
  Chapter 1632 Nursing

The entire group walks on this street wearing a mask, except that the clothes are too clean Neat, but there is nothing out of place. However, because they were following the worry-free old man, a group of people were arrested behind them. They seemed to be very sturdy, and no one came to investigate for a while.

And Xiao Guoguo discovered that the people here are really no good people. They wear black robes and black masks, but they still can’t cover up the murderous aura and blood energy, which makes people look at them. I felt trembling when I finished.

"Let's go to the biggest black market here... It should be said that this city is a huge black market, but the most prosperous one is the black tower in front!"

The worry-free old man said that, Xiao Guoguo looked up and saw that in the dark sky, there was a tall tower. This tall tower has seven eight layers. It looks very spectacular, and there are several huge ones around it. The monster beast watched.

"Those monster beasts...look like very difficult to deal with!" Xiao Guoguo said, and the worry-free old man smiled.

"Then two of them are monster beasts, but the other is not monster beasts, that is Sea Beast!" The worry-free old man finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo's eyes moved.

"How did Sea Beast come up! They... can they survive on land?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the worry-free old man was silent for a moment.

"Not all Sea Beasts can do this, but the very powerful Sea Beast can do this! They are different from the low-level Sea Beast, the low-level Sea Beast can only be on land for a short time. The battle strength will be weakened, but these high-level Sea Beasts can adapt to this land, and they are more powerful than monster beasts!"

Xiao Guoguo listened to this, after careful observation It really is like this! Those two monster beasts actually bowed their heads like the Sea Beast! They stayed honestly under the feet of Sea Beast, which is proof.

"Sure enough, if Sea Beast passes through the barrier, it is a great threat." Xiao Guoguo's heart tightened, saying that nothing can happen in this situation.

"This is also something that can't be helped. Powerhouse always thinks of ways to become stronger, and Sea Beast is the same. Fortunately, there is that barrier." The worry-free old man said with a Smile, Xiao Guoguo didn't expect that he would say so.

"Don't you want Sea Beast to pass the barrier?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously.

"This is natural. They are all over. I can't make money in this business." The mysterious face of the worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo was speechless.

"Such Sea Beast, are there many here?" Xiao Guoguo looked at the all around the tower. As expected, no one dared to look closely, showing the deterrent power of this Sea Beast.

"Not many. These Sea Beasts are tyrannical. To catch them requires great strength, and there are very few people who can afford it." The worry-free old man said, bringing Xiao Guoguo to them. The black tower.

Xiao Guoguo took a closer look and discovered that this Sea Beast was really tall, and secretly estimated the strength of the opponent, which should be equivalent to the cultivation base of a Great Immortal Master. Such a cultivation base was caught to guard the door. What kind of strength should the owner of this black tower have?

As if feeling someone inquired, Sea Beast suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Guoguo entire group, and slowly lowered his head. No matter what cultivation base the surrounding people are, they all evade. No matter how powerful they are, they are not as powerful as this Sea Beast, but they don't understand. How could Sea Beast, who had always been arrogant, suddenly bow his head? What did it find?

Xiao Guoguo entire group Even the worry-free old man simply didn't move, because they clearly felt that this guy came for them. The owner of this black tower is also very domineering, guarding the two monster beasts and sea beasts of the black tower, simply without any means of containment, but just put them outside.

If these guys intentionally hurt people, then everyone outside is afraid they will not be able to escape. It can be seen that in this city, their forces are very powerful, so they dare to do so.

"wū wū wū !" Sea Beast growled as if to say something. At this moment, a human cultivator ran over, thinking it was an orc trainer.

"What weird thing do you carry on your body? Master Sea Beast seems to have smelled the same kind of breath, and it was irritated!" This beast tamer can obviously understand the beast language. Looking at a few people, their eyes are not good.

"Similar breath? Oh, then I know." Xiao Guoguo said, and directly took out two Sea Beast inner cores from his storage bag.

Everyone: "..."

They didn't expect this woman to be so courageous, so they took out the Sea Beast inner core directly. This is a Sea Beast guarding the gate. Didn't you do this blatantly provoking it?

"roar!" Sea Beast angry roar, very angry. It naturally understands what this place is. The human cultivator also came to buy and sell the Sea Beast inner core, but if they took it out so directly, they were obviously provocative!

"Why, don't you black tower allow guests to bring the Sea Beast inner core into it?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the trainer didn't know how to answer . Where can I not let it? They are buying and selling this here. But if he doesn't pursue it, then... this Sea Beast here is not easy to explain.

"Everyone, please go somewhere else, lest everyone is uncomfortable."

The trainer knows that it must not be caused by the Sea Beast inner core. Sea Beast is not happy. Otherwise, so many people brought the inner core in, so why just can't get through with them!

However, with so many people around, he is not good at saying, so he can only let them go. As for whether they will be revenge by Sea Beast after they leave, it has nothing to do with their black tower.

"This is the first time I have seen someone push the door-to-door sales. I have to be in your black tower today. What should you do?" Han Meng was unwilling, one The little Sea Beast dared to be so arrogant, this is not enough!

"Everyone, this is too arrogant to say, our black tower is not someone who can enter if he wants to enter."

The animal trainer didn't want to talk to them. In embarrassment, it doesn't matter if the major event is made small and the trivial matter is eliminated, so as not to delay the business and make the business unhappy, there is no benefit to him. How can I think that these people are so bold and dare to challenge them? This is intolerable!

"Oh, I want to see, why can't I get in?" Han Meng said he was about to rush inside, and at this time the silent two monster beasts and one sea beast moved.

Xiao Guoguo glanced at it without saying anything, and just rushed out. She knew in her heart that there must be a reason for Sea Beast to stare at them, but the reason was probably not on her. Although she has a Sea Beast on her body, the Sea Beast is in the artificial space, and its whereabouts are simply not revealed.

In their entire group, except for the Black Shark, they are the worry-free elderly. It must be one of them that makes this Sea Beast uncomfortable. Therefore, they will be targeted.

These Xiao Guoguo think very clearly, but now they are people on the same boat, and they must be in the same boat. They have to agree with the outside world. The remaining questions will be discussed later.

(End of this chapter)

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