
  Chapter 1662 Dread

Xiao Guoguo Look at the king laughed, of course not Easy, but if they have to go, no one can stop them!

"If you don't let go, we won't go." Xiao Guoguo said so, looking at the king of the Juli clan.

"Don't go? Are you still staying?" The king was stunned. Is it possible to make decisions so casually? He thinks Xiao Guoguo is not normal.

"Don't go, let seapeople come to us." Xiao Guoguo said, the king of Juli clenched his teeth.

This woman is really cruel. Let seapeople come to find him. Isn't this threatening him? There is no conflict between Juli clan and Sea Clan in recent years. Cultivators go to sea to find Sea Beast inner core, but Juli clansman doesn’t need this. Then Sea Beast inner core is useless to them, so naturally they won’t. Go to provoke those seapeople.

The king said that just now not to embarrass the seapeople, but to see Xiao Guoguo and them pleasing to the eye. At the same time, he didn't like the seapeople stepping on their territory. But if Xiao Guoguo made such trouble, if he let them go, he would lose his prestige!

"Do you think I'm afraid of Sea Clan?" Is the king a king? He is still very hard-spirited.

"You are not afraid, that is because you don't know the identity of this girl." Xiao Guoguo said so, pointing to the Sea Clan woman with an arrogant expression on her face.

"What kind of identity can she be?" The king looked at the Sea Clan woman. The woman really stood up straight and let him look at it, without fear at all.

"You are the king of the Juli clan, and you have a noble status, but she is not bad, she is the Princess of Sea Clan!"

Xiao Guoguo said that, you saw that The king looked surprised, and the Sea Clan woman also raised her head sharply, as if she was proud of her identity, but the king refused to believe them.

"Princess? Are you saying that a Princess of Sea Clan has arrived on the territory of my Juli clan? Hahaha, why don't I believe it!" The king laughed and said with a smile, actually in his heart Evaluate whether this woman is the Princess of Sea Clan.

"The reason is not easy to tell you. If you are not afraid, we will wait for it, and see if Sea Clan and Sea Beast can smooth your giant clan."


Xiao Guoguo looked calm, the king was a little uncertain, and looked at the Sea Clan woman and felt uneasy.

They all know the strength of this Sea Clan. The boss of the seabed abyss and so many Sea Beasts have to listen to their orders. No matter how high the level of Sea Beast is, they dare not defy. Sea Clan's command.

If they really have feuds with them, can Sea Clan level them out? Their Juli clan is really not their opponent! Thinking of this, the king swallowed quietly in the heart, and really felt that this matter was difficult to handle.

"You treat me as if I'm really afraid that you won't succeed! Come, suppress them!" The king thought for a while, anyway, you can't lose face at this time, as for this Sea Clan woman. He will let people inquire about the identity.

"Wait!" At this time, the worry-free old man walked up and saluted the Sea Clan woman, saying: "Princess, please indicate your identity, so don't let the king misunderstand."

Seeing that the worry-free old man was like this, the woman was still nodded, and quickly tore a piece of the cover on her neck. The king was stunned when she saw it.

Pointy ears, red scales! This is the dress of the Royal Family in Sea Clan. This woman is really the Princess of Sea Clan!

"This Princess, I don't know how to call it?" The king of the Juli clan was subdued in an instant. If he refuses to accept it, it is really unlucky for this one to mess with their Juli clan.

"The king is polite, you can call me Huya, this time I have to come to your Juli clan, and it will cause you trouble." The Sea Clan woman said so, and the king smiled.

"It's not too much trouble, it's really speaking of which is because my subordinates have no eyes. If it weren't for the few who arrived in time today, I'm afraid it's collision with Princess you." Said the king, Huya slightly smiled , And didn't say anything, if you didn't deny it was acquiescence.

The king knew in his heart that this bastard's giant land general could not stay anymore, he and this group of people had a vengeance. That's okay, wait until he has sent away this group of people, and then find him to settle the account! General Ju Lu didn't know, but he was unlucky again after a while.

Sea Clan's Huya Princess didn't dare to reveal her identity, because she was afraid that someone would have a bad heart. Although Sea Clan had no conflict with the Juli clan, she did not dare to bet on this probability. After all, they have been caught by a human cultivator for a long time, and the Sea Clan Royal Family is also helpless and dare not fight it hard.

And now, they have no choice but to identify themselves, so they can't hold back. Whether Sea Clan knew she was here or not, at least from the attitude of the king, now they don't want to provoke Sea Clan.

"Princess, don't worry, I will teach my people. Now that Princess has come to my Juli clan, then my Juli clan will treat me warmly, and Princess just stay here with peace of mind."


The king said so, Huya laughed, nodded, and didn't say much, for fear that if you say too much, you will lose it. She felt that the only things she could trust now were Fei Zhuo and his friends.

"King, then we will bother for a while, and we will leave when the people from Sea Clan arrive." Xiao Guoguo said, the king gritted his teeth. Who would have thought that they had such a card in their hands and refused to agree. I have to agree.

"You are polite, there is no reason why I will not entertain the distinguished guests." The king smiled, his attitude changed extremely quickly, as if all the estrangements and grievances just now had been wiped out. This is a powerful incident of strength. the benefits of.

The Xiao Guoguo entire group is arranged. They are all human women who are waiting for them, because they know that Xiao Guoguo is short in size, and the reception of Juli women is not thoughtful.

And when Xiao Guoguo saw the king, he made a plan in his heart, that is, to catch the king of the Juli clan and fight for a way out!

Although this king is very difficult to deal with, it may be difficult for the cultivator to deal with, but for Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen, his advantage is not obvious, because their defense is high and powerful, facing giants. There are also great advantages when using clansman.

But Xiao Guoguo also discovered that this king is not a bad person, just a little bit arrogant. Moreover, if someone wants to eradicate this king with their hands, they will not be able to escape.

So Xiao Guoguo found a second way after probing. The king found out that seapeople was not overjoyed or killed immediately, Xiao Guoguo knew he was afraid of Sea Clan! So Xiao Guoguo immediately chose the second way, cheating!

She simply didn't know the true identity of Huya, she just wanted to exaggerate it so that the king wouldn't dare to touch them. But Xiao Guoguo didn't expect that his luck was so good. The Young Lord who said that the nobleman became the Princess of Sea Clan at once, and they now have a Life Protecting Talisman.

"I said Feizhuo, you are too unreal! We all risked a mortal danger for you, and you still don't tell us!" Yuemu said while holding Feizhuo's ear, Fei Zhuo kept begging for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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