
  Chapter 1626 finds

"Impossible! Definitely impossible!" Yuemu couldn’t help it anymore and couldn’t see others. So bragging in front of myself.

"You youngster, don't underestimate the old man, otherwise you will suffer!" The worry-free old man said Yuemu, and Yuemu still didn't believe it.

"If this is the case, how about let's make a bet?" Wuyou old man asked, Yuemu's eyes were bright, he likes to bet!

"Okay! Tell me, what shall we bet on!" Yuemu agreed, and the worry-free old man laughed.

Xiao Guoguo feels that Yuemu is so unreliable and a little impetuous. It is definitely not a wise way to bet against someone just being so excited. But Wuyou Lao He, why do you want to stimulate him so much? Xiao Guoguo is thinking about it.

"If you win, I don't need any money to give these things directly to you, and I will go to the seabed abyss with you to ensure you return safely!" said the worry-free old man, and Yuemu was dumbfounded.

Don’t need money to give them this good condition, but he followed them to seabed the abyss? Don't do it anymore! But he agreed to a bet, shrinking at this time, how can his face be saved!

"If I win..." The worry-free old man seemed to be considering the conditions.

"If you win, what do you want?" Yuemu asked curiously.

"If I win, you have to promise me a condition, but I haven't figured out this condition yet, and I will say it later!" The worry-free old man asked so, but Yuemu without the slightest Hesitation agreed.

"Yes, I promised you."

Yuemu promised too happily, Xiao Guoguo didn't have time to stop it.

In fact, if the worry-free old man is willing to make a condition, Xiao Guoguo doesn't think so, but if he agrees to a condition that has not been well thought out, it will definitely not work! Tsukiki was also too impatient.

"Yuemu, don't be so serious." Chi Xuan reminded him. He knew Xiao Guoguo was worried about Yuemu, so he kindly reminded him.

"Don't worry about it." Yuemu glanced at Chi Xuan, simply not appreciative. If someone reminded him, he might still go to his heart, but Chi Xuan, that happened to be counterproductive.

Xiao Guoguo is a little worried when she sees this. She always feels that this worry-free old man is not so kind on the surface. How can he be a simple person if he can survive on the edge of the abyss for so long? ?

And he could tell from the pattern on the spaceship that they were catching black sharks, and he also inquired about their details. This worry-free old man was different from the people in the village. He can be said to be a very cunning person, but Xiao Guoguo thinks that they are just a business relationship and do not want to reveal it. Unexpectedly, Yuemu was willing to bet against him.

"a gentleman's brief remark is faster than a horse whip, I like your straightforward temperament!" The worry-free old man finished talking and took out the list, squinting his eyes as if to see better Be clearer, cleared his throat again, and took a sip of the juice that I didn't know what it was made of.

"Okay, then I can start." The worry-free old man said so, his expression became solemn, and Xiao Guoguo always felt that a stone was mentioned in his heart.

Yuemu nodded started timing at the same time, he didn't believe that with so many things in such a messy warehouse, this stumbling old man could find everything in one hour.

"Actually I have a trick, I think I can tell you now. That is, the voice must be clear and bright, and you can't pronounce the wrong name!" The worry-free old man suddenly turned his head and looked at Yuemu, Yue Mu was stunned, what did he mean by this?

"Well, let's take a look at the name of the first thing, mixed water drops!"

The worry-free old man's low voice finished reading the first item he was looking for , But the person did not move, but proceeded to read the name of the next item. At this moment, Xiao Guoguo felt that they might have understood something wrong.

Sure enough, they saw a box flying in midair, swaying directly towards them. Everyone dodged, and the box fell at the feet of Worry-Free Old Ancestor.

Then there was the second box, the third box, the fourth box... Yuemu saw that this whole person was not good, he was still scammed by this Old Guy as expected.

He simply didn't look for something, it was a list, he just had to read the name, and the item whose name was read would fly by itself...fly by itself!

He is a mechanic, yes, he is still an Array Master! These items fly extremely fast, just like the worry-free old man said, you must read clearly, and the voice must be clear and bright. This is a scam, it is a big pit! And he actually jumped without the slightest hesitation, and now it seems that he is a bit arrogant and didn't look at this worry-free old man.

"Boss, I was bullied!" Yuemu said with an aggrieved expression, looking at Xiao Guoguo for comfort.

"Didn't Chi Xuan warn you? But you didn't listen." Xiao Guoguo's answer was a bit irritating.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't know the harm that this sentence will do to Yuemu. If you change the person, it will be fine. Isn't Chi Xuan persuading him to add fuel to the fire? The boss really doesn't understand, this blade supplement is too accurate.

Wenwen looked at Yuemu and patted his back sympathetically. Sometimes the boss is really dull in this regard. And Yuemu, how could that arrogant temperament speak these words.

"Two bags of Houttuynia cordata!"

The old man is still reading, this time he added weight. It is estimated that this thing is more important, and in that corner, there are two big The bag popped out, and watching the two bags bouncing around, it was really...I can't describe it in words.

"It’s only a quarter of an hour, and it’s almost time to find the seventy-eighty piece. I think Yuemu lost this time." Han Meng said heartlessly, watching the worry-free old man pile up around him. A lot of stuff. There are almost everything in this pile of things, eating and drinking merrily...Bah, the edible and usable things are covered, and it seems that they are well prepared.

Sure enough, after a while, the worry-free old man's list is coming to an end, and Yuemu's face is even more ugly, ugly. I saw the old man said another word.

"The Julistone!" The old man said so, but nothing jumped over or flew over.

The voice of the worry-free old man stopped this time. He had always said one by one before, but he was waiting this time. After a while, there was still no movement, and the worry-free old man read it again.

"Juli Stone! Ten!" The old man said so, but there was still no movement, and the worry-free old man frowned.

"Aiya, why did I forget! The giant stone is gone, what can I do?" The worry-free old man turned around in place, but there was no way. Look at the list. The names of the remaining three items are depressed.

"Shuiyundan!" The worry-free old man continued, and this time another box flew over.

(End of this chapter)

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