
  Chapter 1588 angered

"You guys! You are going to reverse it!" , The crowd was quiet for a while, and they seemed to be shocked by the words of the country's lord. However, only a moment later, the previous shouts came again!

"Sure enough, it's a good method." A voice came from inside. The voice was not loud but it was so clear that the words echoed in everyone's ears.

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone looked at the entire group that came out. They felt that there was a magical power on these people, which made them feel in awe, even afraid to say anything. And this feeling is very familiar, as if I have felt it in Imperial Teacher.

"Fellow Daoists, where did I offend you guys and let you tie my discipline?" The Imperial Teacher looked at the dísciples tied up behind Xiao Guoguo, and it seemed that they were indeed directed at him. Coming.

"Receiving money and helping others eliminate calamities!" Han Meng said. Xiao Guoguo glanced at her. Is it really okay for Senior Sister to be so honest?

"I'm also curious, Fellow Daoist, why are you here in this ordinary plane? The Spirit Stone in it, or the water spirit in it?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The Imperial Teacher’s complexion changed.

"Sure enough, you took the water spirit away! Do you know that the water spirit is the lifeblood of this dynasty, and you have cut off the luck of the people here by doing this." The Imperial Teacher said. , Xiao Guoguo raised his eyebrows to look at him, this is a backlash.

This spirit vein gathers the luck of this dynasty. There is nothing wrong with it. They took the Spirit Stone and also put the Water Spirit Stone in the bag, but the luck did not spread out.

This path of luck is just gathered here, and it has nothing to do with the spirit vein, unless they want to absorb the power of the path of luck. Some conditions are needed to absorb Luck Dao. They don't have this condition. Unlike the Imperial Teacher, who has the power of Luck Dao vaguely.

He originally planned to steal this power of luck by himself? Now, in order to irritate the people, it is ridiculous to say that they want to do this. Isn’t it ridiculous?

"I didn't expect the Imperial Teacher to be so clever, and what I have to do is planted on our heads." Xiao Guoguo said, Imperial Teacher's complexion remained unchanged and With a gentle expression.

"Fellow Daoists, although you and I are both cultivators, you are following different paths. I still want to advise you not to do this kind of detrimental things to the people. You have absorbed these luck paths, here The people of China will be affected. Isn't it too much!" The Imperial Teacher said that if the people quit, they will be affected. Then this group of people is their enemy!

"Get these people up!" someone took the lead in shouting.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the angry expressions of the people below, and began to shout like this, obviously affected. Xiao Guoguo really underestimated this Imperial Teacher. Originally thought he would come to negotiate terms with them himself. How could he have thought that he was so cautious and brought so many ordinary persons.

If these tens of thousands of people really attack them indiscriminately, then it is indeed a difficult thing to do! Moreover, if they are not careful, they will be contaminated with cause and effect, so does the Imperial Teacher dare to be so confident?

"It seems that you are sure to win this luck?" Xiao Guoguo asked, wanting to see if there is any room for turning back.

"Fellow Daoist, I still advise you to give up." The Imperial Teacher said so, and the people began to gather around, even counting the country's lord.

How the country master didn't expect things to develop to such a point. Is the Imperial Teacher determined to get rid of them this time? These people, who in the end!

Seeing Song Xing's calm face, and then looking at Great Princess, she didn't seem to be very afraid. The Lord himself felt calmer. Looking at the little prince lying in Chi Xuan's arms, he was a little surprised, but he couldn't care about it for the time being.

"Get out!" General Zhang shouted, but the people still rushed forward. Seeing the scene are about to lose control, or if there are any more conflicts, these people will become crazy.

"General Zhang! These people besie the Imperial Family as a rebellion, if they dare to rush forward, kill!" Great Princess said this, it is the threat to deter the people.

General Zhang listened to nodded, and Song Xing looked at Great Princess, thinking in her heart, she still changed. Xiao Guoguo looked at such a Great Princess and shook his head. Obviously, doing so under such a situation is not helpful, and it will only intensify the conflict!

"Charge! Guardian Imperial Teacher!" Someone shouted and rushed forward quickly. They were not afraid of death or fear at all.

Xiao Guoguo will know when you see it, the one who rushes to the forefront is not the person who believes in this Imperial Teacher but the dead man! Because their eyes are cold and they are not afraid of death, and they have to use their own death to mobilize the emotions of these tens of thousands of people, and let them fall into passivity.

The dead man looked at that cold long spear laughed at the corner of his mouth, and they were worthy of the master only after completing the task. The soldiers on the opposite side were obviously terrified and nervous, their hands stiffened, and they didn't know how to dodge.

At the crucial moment, the dead man felt that he could not move his body. He saw that a huge vine behind him was actually entangled him. He was just a little bit close, and he could complete the task. Up.

In the next moment, a huge ice wall rose from the ground, completely separating the people and soldiers. This ice wall is a foot thick and completely transparent, and the two sides can even see each other's expressions, with disbelief and fear.

"Why do you guys do this?" Xiao Guoguo said so and flew directly into the air, with nothing under his feet. Standing like this, people felt a sense of tension when they saw it.

"ability! Isn't it only the Imperial Teacher?" Some people asked, looking at Xiao Guoguo in the sky, couldn't believe it.

"no! She must be fake, fake!" Some people can't bear such a blow, just feel very broken in their hearts.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to use the lives of these people to make us jealous?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The Imperial Teacher on the opposite side was still sitting in her frame, looking at her .

"Why should Fellow Daoist have trouble with me? What does the matter here have to do with you?" The Imperial Teacher asked, Xiao Guoguo laughed, and pointed to the little prince in Chi Xuan's arms below.

"I like this fat child very much. I don't want to watch you ruin his home." Xiao Guoguo replied that the Imperial Teacher didn't expect this answer.

Of course, he doesn't believe this answer. Cultivators are selfish and cold. Where is such a person? It’s just to find an excuse for devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

(End of this chapter)

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