
  Chapter 1590 Captured

"spiritual power ball!" Xiao Guoguo mixed the four spiritual powers with a smile Together, the spiritual power ball in his hand was thrown out, and various spiritual power swayed wildly, with a huge threat.

"no! This impossible!" The Imperial Teacher watched the spiritual power ball directly thrown over and didn't dare to resist, and quickly dodged. But the spiritual power ball got bigger and bigger. He simply couldn't dodge, and there was an explosion. Everyone watched as the Imperial Teacher was bounced off.

"No, how is this possible!" The people also think it is impossible. Is this still their Imperial Teacher? How could you be beaten so badly!

The country lord felt that his heart was finally happy. Having been suppressed by this guy for so many years, he finally waited until this day. Seeing him being taught so much, the country lord felt more comfortable in his heart.

"Who the hell are you!" The Imperial Teacher supported his body. There were many injuries on his body and the bones of his arms were also broken. This is to protect his body. The result of the ice shield defensive explosion.

"I am me, a different cloud." Xiao Guoguo said so, and Yuemu sprayed directly.

Sure enough, this occasionally commits a second, and regular tapping is the boss’s style. On the other hand, Chi Xuan looked at it with a smile and doting, he knew that Xiao Guoguo was willing to help not only because of these Spirit Stones and Water Spirits, only he knew the kindness of her heart.

She sympathizes with the people here, and doesn't want such an ordinary plane to be interfered by the cultivator before she takes action. Otherwise, these Spirit Stones and Water Spirits would just be taken away with their abilities, so why do they need to explain to anyone? Who can really stop them?

So, she is strong on the surface, but in fact she is soft in her heart. She really went to deal with this Imperial Teacher for the Little Fatty in her arms to have a stable home.

Imperial Teacher's injury was very serious, and at the same time he became more sober, he realized that he is really not this woman's opponent!

It is ridiculous to say that he was defeated by someone with a lower cultivation base than himself! However, this is the peculiar part of the cultivation world. In many cases, the cultivation base represents everything, but sometimes there are things that are more important than the cultivation base, such as some powerful cultivators, which can skip grades to challenge.

He never thought that he would meet such a guy. Skipping grades to challenge is not common after all.

"It seems that you are not that great." Xiao Guoguo said this and deliberately irritated the other party, and saw the imperial teacher opposite with a gloomy face.

The cultivator is very conceited, the proud are countless, and the most unbearable is being stimulated. If it comes from expert's contempt, that's fine, but listening to someone who is lower than yourself always feels uncomfortable.

"You are persecuting me!" The Imperial Teacher said so, the gentle face finally disappeared, and the very ruthless in his eyes made the people's hearts tremble.

But they still subconsciously make excuses for the Imperial Teacher. For example, the Imperial Teacher is also forced to be helpless. This woman is really amazing! For example, the imperial teacher's self-esteem is stimulated, and it is understandable for a momentary change in temperament. Of course, there are also some people who think that the face of the Imperial Teacher can only be seen clearly at this time.

"You didn't understand until now? I was forcing you!" Xiao Guoguo said so, the Imperial Teacher laughed heartily.

"Okay, very good! This is all you asked for! I was thinking of letting you make a living, but you don't want it!" The Imperial Teacher shouted, looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan entire group.

Xiao Guoguo saw that he was so crazy and didn't say anything, she felt that there seemed to be an impenetrable breath in this Imperial Teacher. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo wants to figure out what is going on!

"Let's watch it!" The Imperial Teacher said so and suddenly sat down, and suddenly pointed at his head in the air, he saw a drop of blood coming from his The forehead floated out.

Xiao Guoguo knows that for the cultivator, the blood of his mind is also very precious. This person did this, obviously he was about to start something.

Sure enough, the ground began to shake the next instant, and a crack appeared one after another. It was only at this time that the people below realized that it was not good, and they retreated one after another for fear of falling.

The cracks are very big, and the strips are crossed together, which is a pattern when viewed from the air. And this crack is also very deep, and it will be hard to survive falling. At this moment, one after another rays of light shot out from the crack. These rays of light rushed straight into the sky, and then gathered into one spot.

Xiao Guoguo saw this, sighed in his heart, this person was afraid that he had planned these things a long time ago, but no one has discovered it. This array can't be laid out in a short time, and it needs a lot of Spirit Stone. The water spirit can indeed emit mist, but at the same time it has become the best cover for their actions.

All this is Xiao Guoguo's guess, but she can't stop it anymore, but to see what Imperial Teacher will do next. At this moment, a man in the crowd flew up, his face was painful.

"Brother Wang!" The country lord never thought that the person who was arrested was his own younger brother, who was also the king of leisure.

This younger brother has been idle for so many years, so he doesn't do anything serious because he was named a king of leisure. Who would have thought that he would be used at such a critical moment. When did he come? Why don't I know!

"Brother Wang, help!" A certain prince who was going to watch the excitement couldn't think of it. He turned out to be the highlight.

"Don't you really want to know, what do I want these fortunes to do? I will show you now!" The Imperial Teacher said, laughed heartily.

Xiao Guoguo watched as a blood was drawn from the hands of King Xian, then mixed into this spiritual power, and rushed directly to the top of the mountain. At this moment, Mo Yu came to his senses.

"He wants to use Bloodline Power to gain the power of luck. This is to seize the luck of this plane." Mo Yu finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo understood, this Imperial Teacher originally planned it.

"But what is the use of this power of luck?" Xiao Guoguo just wanted to know this.

"In addition to giving people more opportunities, as far as I know, it can also be exempt." Mo Yu said so, but did not come out at all, but watched so much through Xiao Guoguo.

"Exemption? What does this mean?" Xiao Guoguo was puzzled.

"As a cultivator, if you make any mistakes, then the power of luck can help him avoid punishment."

After Mo Yu finished talking, Xiao Guoguo was stunned, and there was something like this Set? In other words, if this guy gains the power of luck, wouldn't he be able to do evil on this plane!

And what is he going to do? Xiao Guoguo looked at the huge array of Spirit Stones that cost countless Spirit Stones. She really couldn't think of it. Is it so fulfilling to occupy a plane that is all an ordinary person?

(End of this chapter)

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