
  Chapter 1586 finds

"Princess!" The guard Captain is stunned, never knowing Master Song is Such a straightforward person.

"That, man and woman..." Song Xing wanted to forcefully explain.

"Song Xing! You bastard!" Great Princess doesn't have to think about knowing that this guy can't say anything nice, she is heartbroken, how can she say she is also a soft and delicate beauty, or a Princess, why does he dislike it so much.

"Hehe, what Princess said is quite true." Song Xing himself knew what was wrong.

Everyone got up from the ground one after another, no one was better than anyone, except for Chi Xuan, because at this moment these people were not standing on the ground, but flying into the air. Looking at the bodyguards dumbfounded.

This is true! It's not a joke! They really floated in the air!

Great Princess. Seeing this, I also know that these people are capable people and strangers, just like the Imperial Teacher. So, she didn't go into it, she just thought that they could leave if they got what they wanted, and it would be best to take away the Imperial Teacher by the way.

"This water spirit is really naughty!" Han Meng said while chasing like this. The surrounding area was full of fog, and his eyes could no longer see the front, so he could only use Divine Consciousness to probe.

"It's okay, I want to see, if there is no water spirit, what secrets can I hide!" Xiao Guoguo said, directly hitting the past with spiritual power, and the water will be rushing. Spirit Stone was wrapped up.

And at this moment, all the surrounding fog condensed, forming a water area, and the water soon gushed out, like a river, unexpectedly to leave everyone in the cave behind .

"hmph, deliberately mystifying water spirit!" Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand as he said, the turbulent water was instantly frozen and turned into an ice sculpture, and the water spirit was also put into the palm of his hand.

Everyone only felt a wave of shaking, all around the cave was trembling constantly, just now it seemed to have heard the sound of water, but it disappeared in a flash, I don't know what happened inside.

Xiao Guoguo is holding the Water Spirit Stone in his hand. Although the water spirit has a little spiritual wisdom, it is a stone in the end. Xiao Guoguo took out the box, which was given to her by Xiao Ying before, and now it is used to hold the Water Spirit Stone.

"Dig the Spirit Stone here, let's go out." Xiao Guoguo said. Divine Consciousness has probed all around, and there is really nothing else valuable in it.

But Xiao Guoguo felt that it would be unreasonable for the Imperial Teacher to plan so much for a Water Spirit Stone. But now that the Water Spirit Stone has been taken by them, he is impossible and has no response at all. Next they will see how the other party did.

Inside the huge palace, the fireworks of the incense burner curled up, and the Imperial Teacher who was cross-legged cultivation suddenly opened his eyes. He is dressed in a white shirt and looks like a middle age person. Although his face is fair, his appearance is not very good. At this moment, he stared into the distance with a solemn expression in his eyes.

"Master, what's the matter?" dísciple, who was sitting underneath, asked, the Imperial Teacher clenched his fists and did not speak for a long time.

"What news is coming from your Junior Brother?" The Imperial Teacher asked, eldest disciple looked blank, and checked the jade slip of the communication and there was no change.

"Master, Junior Brother did not send a message back." dísciple replied, then the Imperial Teacher stood up.

He is surrounded by High Level Spirit Stones, which are also used for their cultivation. Although the spiritual power of this place is abundant, but with these Spirit Stones, their cultivation base will improve much faster.

"Go and see, now go and see if something happened to the spirit vein?" The Imperial Teacher said that the eldest disciple didn't dare to delay any time, and flew out as soon as he raised his head.

The impatience appeared on the Imperial Teacher's face, which hadn't appeared in so many years. Since arriving on this plane, he can feel the powerful water spiritual power fluctuations coming from the east. He once guessed that it was a high-level Water Spirit Stone, and it was buried in the spirit vein.

If they hadn't found the water spiritual power, they couldn't find the spiritual vein either. But now that is the spiritual power fluctuation suddenly disappeared! This was very unusual, he wondered if someone had found the Water Spirit Stone and had it for himself.

But the Imperial Teacher didn't believe it, because he personally explored the vein, several kilometers deep underground, according to the truth, shouldn't you find the Water Spirit Stone now? Could it be that something happened?

Speaking of which, two days ago he sent the dísciple to kill Song Xing suddenly fell, and the Life Source jade token was broken, he was a little worried. Therefore, yesterday he once asked the lord to marry the Great Princess, just to test Song Xing and the lord. He never thought that the spiritual power of the Water Spirit Stone would have disappeared like this today.

So, he doubts whether there is any connection between these two things?

Xiao Guoguo didn't know, she thought of so much when she accepted the Water Spirit Stone from the Imperial Teacher there. This is really a cautious person. But this is exactly what Xiao Guoguo hopes for, because she always feels that the purpose of this Imperial Teacher is not simple, not only for a Water Spirit Stone, but she really wants to see whether this Imperial Teacher is a who thing.

"Someone is coming?" Han Meng looked into the distance, Xiao Guoguo naturally felt it too. Xiao Guoguo covered the Divine Consciousness for hundreds of miles around this area. If there is any trouble in this area, they can immediately know.

"Would you like to leave it to others?" Yuemu asked, Xiao Guoguo shook the head.

"Let him go back and report the letter, I want to know how the next step the other party will go." Xiao Guoguo said, Yuemu nodded, so that's fine.

At this time, the happiest thing is Great Princess. No matter what treasure they find in this Cave Mansion, it doesn't matter to her. The important thing is the stability of the entire dynasty, and when will these strange people leave. It now appears that they are willing to help.

"Everyone, the Imperial Teacher has been here to tyrannize for many years. Our dynasty and the Imperial Family have long been unbearable. This time, I will ask you all to help and eradicate this Imperial Teacher!" said the Great Princess, Song Wake up, Princess actually snatched what he was about to say.

But at this moment, Song Xing seemed to suddenly understand that Princess is no longer the Princess she used to be. She has gradually changed her personality, not the way he knew when she was a child.

"Since we are paid, we will naturally help. Don't worry." Xiao Guoguo replied and looked at Great Princess laughed, so that Great Princess felt a rock in her heart.

"Many thanks everyone!" Great Princess was very excited, but Song Xing felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Over the years, they have been forced to grow up.

After one hour, the Imperial Teacher looked at the eldest disciple in shock and asked: "You mean, the army of the dynasty appeared in our vein? He also tied up all of us. Get up?"

"Yes, Master I saw that! There are more than ten thousand people!" said eldest disciple, the Imperial Teacher sat down abruptly.

"Impossible! Even more than 10,000 people, your Junior Brothers should be able to deal with. Why haven't they come forward! Can you reach them?" The Imperial Teacher asked, eldest disciple shook Shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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