
  Chapter 1599 Method

"If you don’t send an array, you can’t come directly, and you can’t tore the void. Birds don’t shit in a broken place. Why can’t you think of so much about the colorful fire bird family, so you chose to build a nest here.” Xiao Guoguo didn’t understand, just call it a nest in this place.

"Master, this is the choice of the ancestors, and we don't understand it." Fatty said so. Looking at Xiao Guoguo and everyone, it also knows that the conditions of this face are a little harsher.

"Master, although the outside of this face is wrapped in flames, it is still very beautiful inside. Although the temperature is a little higher, it is not bad if there is no cold winter. Our colorful fire bird dislikes winter the most. "

Fatty said so, Han Meng wanted to give it two hehe. This void was wrapped in flames, and it was still a very powerful flame. She couldn't just tear it open just now because it was hot!

"What kind of flame is this?" Xiao Guoguo frowned asked. The flame seemed to be very special. Han Meng Senior Sister was actually burned. You must know that her cultivation base is no longer damaged by fire or water.

"This is the Life Source flame of our colorful fire bird!" Fatty said so with pride.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is it appropriate to be proud at this time? They are for someone to go home.

"Life Source flame? If it's your Life Source flame, there shouldn't be much? Can you bear so many flames? Can't you vomit blood?" Yuemu looked at fatty and asked. .

"These are not left by the clansman now, but by the clansman in the past. Before our seniors fall, they will leave the Life Source flame behind and become part of the flame array , Guard the remaining clansman!”

Fatty said that Xiao Guoguo has admiration, no matter what, they can leave such a gift before they fall, it is definitely for the benefit of future generations.

"Since it is so powerful, how should we get there? Spaceship is not good for me, right?" Xiao Guoguo said, fatty laughed.

"This flame will burn the cultivator unless I take you in." Fatty said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at it, how would it take them in?

"I will protect you in the feathers. I should be able to carry it. Only Song Xing Young Master is a little troublesome. He is an ordinary person, and I am afraid he can't stand the heat."


Xiao Guoguo Looking at Song Xing, I also understand that what the fatty is telling is the truth. After all, Song Xing is an ordinary person and his body is not strong enough. This kind of heat must be unbearable.

"Should I protect him with an ice shield?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Fatty thought for a while and said: "I have the safest way, but I just want to wrong him."

"As long as I can go in and have a look, I have nothing to feel wronged." Song Xing agreed, and fatty opened his mouth.

Song Xing: "..." What does this mean?

"You go in, this fatty mouth is the safest." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile.

At this moment Song Xing really wanted to ask, is there no other way? Song Xing walked to Fatty's mouth, while the remaining few people were sitting on their backs. Xiao Guoguo set up an ice shield for everyone, and when they rushed into the flames, they would at least feel a little more comfortable.

Fatty inflamed huge wings, the flames on the wings burned and the rays of light were dazzling, rushing directly into the protective array of that plane. As soon as fatty got close to the flame array, he would attack. A long flame whip directly moved towards fatty, but the flame whip felt the flame on fatty's wings and quickly backed away.

This is the case along the way. Fatty is surrounded by flames, but there is no harm to it. This is like the power of the same origin, they can recognize each other and will not harm each other.

Xiao Guoguo felt magnificent in his heart when he watched this scene. I am afraid that it would be rare to see such a scene once in a lifetime. It's a pity that Song Xing didn't see it. He was in Fatty's mouth! he he he!

Flying for hundreds of miles, it was only a moment of effort for the fatty. They rushed through the flame array and entered this face.

Looking down from the air, Xiao Guoguo has to admit that this plane is indeed dense with Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances and very suitable for the survival of Spirit Beast. Especially above the ground, there are huge trees everywhere. These ancient trees that have grown for thousands of years are very tall, two to three hundred meters long, and the canopy of the tree spreads like a huge umbrella, covering it in mid-air. The scenery below.

And among the dense branches, you can see a huge bird's nest. I think it is the nest of the colorful fire bird. The small diameter of these canopies is also kilometer wide, and the larger ones look like a green cloud, and the colorful fire birds look so petite when standing on them.

"Can the plants here become refined?" Xiao Guoguo sighed. Fatty wanted to scream, but when he thought that there was Song Xing in his mouth, he did not gnaw.

And the fatty broke through the flame array, which naturally attracted the attention of the fire bird. In the mid-air, the fire birds that have been patrolling quickly moved towards fatty, and surrounded it, wanting to see where this guy came from?

Fatty didn't have any conflict with them. Instead, he flew to the ground obediently. With his huge wings closed, he opened his mouth first, and vomited Song Xing out.

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Guoguo several people flew down from the back of the fatty and were stared at by a group of colorful fire birds. It felt really strange. But the fatty screamed.

"I'm finally back! I'm finally back!" Fatty was so excited that Xiao Guoguo never interrupted. This guy has always wanted to return to his hometown, she can understand.

"Who are you! Why did you bring a human cultivator into our territory?" the leader asked, his silhouette changed and he became a human. Xiao Guoguo didn't expect that these monster beasts are so friendly.

"I am fatty, and they are my friends!" Fatty also changed into a human figure as he said so, a fiery-red dress, a juvenile appearance, and long black hair. The tiny braids on one end are very handsome.

"You are the clansman of my clan and you can come back. But you shouldn't bring these human cultivators back!" said the leader Captain, treating the fatty as kind in the end.

"This big brother, it was not easy for me to come back this time, and we will have something to do when we come back. I have to bring them to do it. Big brother, I don’t know the current patriarch of my clan Who is it, please recommend me." Fatty said so, the young man looked at him and then Xiao Guoguo.

"You can meet patriarch, they can't, they have to be locked up!" Then Captain looked at Xiao Guoguo and others, and felt that their cultivation base was very high and a bit dangerous.

"No! She is my master, no one can hurt her!" Fatty said so, and Captain's attitude changed.

"You turned out to be the Spirit Beast of a human cultivator? You are simply a shame to my clan!" The man's expression on the fatty is not so kind!

(End of this chapter)

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