
  Chapter 1622 Land

"Worry-free old people will come once a year. It’s just two or three months away.” The village head replied, Xiao Guoguo measured it, and it seemed that he could only wait.

After all, two or three months is not too long for them, but if you really look for it, you may not find it in two or three years. So Xiao Guoguo has already made a decision in his mind, just wait in this small fishing village.

"There is one more thing I am very curious about. If it is not convenient for you, you can not tell us." Xiao Guoguo asked. The village head laughed, and he understood what Xiao Guoguo meant.

"Girl, ask. If you can tell, the old man will naturally not hide it."

"The people in your village are all cultivators, why are you willing to live such an ordinary life? "?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Han Meng beside him was also curious.

They were warmly received by the village head, and they shouldn't have inquired about other people's private affairs, but if the village head didn't want to tell them or didn't tell them, they were just pure curiosity.

"This is the rule set by the ancestors. The descendants cannot leave this plane. Even if the cultivation base is enough and the level of the fairy is exceeded, we cannot leave."

The village head answered that, Xiao Guoguo was stupid. She didn't expect this answer. Why is there such a rule? Do they have any enemies outside?

"Such a request is too strange, isn't it?" Xiao Guoguo said so, and the village chief waved his hand with a calm expression on his face.

"I think it's okay. Our life here is very simple, and there is no who will bother you. Although the cultivation base of the people in the village is not high, the life of the generations is very good. Happy. No matter how big the world outside is, what can be done? Can everyone bow their heads to the court?"

The village chief is very open-minded to live at this age. Several points of reasonable. Xiao Guoguo nodded, the village chief’s words are not wrong, but it should not be the most fundamental reason.

Xiao Guoguo always feels that these people are trapped here, there must be something difficult to say, because they want to live in seclusion, and they should find a place that suits them, why Want to choose here?

"One more thing, I have noticed that there is almost no Water Spiritual Root in this village." Xiao Guoguo said so, the village head's face changed slightly, with a wry smile on his face.

"I never thought that the girl would have discovered it. That's right, almost none of us here have a Water Spiritual Root. And this is one of the conditions for us to stay here."

After the village chief said this, he didn't say much. Obviously, this is not humane to the outside world. Xiao Guoguo couldn't ask anything more, so he talked about some local customs, and then separated.

"Junior Sister, do you think the people here are weird? The village chief said what ancestral rules, but how do I feel that they are restricted from leaving this area? "Han Meng asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"It can be seen that there must be a last resort. We don't need to investigate too much. After all, this is a private matter of others. At least these people are not bad guys, and they have helped us a lot." Xiao Guoguo said. , Han Meng also paused, in fact, this has nothing to do with them.

"By the way, are we really going to stay here for two months?" Han Meng continued to ask, Xiao Guoguo sighed.

"At present it seems that this can only be done. This should be the fastest way."

So everyone has settled down in the small village again, Xiao Guoguo and they have already moved the surrounding area The Sea Beast of the Sea Territory has been cleaned up, and the most powerful one is also suffocated in the space of Xiao Guoguo. Therefore, this seabed has never been safe and quiet. Sea Beasts really didn't dare to come over and provoke. During this time, the villagers went to the sea to hunt, and it went smoothly.

After a long time, Xiao Guoguo always felt that being so idle was not a problem, so he wandered around the village. She found that even if they had enough food now, the villagers still had to venture out into the sea, because for them, it was a habit and life. The women in the village have nothing to do except housework. Xiao Guoguo looked at this situation, thought about it in his heart, and found the village head.

"Does the village chief know about food?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the village chief smiled bitterly.

"Most people in the village don’t know it, but the old man has seen it. As long as the food is planted well, there will always be plenty of food. But ah, most of our planes are reefs and rocks. Fine sand, you can’t grow food without land."

The village chief doesn’t have much knowledge, so he doesn’t know how to let everyone grow food. And Xiao Guoguo thought for a while, found an open place and sat down directly, slapped the palm of one hand fiercely against the ground.

"Soil!" Xiao Guoguo shouted. Although this technique is not handsome enough, the effect is obvious.

The village chief saw that from the feet of Xiao Guoguo, a large area of ​​soil actually appeared, and it was still spreading... She even used soil spiritual power to build a piece of soil.

"This! You are the Earth Spirit Root! But how to do it consumes spiritual power too much!" The village chief said so, Xiao Guoguo laughed, but never stopped.

She can actually do a lot, because she has a lot of Spirit Stone in her hand, even if the spiritual power here is extremely scarce, she can deal with it.

In this way, one hand of Xiao Guoguo continuously outputs the spiritual power in the body, and the other hand holds an extreme grade Spirit Stone. She is someone who has absorbed the earth spirits, creating a piece of land is not impossible, but it takes time.

The village head never thought that Xiao Guoguo would do this. He was so grateful that he just sat behind Xiao Guoguo to accompany him. And Han Meng and Chi Xuan never stopped Xiao Guoguo, they just stood by her side to protect her.

From Han Meng's point of view, Junior Sister did this because Master Sister was strong enough, and she knew what she wanted to do, that she didn't need to interfere. In Chi Xuan's view, what Xiao Guoguo did was right, and he was not opposed to it.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo smiled at the land within several hundred li after sitting like this for three days. Although her technique can't move mountains and suppressing seas, it can actually benefit the people.

"It's really a piece of land!" The village chief had tears in his eyes, and he never thought that such a large area of ​​discipline would appear in and around them.

Xiao Guoguo would actually help them like this, they are actually just strangers who don't know each other!

"Thank you, thank you so much!" The village chief said this sincerely. He paid homage to Xiao Guoguo, and Xiao Guoguo hurriedly supported him.

"The village chief, you don't have to be like this. For me, it's just no effort at all." Xiao Guoguo said the truth.

For her, this piece of land just needs to lose a little Spirit Stone and time. If it is really worn out, she might hesitate. Although life in these villages is a bit harder, she is not so selfless to the point of sacrificing herself for others. She can help.

(End of this chapter)

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