
  Chapter 1614 Reason

"Boss, are you serious? No one of them is Water Spiritual Root?" In Literature there is some shock, but here is the plane on the edge of the abyss, the water spiritual power is so abundant, how can they not have a Water Spiritual Root?

"Among them, the overwhelming majority are Fire Spirit, and a few of them occasionally have Wind Spirit Root. Although the water spiritual power is abundant here, the other spiritual power is very weak, and they can cultivation It is not easy to raise the base to this level. Where else can spiritual power be used to maintain the state of bigu?"

Xiao Guoguo asked this, and everyone thought it made sense. If spiritual power is not enough to improve the cultivation base, how can you keep your stomach hungry?

"Moreover, there is no Spirit Stone or Fasting Pill here. Their stomachs will feel hunger, and they simply can't hold it." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone was nodded again.

Yes, fishing in the sea can survive even if you eat less. But the living environment here is treacherous, and if there is no such strong strength, the chance of survival is very slim. It is definitely the right choice for them to use spiritual power for cultivation.

"But, why don't they leave here? Wouldn't it be better to go outside?" Qingyun daoist asked, and Chi Xuan spoke.

"Perhaps because they can't live without here." Chi Xuan said so, everyone was stunned, and he heard him continue: "If what I observed is correct, many of them are before the ascension period. The cultivator. But when we came here to pass the barrier, didn’t we make sure that we didn’t get past the barrier simply, so why did they come here?"

"In other words... they didn’t pass The barrier came here, but the local people who were born and raised!" Song Xing said suddenly, everyone looked at him, this one is clever, and he guessed the point all at once!

"Moreover, their low cultivation base can't do without here, because the cultivation base is not enough and simply can't get out!" Song Xing continued. He pondered a lot of questions and could always find the answer the fastest.

"I think it's like this." Xiao Guoguo summed it up. Everyone looked at the outside, this plane was really strange.

"However, I don't think this question will bother us for long. The village chief should be back soon. When the time comes, we ask for directions, and we will continue to set off."

Xiao Guoguo made such a decision, and naturally no one opposed it. They actually wanted to ask for directions, but it was so strange here. If they didn't figure it out, they still felt curious.

In the early morning, the people in the village all get up very early. They seem to like to take advantage of this time for cultivation, because the spiritual power is relatively sufficient in the morning, and their cultivation can achieve better results.

The whole village gathered on the square, as if some kind of ceremony was being held, but it was very quiet, and no one spoke.

Xiao Guoguo watched from a distance and watched their attentive cultivation. Only then did they understand that these people regard cultivation as part of their lives and are inseparable. Even the youngest child can sit down peacefully without being noisy or noisy.

Wenwen stood on the deck and looked at the things under the spaceship warmly. These things are the feedback of the villagers. They invited everyone to eat, and these villagers took out what they liked as a reward.

There are simply two or three ropes, and the more expensive ones are skirts made of fish skin, as well as the shells and beautiful little stones that the children picked up from the beach. All piled under their spaceship, expressing gratitude.

Xiao Guoguo is also a little bit sour after seeing this. These people may be the kindest cultivator she has ever seen, and of course the hardest ones. She still didn't quite understand why they were like this, but Xiao Guoguo always felt that she should do something for them to change the status quo.

Cultivation continued until noon, and everyone returned to their homes to make simple meals. At this time, the women began to organize their home affairs, trying to find a way to make them more comfortable in this resource-poor place.

All of their things probably come from the sea, and there are not many decent trees around, let alone a forest. Therefore, most items in life seem to come from the ocean.

The women used all possible methods to make full use of the items obtained from the sea. Fish bones can be made into tools, and fish skins can be made into ropes and clothes. Xiao Guoguo saw it and realized that human wisdom is really endless.

And the men started to go out, they dragged their own boats into the sea, hoping for a good result today. Xiao Guoguo saw that the water was still calm, maybe they could gain something in this kind of weather.

One day passed, and the men came back. Although everyone was fine, but there was no big gain. One person carried a few small fishes back home.

They seem to have no food, so they can only eat fish and drink some fish soup. Xiao Guoguo met frowned. She never thought that these people had come here for so many years.

"Let's get some braised rice tonight." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan nodded.

"Then I will get a little bit more and give it to them." Chi Xuan's words made Xiao Guoguo's face slightly red and somewhat sorry.

Although she wanted to help, Chi Xuan was the one who did the work, so she took the initiative to help prepare some ingredients.

And the children in the village also came to help. They learned very quickly. After a while, Xiao Guoguo found that the work of washing vegetables was given to the children. The children here are very sensible. They seem to want to absorb all life skills naturally, and they can do whatever Chi Xuan does.

Xiao Guoguo has been despised by Chi Xuan for so many years, how can he not learn how to cook, how can I think that this group of teenage children will be able to see it at first sight, Xiao Guoguo is very blushed with shame and feels shameless See people.

The aroma of stewed rice was floating, and the villagers all looked at the huge spaceship, but no one came out to ask for it. They also have their own dignity. Yesterday they were given so much meat, it is not good to go to eat other people's food again.

But the children did not have this self-control, all surrounded by huge porcelain pots, until Xiao Guoguo divided the stewed rice among them and asked them to take them home.

The villagers have never seen food, as if they have never seen monster beast meat. They looked at the Xiao Guoguo entire group and thought they were really amazing and they could always make some Things they haven't seen before. This is simply... amazing!

The villagers spontaneously went under the spaceship and sang and danced around the spaceship. Xiao Guoguo was a little embarrassed. It felt like they were worshipping her... Is she alive and well?

This situation lasted most of the night, and Han Meng laughed all night. She didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be kind, and get such a return. This is really...I laughed at her to death.

On the second day, the villagers still cultivation in the morning and fish in the afternoon, but this time Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan followed them, Han Meng and the others stayed and watched how the women made it out of fish skin Got beautiful clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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