
  Chapter 1596 Completed

"You and the Imperial Father handed over your resignation. The Imperial Father does not want to understand you It’s what you want to do. In the past, when dealing with the Imperial Teacher, you even spared your life to help him. Now the Imperial Teacher is going away, but you want to live in seclusion!” When the Great Princess said this, Song Xing was silent, he It’s really hard for everyone to understand the idea.

"Imperial Teacher has been eliminated, and I don't have to stay in Chaotang." Song Xing's answer was a bit perfunctory.

"Hehe, Royal Father doesn't understand, but I understand! Because you have always been different from ordinary people since you were a child. What everyone wants is a result. Only for this result is the method used, and you have always grasped the process. Don’t let go, what you want is to understand.

Now these people are leaving, but you resigned, isn’t it just to go out with them and have a look?! But Song Xing, their way , Can you really go? You don’t want to die!"

This Great Princess passage made Han Meng feel that Song Xing is really not at all fortune, this girl is really not an ordinary person, she knows Song Xing so well. , So will you regret not marrying sooner or later?

"Princess, this is my pursuit." Song Xing only said dry words, without any explanation.

"I was afraid that you were leaving, so I opened my mouth to keep you, but I didn't want to change your mind at all! That's all, you go, I can't keep you!" Great Princess said and turned around Without looking at Song Xing, the tears still fell.

"Thanks Princess for your accomplishment. Take care!" Song Xing said as he closed the door as a salute, and there was nothing reluctant to give up, and Great Princess had a dim face.

Han Meng looked at Song Xing who had returned, and really convinced him, but she was not qualified to criticize her choice. Since he wants to do this, she can do whatever she wants.

"Let's go." Xiao Guoguo said, Han Meng accumulated spiritual power and tore through the void.

"Every time I cross the void, my favorite is this moment. It's too domineering." Han Meng looked at the void with excitement, and Xiao Guoguo looked at her helplessly.

"Senior Sister, don't fall into any strange place this time." Xiao Guoguo said.

"I will try my best. By the way, where are we going?" Han Meng was so excited that he couldn't remember where he was going.

"A place closest to here that can be teleported, we are going to Fengyunmen." Xiao Guoguo pulled the Imperial Teacher in his hand, and they wanted to send it back.

"Oh, yes, there is a plane that transmits an array recently!" Han Meng said, everyone stepped into the void, and Yuemu suddenly thought of the past at this time.

Once the boss and Wenwen their three people went out, wherever they went every time they felt like the lottery draw. In the most thrilling time, they reached a plane where there was no one, and there were all kinds of gusts on it besides the stones! I didn't understand at that time, now I want to estimate what Desolate Land it is.

Desolate Land is what they call the inanimate plane, just like the site of the former Zhuang Qi, which was transformed by Desolate Land...because he brought many people to that place !

So, it was originally Desolate Land, because of them, there was a little more vitality.

Song Xing only got his feet firmly on his feet and began to vomit. Only then did he understand why these people were called cultivators, because they were extremely tough, and his body could hardly stand it when he traveled through such planes.

"Yes, good performance, just vomiting two mouthfuls." Han Meng looked at Song Xing like this, this brother's body is good enough.

shuttling through the void is not about teleporting the array. This general cultivator will be a little unbearable, even more how is an ordinary person. So Song Xing just vomited two mouthfuls, which made Han Meng look at him with admiration.

"Will there really be a teleportation array in this place?" Xiao Guoguo looked at the surrounding deserted mountains and ridges curiously, there was nothing.

"Ask for directions, someone will always know." Han Meng said. The landing place she chose was really random.

The entire group took the spaceship and flew for most of a day before finding a town with people. This made Song Xing an eye-opener. He was very attentive along the way, staring at the surroundings and sighing constantly. Moreover, this enthusiasm continued until they found the town.

There is an ordinary person and a cultivator in this town, and Song Xing finds everything fresh. Especially looking at each of them with cold faces, various magic weapons on their bodies, and cultivators of different Spirit Beasts behind them, making him feel that this trip is really worthwhile.

"Are these people cultivators?" Song Xing asked Han Meng. He completely regarded Han Meng as his tour guide.

"Yes, they are all cultivators." Han Meng also took the trouble to answer him, who asked her to agree to this guy.

"So how do you know, which one of them is good? Who is not good? I think they are all very difficult to deal with." Song Xing asked, Han Meng smiled.

"How does the ordinary person distinguish, who is better?" Han Meng asked rhetorically, and Song Xing thought for a while and said: "Naturally, I looked at it from the body shape!"

Song Xing is good at observing life, this is his characteristic, but now he doesn't know how to analyze the strength of this cultivator, which makes him feel very troubled. So with the spirit of research, he kept asking Han Meng questions.

"This set can't be used on cultivator. The cultivator is arrogant. Most of them think they are strong. Plus some who are good at bluffing will confuse your judgment! I tell you, look at the strength of the cultivator. Weakness is only one point, which is measured by your own strength. There are only two kinds of people: stronger than you, and weaker than you!"

"Then how do I distinguish between their strong and weak?" Song Xing was puzzled, Han Meng smiled.

"You can't tell the difference naturally. You are not a cultivator and do not practice a magic cultivator, so naturally you can't see the other party's cultivation base. I tell you, cultivators can only see that they are better than their own cultivation. The level of people with a low base, but you can’t see the level of people higher than your own cultivation base. You can’t provoke anyone who you can’t see through!"

Han Meng said so, Song Xing understands In other words, cultivators can see people who are weaker than themselves! This is really an interesting answer. If you encounter people who don't understand, they will simply treat them as better than themselves.

"If it's an ordinary person, do they understand it?" Song Xing asked in a low voice, Han Meng shook his head.

"Some people are pure ordinary persons, they can see and understand. But some people, because the cultivation base is too high to Return to the Natural State, they also look the same as ordinary persons, and it is difficult to distinguish. "Han Meng whispered in such a low voice, Song Xing looked surprised. Is there such a situation?

"So, although you are an ordinary person, as long as you are confident, brave, and able to pretend, you can fool others." Han Meng said so and went on, Song Xing was thinking about her. if.

Having walked all the way, Xiao Guoguo has already inquired clearly how to get to a city with Transmission Formation. Song Xing also discovered that no one around these people dared to look at them, even looking up at them. , But to avoid in a hurry.

Song Xing realized that Xiao Guoguo and the others must be extremely powerful. Even the cultivators must have felt their strength, and they did not dare to offend before they bowed their heads and dared not approach.

It turns out that the cultivation world also has its own rules and methods of survival, which is no different from an ordinary person. The same is true for ordinary persons who see powerhouse and dignitaries.

(End of this chapter)

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