
  Chapter 1624 Worry-free Elders

So after another half a month, the villagers Received the favorite magic weapon, and the worry-free old man finally appeared.

On that day, Xiao Guoguo was still learning their life skills with the villagers. Suddenly a group of children ran in and shouted: "Here, he is here!"

"Who the hell is here? You little fellows are always fooling around!" the women asked, and the children pointed their fingers at the beach.

"The grandfather who brings us delicious food and lots of good things is here!"

Children don’t know the name of the worry-free old man, they only know Every time this old man arrives, they can get a lot of delicious and fun things.

And Xiao Guoguo stood up, waited so long and finally waited, she was also very pleased. When Xiao Guoguo entire group arrived, the village head was talking to the worry-free old man, and the two seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Seeing Xiao Guoguo walking over, the worry-free old man smiled very kindly. Xiao Guoguo really didn't understand, how could such a person be a businessperson.

The guy in Black Shark also calls himself a business man, he is vicious and merciless, and he has a lot of blood energy on his hands, for money, he can tell at a glance.

But this worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo feels that there is no treacherous air in him, on the contrary, he is very kind and looks like an Old Senior.

"I heard that you are looking for me to buy things?" asked the worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"This token, but yours?" Xiao Guoguo gave the old man the token given by the colorful fire bird patriarch.

"This is the token I gave to the colorful fire bird patriarch, do you know?" The worry-free old man has white eyebrows and looks older than the village chief. He smiled and looked at Xiao Guoguo. personal.

"There are some origins, patriarch said that we are going to the abyss of the deep sea, it is best to buy something from you and make more preparations." Xiao Guoguo said, the worry-free old man nodded.

"That guy remembers clearly. I don’t know how he’s been after all these years. Hehe, he suffered a great deal when he entered the Abyss. If it were not for me, he would have I can't get out anymore." The worry-free old man said so with a big smile, as if he missed those days very much.

Xiao Guoguo actually guessed it a long time ago, who hasn't been young and ignorant, passionate and impulsive. The Deep Sea Abyss is so dangerous, and he didn't dare to elaborate. Guess he knew that the patriarch must have sneaked in, but he simply didn't know anything about the Deep Sea Abyss, so he plunged into it and encountered difficulties. I also met the worry-free old man.

Only then will they have the relationship between the two in the future, and he will let them come over, the worry-free old man, who wants him to take care of them one or two.

"Senior, what are we going to do to prepare before entering the abyss?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the worry-free old man smiled.

"Come with me, I'll take you to my shop." The worry-free old man is so amiable, it is far beyond everyone's expectations.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the benevolent village head, and seemed to understand something. The relationship between the village head and the worry-free old man is not simple! Looking at the meeting between the two of them, it was like an old friend who hadn't seen each other for many years. It was extremely natural and kind.

Although Xiao Guoguo helped this village only out of his own heart and never tried anything, he didn't expect this unexpected gain. This worry-free old man must have said a lot of good things to them because of the village head.

Everyone followed the worry-free old man to the outside of the village, and they saw a spaceship that was not too big in the air. This spaceship was a bit small and a bit tattered, but Xiao Guoguo didn’t suffer from it. Despise the worry-free old man. Such a mysterious person must have something extraordinary.

"Is that your spaceship?" The worry-free old man pointed to the huge black spaceship parked next to him with a cane, and Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"I ran into a group of robbers on the way here. I arrested them all. I didn't know what to do, so they were locked up in their own spaceship." Xiao Guoguo said. , The worry-free old man looked at them in surprise.

"Did you catch the black shark gang? That is a group of very powerful guys." The worry-free old man admired.

"It's just a bunch of shameless guys." Han Meng's words are worry-free and the old man feels happy after hearing this, nodded.

"It's true that they are not doing good business. It can be said that it is detrimental to morality, even the cultivator looks down on them. Old fogey, = Although I also buy and sell things, I never buy or sell. cultivator."

While saying this, the worry-free old man shook his head. Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan. This old man was a bit interesting. Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo and smiled, but he still increased his vigilance. They couldn't take any person they met lightly. This is the basic rule of the cultivation world. Because you never know whether there will be an evil heart hidden under a face of charity.

"Here." Said the worry-free old man, Xiao Guoguo looked up and saw a small plaque that said worry-free grocery store.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This name is really grounded.

"Grocery store?" Chi Xuan couldn't help but smile. This old man is really interesting.

"old man is a grocery store here, and they buy and sell small things that are worthless." The worry-free old man flew up and everyone followed. The door opened as soon as he pushed it, and even a protection was attached. None of the arrays.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will take away your stuff? You don't even have an array." Yuemu couldn't help but vomit, and the worry-free old man smiled.

"I these things don't be appreciated by most people. Moreover, they will find them on their own. If others can't take them away, you can try them if you don't believe them." Said the worry-free old man, Yuemu eyes shined , He is bored, if there is such a fun thing, he would really like to give it a try.

"Master, should I really give it a try?" Yuemu said as he looked at the dazzling array of things on the shelf, and the worry-free old man stretched out his hand.

"Come on, you take it and try it." The worry-free old man said so, the two of them had a right temper.

Yuemu doesn’t know which one to take? Because these things were placed randomly without a price tag, he took one and put it in his storage bag.

However, after only a few breaths, Yuemu saw that his storage bag was opened, and the little thing he had put in it jumped out and found his place. Squeezed back.

Everyone: "..." Is it so interesting?

"This is too interesting, how did you do it?" Yuemu asked curiously, and the worry-free old man looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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