
  Chapter 1611 The Pirate Ship

Look at my broken arm and the aching chest, He knew that he was seriously injured this time. Moreover, in their entire group, from start to finish, only this female cultivator started, and the others even just stood and didn't help.

If it's not that their cultivation base is not good, or the cultivation base is stronger than this woman, they can be so calm. He can't take the risk anymore, it's not worth it!

"Kill them! Kill them with a spiritual power cannon!" The Black Shark said so, and his men ran away quickly.

Why they didn’t expect to use a spiritual power cannon, which was used to kill the giant beast of the seabed, and now it is used to deal with several fairy-level cultivators. This is simply incomprehensible. .

But when they saw the power of Wenwen, they didn't dare to delay anymore, they could only launch the spiritual power cannon.

The spiritual power fluctuates tremendously. Xiao Guoguo felt that the surrounding spiritual power was instantly absorbed into that spaceship. Then, a huge array disk appeared on the side of the ship, aiming at it. Up them.

"These guys, there are such methods!" Han Meng stepped forward, waving the red sword in his hand, and countless sword qi formed a huge shield.

In an instant of kung fu, a powerful spiritual power impacted from that burst, and several people felt it dazzling. If this spiritual power is divided by level, it is almost close to or has reached Great Immortal Master primary level.

Wenwen stands in the front, her arms close to protect her body, she still feels a strong spiritual power fluctuation, but her body is completely motionless, because there are two defenses in front of her .

The black shark originally thought it was a good attack, but when the spiritual power faded, he saw that the people on the other side were all safe and sound. It only felt like a lightning strike. How is this possible!

Han Meng's sword qi shield was broken, and Xiao Guoguo formed a spiritual power shield in front of Wenwen. The five-color spiritual power intertwined, blocking the attacking spiritual power. Wenwen stood unharmed behind the spiritual power shield, and the black shark and his men who looked at were stunned.

"This is impossible!" Black Shark said so, Xiao Guoguo walked to Wenwen's side.

"What should I do with them?" Xiao Guoguo only woke up, not knowing how things were going.

"Senior said that they can sell for a good price." Wenwen replied, and the people on the other side realized that they weren't talking for fun, but were serious!

"Let's do it then." Xiao Guoguo has no objection.

Seeing that the cultivation base of the people on the other side is not very high, it should not be considered as valuable. But Senior Sister has her reasons for doing this.

"Surrender or die!" Xiao Guoguo's one after another sword qi appeared, thousands of sword qi shining with threatening rays of light, and asked.

Everyone: "..." They don't want to die!

"You are a sword cultivator!" It was only at this time that the black shark figured out that it was who he had encountered, and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

He is a Lightning Spirit Root, he has encountered countless opponents in his life, and the most daunting is the sword cultivator! These guys simply don't play according to the routine, no matter what spirit root they are, they can be transformed into sword qi, and the attack power of sword qi is stronger than the aura of any attribute.

Moreover, most of the sword cultivators are body cultivators! Black Shark looked at Wenwen, the woman's physique was too strong.

"If you don't speak, then I can only hit you until you agree."

Xiao Guoguo said that, thousands of sword qi were released in an instant, and the opposite will follow different trajectories. More than thirty people were surrounded.

Everyone: "..." You give me time to speak!

Everyone wants to surrender, but they are afraid of black sharks! They were afraid that the black shark would fly into a rage out of humiliation to kill them, so they did not speak. I never thought that this one had so little patience, and immediately launched an attack.

And this is just the beginning. There are hundreds of sword qi surrounded by them alone, and there is really no way to watch that scene. In just a moment, these thieves no longer have the ability to resist, but their lives are still there, and only the Black Shark is left standing alone.

Black Shark looked at his men and wanted to fight with this group of people either the fish dies or the net splits. But at this time, the spiritual power on Xiao Guoguo's body moved, and a huge thunder and lightning fell, forming a lightning net and trapping him in it.

Xiao Guoguo stood calmly, watching the black shark struggling in the thunder and lightning, she knew that this was the only person who could hurt Wenwen.

She called this deal with a man as he deals with you, and he dared to deal with Wenwen like this, and she would return it to him now.

It was only in the thunder and lightning that the Black Shark realized what kind of guy he had provoke. This woman is not only a sword cultivator, but also a Lightning Spirit Root! The intensity of her lightning is even stronger than herself, which really makes people feel desperate.

And at the beginning, the black shark wanted to absorb all these lightning. After all, two Lightning Spirit Roots competed, no one would get any benefit, because they could absorb each other's attacks.

But how can Xiao Guoguo let him take advantage of this? Looking at more than a thousand sword qi plus the three-color sword intent, if the black shark dares to absorb a little thunder and lightning, the sword qi will attack without the slightest hesitation.

The Black Shark was injured by Wenwen just now, and now there is no way out of such a trouble! He could only stay obediently and honestly in the thunder and lightning.

It was not until Xiao Guoguo felt that it was almost time to remove the lightning, and asked the black shark: "Death or surrender?"

"I surrender! Surrender!" said the black shark. It was helpless at the time, but this was the only way, at least he could live for a while.

The black shark knows that the winner is the king, loser is the villain, but it didn’t expect that the winner came so fast! Moreover, it would not be great if he was really sold off, after all, he has had many enemies over the years.

"Let's find a place to settle down." Xiao Guoguo said so, Han Meng nodded, and Qingyun daoist surrounded Wenwen to heal her, and it was very distressed.

"Why do you want to be so aggressive? That's a Level 3 Great Immortal Master. What can you do if you really can't beat it? What can I do if you have something good or bad?" Qingyun Daoist asked. Wenwen glanced at him, after all he didn't frustrate him, but comforted him.

"I know my defensive ability, so I played against him. Besides, having Han Meng senior here will always save my life! I also want to know how my strength lies Where!" When Wenwen said this, Qingyun daoist was very angry, but there was nothing to say. He could never hinder Wenwen's improvement! But let him throw away the injured Wenwen to get angry and he was reluctant, so he could only continue to treat her wounds by panting with rage.

"Let's do it, next time I won't be so adventurous, okay?" Wenwen saw that Qingyun Daoist was angry, so he said so.

"Really?" Qingyun Daoist didn't quite believe it.

"Really, what I say counts." Wenwen promised.

"Should we find the old man? There is a white plane over there." Han Meng pointed his finger and Xiao Guoguo saw the white plane. There are only seven planes here, and it is very simple to find one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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