
  Chapter 1594 Behind the scenes

"You never knew him, why did he bother to help you? And the method he said is simply useless. If it is more powerful, you will even lose your life! After that, what does this plane have to do with Feng Yunmen? When the time comes, who will this plane become?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the Imperial Teacher's face was blank at first, and then the shock turned into fear. He turned out to be plot against all this, and plot against is so thorough!

"Did that person tear the plane apart for you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Imperial Teacher nodded.

"Because this matter is very confidential, I only brought my discipline over here, and other people simply don't know." The Imperial Teacher said so, for fear that Xiao Guoguo really doubted Sect.

"I will check this matter, and I will wait until Feng Dunmen is innocent or not. Now tell me who that person is."

Xiao Guoguo The conversation with the Imperial Teacher made the faces of everyone present very serious, and they didn't expect things to be so complicated. And no one knows how many similar things have happened.

"That man is a businessman." The Imperial Teacher said so, Xiao Guoguo sighed in his heart, as expected.

"Where can I find him?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"There is a plane between the Earth Demon world and the human cultivator. This plane is called the intermediate plane. The cultivators often rest here, and that person is on that plane. He sells a lot of things, there is no lack of strange things, there are planes in it!"

What Imperial Teacher said, Xiao Guoguo was also shocked. It turns out that such a person really exists. When Four Great Sects entered their plane, I'm afraid it was also through this method, trading!

"Why don't you buy a plane directly?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the Imperial Teacher lowered his head.

"It's too expensive, and we can't afford sect." The Imperial Teacher said that Xiao Guoguo finally understood why several sects entered the same plane together, just because it was too expensive!

However, Xiao Guoguo feels that this buying and selling plane is only one of its contents. Such merchants must have buyers in all aspects, not only human cultivators, but also monster beasts and demonic cultivators. !

It's like Dark Night Pavilion, they do similar things! Does this person have anything to do with the Dark Night Pavilion?

"What's the name of the shop?" Xiao Guoguo asked fiercely.

"Guangying Pavilion!" The Imperial Teacher replied.

Guangying Pavilion and Dark Night Pavilion, the names are indeed somewhat similar, Xiao Guoguo couldn't help thinking a lot, and then looked at the Imperial Teacher.

"In addition to this information, did he give you anything else?"

Xiao Guoguo's question made the opposite Imperial Teacher stunned. After thinking for a while, he said: "It's true. I gave me something, and it’s in my storage ring."

After the Imperial Teacher said that, everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo, and Han Meng said bluntly: "Don’t trust him easily. It's not good because there is a conspiracy in it."

Xiao Guoguo understands what Han Meng means, and I am afraid there are some traps in the storage ring mentioned by the Imperial Teacher. But Xiao Guoguo felt that what the Imperial Teacher said should be the truth. He went to the Guangying Pavilion and met the mysterious person in charge. Wouldn't he bring some local specialties back along the way?

Xiao Guoguo's question is just to learn more about this Guangying Pavilion and see what business they are doing. Perhaps from the Imperial Teacher's mouth, we can know a little bit more clearly.

"What did you bring back from Guangying Pavilion?" Xiao Guoguo asked with the storage ring in his hand.

"A Spirit Beast egg, I don't know what Spirit Beast is in it. It hasn't hatched after more than two hundred years. If you don't ask, I will almost forget it."

The Imperial Teacher said the truth this time. If Xiao Guoguo hadn’t asked him today, he would have almost completely forgotten about it. After all, a Spirit Beast egg that has not been hatched for more than two hundred years is worth it. It's not high.

Xiao Guoguo opened the Imperial Teacher's storage ring after hearing this, and poured out all the contents inside. After sorting it out, he found the Spirit Beast egg in his mouth in the corner.

"Chi Xuan, do you think this Spirit Beast egg is a bit familiar?" Xiao Guoguo asked Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan squinted his eyes for a while.

"When we found Xiaoqi and Fatty, did we choose such a Spirit Beast egg once?" Chi Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

From the appearance of this Spirit Beast egg, it is very similar to the original fatty one. Is the Spirit Beast in this Spirit Beast egg also a colorful fire bird?

"It wouldn't be such a coincidence?" Chi Xuan couldn't believe it, but Xiao Guoguo called fatty in his mind.

Fatty has been sleeping cultivation since the last Transcending Tribulation. Except for the time when Wei Ling got married, she served as a mount. She has been resting and never showed up. And when Xiao Guoguo called it, fatty looked listless.

"Master." Fatty was confused, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly asked it.

"I seem to have found a Spirit Beast egg with a colorful fire bird." Xiao Guoguo said, hoping that fatty would help him identify it. Isn't that right?

"What!" The fatty, who was originally confused, instantly came to his senses, and went straight outside to look at the Spirit Beast egg, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Master, this is really my clan!" Fatty said Xiao Guoguo laughed. This guy said that he couldn't do it, but now he is so full of spirits he walks around the Spirit Beast egg. Going seems to be taking care of.

"This Spirit Beast, you have a contract?" Xiao Guoguo asked the Imperial Teacher directly, and the Imperial Teacher shook his head.

"I don't know what Spirit Beast is in this Spirit Beast egg, how can I contract it casually?" The Imperial Teacher said, looking at the majestic fatty, I regretted it, it seems this one The Spirit Beast in the egg is not simple.

"That's good." Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand as he said, and the fatty disappeared with the Spirit Beast egg.

"What did he do?" Han Meng asked Xiao Guoguo. Although this Imperial Teacher did not cause a catastrophe, his thoughts were vicious and they couldn't let it go.

"Go to Feng Dun Men and leave it to their Sect Master to deal with it." Xiao Guoguo said that everyone would understand that Feng Dun Men would take care of it himself.

Although this person is not pure in mind, Xiao Guoguo still has some usefulness to keep him, so she is not prepared for the Imperial Teacher. She will only talk about it after the affairs of Guangying Pavilion are over.

"You guys, don't you kill me?" The Imperial Teacher didn't even think Xiao Guoguo would do it.

"What good is it for us to kill you?" Xiao Guoguo replied. The Imperial Teacher was really sighed in relief this time, which was tantamount to taking back a small life.

"But don't be too happy too early. If we don't kill you, it doesn't mean that person won't kill you. If he knows you are still alive, I'm afraid he won't be able to spare you?" Xiao Guoguo Asked, the Imperial Teacher's face was pale for a moment.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't care what his mood is in the end, but thinks about when to meet the people from Guangying Pavilion!

It's a pity that they didn't head towards the demonic cultivator this time. They are going to the seabed abyss and they can't delay it. The demonic cultivator seed is the top priority.

(End of this chapter)

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