! No!" General Julu shouted, everyone still did not dare to attack, and at this moment, Wenwen walked out of the crowd, with his toes on the ground, and landed directly on Julu. In front of the general.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. They never thought that the cultivator of Human Race would be so arrogant. Moreover, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she turned into a fist, and dozens of guards around General Julu were knocked into the air!

Wenwen’s move stunned the clansman who was watching the battle above. They had never seen such a fierce human cultivator. The formidable power of her fist is too big, right? And her purpose is very clear, that is, the General Julu who is guarded in the middle.

"King, please order me to wait for the capture of General Julu!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and the king reacted, Xiao Guoguo and the others are helping him!

"This king has ordered that General Julu intends to conspiracy to incur unforgivable crimes, please wait to help this king catch him!" said the king, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, silhouette rose quickly, holding it in his hand Silver frost. They have to have a name if they want to help.

Xiao Guoguo never went to help Wenwen, but with a long spear pick, dozens of Juli clansman were knocked down and flew out. These Juli clansman had no advantage against Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Guoguo took so many shots to fly, and the people behind were also unlucky, all of them were knocked into flight.

Xiao Guoguo cleared the area around him with just one click. Xiao Guoguo stood on the steps and looked down, quite in a posture. Although there were many soldiers standing under the steps, Xiao Guoguo was tough and they simply couldn't rush through.

Xiao Guoguo has never committed a killing. The group of people she only hit could not move. They piled up a little on the stone and became a barrier, and the people behind could not even climb.

And that General Julu, Xiao Guoguo decided to leave it to Wenwen Liwei. She blocked these people for the text and let her give full play to it.

(End of this chapter)

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