
  Chapter 1617 is back.

I just don’t know how the Sea Beasts are in the seabed abyss. After all, the Sea Beast here still counts on eating fish to live, and she is not sure if there are fish in the abyss!

"Let's go, it seems that no bigger guy will come." Xiao Guoguo said that the black stone is nodded, but he is going to leave, he is considered to have recovered his life this time.

I'm afraid no one will believe it if I really say it. However, he really saw it. It was amazing. He had to tell the villagers, his wife, and the village chief when he went back.

"How do we take these two'big fish' away?" Chi Xuan asked with a smile. Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment, and then he reached out and saw the two Sea Beasts of seabed. Disappeared before my eyes.

"What's wrong with this? No more! What can I do! A lot of fish!" Hei Shitou said, Xiao Guoguo did not know whether to cry or laugh, as expected he In the mind of these all are fish!

"Don't worry, I didn't lose it, let's go back." Xiao Guoguo stomped the two of them, and stomped up from the seabed like a missile, and flew away quickly.

That is, the black stones that Seongili fishing in the sea didn't expect. Some people will have this speed in the sea. This is simply impossible. No amount of powerful fish can swim like this. Come on!

"Let's go." Lying on the boat, Xiao Guoguo looked all around. There was no silhouette of the villagers. Under the cover of Divine Consciousness, they found that they had gone back.

They are still within the Sea Territory hundreds of miles near the village. Xiao Guoguo Divine Consciousness has detected the whereabouts of the villagers. They are afraid that they were scared away by the Sea Beast just now.

"Okay, let's go back." Look at the surrounding area and there is no one, but there is no debris from the shipwreck. The black stone is also safe in heart, and hurried back.


Every time the fishing team returns, they will be welcomed by the whole village, men, women and children, just like receiving heroes returning triumphantly from the battlefield, regardless of their harvest today , Everyone will be full of enthusiasm and laughter. Because they can come back safely, which is a gift.

But today, when everyone sees the return of the fishing team, their hearts sink, because everyone has sadness on their faces. It seems that they have experienced something bad?

"What's the matter, why are their expressions like that?" the women in the village asked, feeling very disturbed, and they began to look for their relatives. Hundreds of people were there, and it was not simple to find someone, and it was a panic.

"Where's Black Stone? Why didn't I see him?" a woman shouted. It was the young woman on the first day, and Black Stone was the man envied by everyone with a big fish.

"My brother and sister, we only saw his boat, but at that time another huge wave came. It was Sea Beast chasing us. No one can go back and save him."

An older man said that when they grow up and live together, they must have feelings. They are like brothers. Brother, when such a thing happened, they felt uncomfortable.

"no! This is impossible! He is so strong, he is the best fisherman!" The woman squatted down crying, and the surrounding women kept comforting her.

No one wants such a situation, but they have to face it bravely, and life will continue. The villagers came back with sorrow. Han Meng felt a little strange. After asking about the reasons, the expression on his face became even more strange.

"Where are my Junior Sisters? Didn't they go with you?" Han Meng's words reminded everyone that the two who followed did not come back. Are they also caught by Sea? Beast attacked!

"Everyone, this seabed Sea Beast is very powerful, I'm afraid your Junior Sister won't be able to come back." The man said so with a look of guilt. They took people out, but they did not bring them back safely.

"You mean my Junior Sister and the two were swallowed by the so-called Sea Beast?" Han Meng asked, his expression a bit tangled. How should I tell them? It is estimated that Sea Beast will run away desperately when seeing Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo.

"It's because we didn't take good care of them. We knew that we shouldn't have let them follow!" The man said with regret.

"It's okay, you don't need to feel guilty." Han Meng laughed after he finished speaking.

When everyone looked at her, they only thought that this person was very weird. Isn't Junior Sister having a bad relationship with her?

Han Meng Divine Consciousness went outside and saw Xiao Guoguo as expected. Three people were coming here shaking the boat. Therefore Han Meng said to the crying woman: "Don't be too concerned, your Husband is okay, you will be back soon." Everyone: "..." Is this man a lunatic? ?

"Thank you for your comfort." Everyone said so, comforting the woman again. Han Meng is a little helpless, these people are really innocent.

She didn't say anything anymore, but walked to the beach. The village is not far from the beach, so flying over is just a cup of tea. Everyone did not know how to comfort her when they saw her.

But speaking of which they couldn't understand either. Not only was this woman's calm face, but the remaining two men and one woman were still sorting out their food, as if they were very leisurely. Don't they feel heartache?

During this period of time, they have clearly known that what these people are sorting out is the seasoning. These all are found from the surrounding areas following the children in the past two days. They said they wanted to see if there were any new discoveries in the surrounding area. However, it seems to be unsuccessful, and some things originally tasted weird.

When everyone saw that these people were so strange, they stopped saying anything. At this moment, they saw someone flying over from a distance. Those people were familiar!

"They're back! Are they really back?" A child shouted, everyone looked up, and indeed Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were back. There were black stones behind them.

"Stone! He's back!" The young woman cried with joy, and quickly moved towards a few people and ran over, that was her Husband.

"It's really not dead! How is this possible?" Everyone in the village discusses spiritedly. They also think it is unlikely, but they are still very happy that these three can come back alive.

The heavy atmosphere just swept away. Everyone started cheering excitedly. Hei Shitou held his daughter-in-law, and his heart was at ease. The day passed by has made him a little bit ups and downs, and now he feels a little better after returning to the familiar environment.

"Fourth Uncle, what the hell is going on with you? Didn't you see the huge Sea Beast? It's very big and big, with a weird wave of more than ten meters." the young man asked. , Black Stone didn't know how to answer him.

He saw it, and saw with his own eyes that the two people in front of him had cleaned up the Sea Beast! I'm afraid that most people will not believe this answer.

(End of this chapter)

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