
  Chapter 1665 Waiting

All this Xiao Guoguo simply doesn’t know, they look at the flying sand everyday all Chase each other with Huya Princess.

Two people who were originally sentimental, what they have to do every day is to avoid each other, this is simply a big show, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan watched. Wenwen looked a little helpless.

During this period of time, she often used the corner of her eye to look at Qingyun daoist. She thought Qingyun daoist simply didn't find it, but she didn't know that Qingyun daoist was already clear in her heart.

He knows why Wenwen was abnormal that day, and why he asked so much after hearing the story of Feisha and Huya. Just because their current situation is similar to these two people.

If Wenwen is really a Juli clansman, then there is a line that cannot be crossed between them. Not only the change of identity, but also the change of mentality, Wenwen is nothing more than this.

However, Qingyun Daoist never worried at all. Because he had made up his mind long ago, no matter who Wenwen is, what identity he is, and what he looks like, he will always be by her side.

Moreover, he stays with him regardless of his identity. He can be her lover, her friend, or even a relative. As long as they can be together, he can see her.

Of course, Qingyun daoist will not tell Wenwen these words, he will only do so. In the long years to come, let her understand this truth.

Xiao Guoguo clearly sees Wenwen's panic and anxiety, as well as Qingyun Daoist's determination. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo is very grateful that Wenwen is accompanied by Qingyun Daoist.

After half a month, they have been living in the royal city, and the king often sends people to visit, but he did not let them out, and Sea Clan has no news. Come.

This made Huya very anxious. She knew Fei Zhuo had not sent the news back, and Sea Clan was afraid that someone would not come to rescue them. If the king of the Juli clan knew when the time comes, would they still have a way to survive?

"If it doesn't work, you should find the right opportunity to escape!" Huya said, preparing to stay by herself and save everyone's lives.

"Why did Princess say this? We lived here very well, why should Princess be so worried?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Xiuya looked at her embarrassed.

"Fei Zhuo didn't send the news back. Sea Clan always doesn't come, they will doubt it!" Said Princess Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"Princess How long do you think the king will doubt us?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Xiuya was taken aback. how long? She didn't know how long.

"The king is not a reckless person, he is afraid that he will not doubt us for several decades." Xiao Guoguo said, Xiu Ya was stunned.

"Impossible, right?" Huya felt that the king shouldn't be that stupid.

"Hehe, if it is an ordinary person, he will doubt it for a month or two. However, if you are the Princess of Sea Clan, he has to consider more. Is the person sending the letter in danger? He Didn’t find the site of Sea Clan? Was it arrested?"

As Xiao Guoguo said, everyone was nodded, and Han Meng suddenly said, "In other words, as long as he can’t be sure The messenger died, so I didn't dare to move Xiuya."

Xiao Guoguo nodded, I think Senior Sister is really smarter, and I guessed it right this time.

"But, there is simply no one to deliver the letter!" Xiuya said anxiously, Xiao Guoguo put his finger in front of Xiuya and shook it.

"Only we know this, they don't know, do they?"

Everyone: "..." So are you going to lie to them all the time?

"Whether it takes a long time, the king might worry about it himself, maybe send someone to send us to Sea Clan!" Yuemu said so excitedly, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, after so many years, this child's life It's still so simple.

"This may not be big, but after a long time, maybe we can wait for the opportunity. Everyone don't be impatient, please wait calmly."

Xiao Guoguo With that said, Wenwen also fell into contemplation, opportunity, what kind of opportunity can they leave? Can she create this opportunity?


The beaten General Julu has found his goal. There are not many members of the royal family of the Juli clan. Fortunately, there are exactly two Princes. First Prince is not in good health, so it rarely appears in front of people. Second Prince seems to be a logical successor to the king, but if you think about it carefully, First Prince may not have no chance. He is the successful successor of the throne.

And this opportunity, he will find it for him!

First Prince was also taken aback when he saw the General Julu appearing in his house, and then frigid irony and scorching satire said: "How come the general has time to come to me today?"

First Prince's words are ugly, but they are true. In recent years, his idle Prince has rarely been paid attention to. Even more how is the general in charge of the entire royal city. They have always been only the Second Prince's head!

"Why do First Prince say that? I have been reprimanded by the king recently, and I know that if I want to come to Prince."

The General Julu has a calm face, he still knows it before the king. Convergence, but a First Prince, he is really not afraid.

"What's the matter, I was reprimanded by the Royal Father, so I remembered my useless Prince? I can't help you intercede, it's useless to ask." Then First Prince said and sat down Coming down, picked up the hot drink on the table and took a sip before looking at General Julu.

General Julu is also looking at First Prince at the same time. Compared with Second Prince, this Prince is indeed less sharp and exposed. He is sick and crooked, and his body is very thin, but look at him carefully. But there is light in the eyes, it is rays of light of ambition.

"The words of First Prince are right. If it weren't for being cut off by the king, I would really not take refuge in Prince's hands. After all, there is such a flowery and beautiful Second Prince that the king likes. I Wouldn't you be stupid if you didn't choose him?"

When General Julu said this, he saw that First Prince's face was very ugly, the fiercely holding the cup in his hand, the blue veins were all revealed.

"What is the general Julu coming to me? You should leave early, so as not to be suspected by Second Brother." First Prince said so, and the general Julu smiled.

"Second Prince has been spoiled since he was a little bit ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth. I lost my power and abandoned him like a clog, which made me very sad. I have been loyal to him for so many years, He said throw it away and throw it away. You who threatened him, if Second Prince really becomes the king one day, can your life be saved?"

Ju Lu asked, First Prince looked at him, but there was no slightest irritation in his eyes. He has asked himself this question many times, and the answer is the same every time. His Second Brother is a narrow-minded person, and I'm afraid he won't be able to tolerate a big brother like him.

"So, do you want to take refuge in me now and help you move the Second Prince?" First Prince laughed, the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and it was a bit desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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