
  Chapter 1607 Promotion

"It's flying! But it seems a bit unstable?" Qingyun daoist also looked not quite clear, what's in front of that huge black ship? Is that the monster beast dragging? And huge wings appeared on the hull, controlling the hull, don't wobble back and forth.

"That's because the wind at the entrance of the Deep Sea Abyss is very strong." Han Meng sighed after seeing it clearly.

She saw that the hull began to sway in the wind, and she barely stabilized by relying on the giant beast and wings towed in front. Looking at it this way, this entrance is really powerful. Such a big spaceship is like a leaf, and it can only go in the direction of the wind, without any resistance.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are also watching, they are watching whether such a ship can enter the abyss of the deep sea. Can such a human cultivator enter the abyss of the deep sea?

Two hours later, everyone saw that the huge spaceship finally passed through the wind layer, and then was swallowed by the huge waves. The giant beasts on the bow of the ship were swimming quickly and disappeared for a while. Trace. They turned out to be Sea Beast!

"It seems that this deep sea abyss is really dangerous." Han Meng is so sighed and the peripheral zone is so strenuous. If you get inside, I don't know what the situation is.

"It doesn't matter, the danger is that as long as we are together, we will always be able to pass." Wenwen said so, she never felt that they could not get through any storms together.

Xiao Guoguo has a clear mind, she has figured it out, Wenwen is right, as long as she works hard, there is always a way! I don’t know how many people who have been here over the years are stronger than them. Their inability to do anything at the beginning to the calm response later is the best proof.

The first person to find a way to enter the abyss of the deep sea through the storm layer, the creators of that huge sea ship, they are the first to try! Even the owner who set the barrier, what they did was to do their best to guard the plane outside the abyss.

Although no one may know what they did, they don't care, they just did what they wanted to do. Xiao Guoguo thought about her own way, smiled faintly, she will definitely be able to do it, the strongest person.

The spiritual power around Xiao Guoguo has changed. Everyone looked at it instantly, and it seems that Xiao Guoguo is about to wake up.

The water spiritual power here is so rich that it makes people feel like took a deep breath, and every nose is full of water spiritual power. At this moment, all kinds of spiritual power around Xiao Guoguo are spinning fast, and the water spiritual power is like a smoke, directly rushing into Xiao Guoguo's meridian.

Everyone understands that this is an improvement after sudden enlightenment, and this time, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know how much to improve.

Various spiritual power rushed into Xiao Guoguo's meridian, constantly improving her cultivation base. Xiao Guoguo knew that this was a gift after the sudden enlightenment, and she couldn't control it.

This kind of improvement lasted for a day, and simply didn't mean to stop. Everyone only felt envious. At this time, Chi Xuan suddenly had a sudden enlightenment, and the spiritual power began to diffuse around him. From a distance, these two people saw two luminous bodies flashing.

"I can understand Xiao Guoguo sudden enlightenment, but why does Chi Xuan always have sudden enlightenment at the same time every time? Is it true that the two people are so connected?" Qingyun daoist asked, really didn't think so untie.

"They are naturally connected, otherwise how could they become the masters of Life and Death Sword, how can they control the Life and Death Sword method." Han Meng said so with envy, so much How happy is a person who has the same mind.

Thinking like this, I don't know why Han Meng thought of Old Ancestor without sword. That guy is also a pitiful person. He has never met a suitable woman for so many years, but he has lived alone until now. I don’t know what he is after, is there really only sword dao and cultivation avenues in his heart? Nothing else to worry about?

"The boss can always bring blessings to those around you." Yuemu sighed so, and turned to look at the abyss of the deep sea. This blue seems to be constantly changing there, and the mood of the people watching is also fluctuating. . Maybe they just got the feeling after seeing this deep ocean.

"I don't know how long it will last." Qingyun Daoist said enviously.

Song Xing looked at all this and realized that the path of cultivation is not simple. Over the years, he has seen many people and many things, only to realize that there is never an easy way. If you want to succeed, you have to make all kinds of efforts, and even if you work hard, you will not necessarily achieve the results you want.

Over the years, some people have given up, and some people are insisting. Gains and losses need to be measured by themselves. However, the cultivator is different from the ordinary person, they simply have no way out.

Ordinary persons can start from scratch if they choose the wrong path, but the cultivator will not work. They seem to have only one way in front of them to become stronger, otherwise they will not be killed by other cultivators, or they will fall. The pursuit of is meaningless.

So really speaking of which, he feels that although the cultivator is powerful, it has to bear and carry more, not as easy as an ordinary person.

"Wait, what is that? Why is a spaceship coming?" Yuemu looked into the distance and pointed to a small black spot.

"Is it because we have been here for too long? Someone is not willing?" Han Meng guessed, Divine Consciousness took a look and smiled and said: "They turned out to be plane bandits, they are clever, unexpectedly Watching us."

"What is a plane bandit?" Wen In Literature there is a little curiously asked.

"They are bandits. I think they can chase us across the plane and have the courage to add the word plane. Doesn't it seem very angry to shout like this?"

Everyone: "..." senior, this joke is not funny at all.

The huge spaceship looks very sturdy. There are dozens of people standing on the deck of the spaceship, each holding magic weapons in their hands, looking very arrogantly at a group of them, as if looking at them. Fat sheep.

Han Meng and the others can't let them come close. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are absorbing spiritual power and can't be disturbed at all. So Han Meng, Wenwen and Qingyun daoist flew out, while Yuemu stayed to take care of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

Wenwen knows that Yuemu doesn't like Chi Xuan, but he is absolutely loyal to the boss, which is why he was stayed.

The huge black spaceship has a flag on it, and on it is a huge Sea Beast. I don't know what it means, maybe it's their mark.

Everyone does not know that this bandit group is very sturdy in this piece, and there is almost no one dares provoke around it. Because of their high cultivation base and very ruthless methods, their bosses are called black sharks, and they are called black shark bandits.

"Boss, you see, these people must be newcomers who have just entered here. I don't know how powerful our black sharks are, and they dare to fight so arrogantly? I don't know whether they live or die." With that said, he was obviously touting the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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