
  Chapter 1576 Young Master Song

"Then you prove that this pastry belongs to you, I will Convinced! Before I ate, no one said anything!” Han Meng said, Xiao Guoguo was helpless, a plate of pastries is not enough, we are a cultivator.

"I put the pastry here just now. Many people have seen it and can testify." The man said so, and many people's voices came from around.

"I can testify, I saw it!" a man said.

"I can also testify. I have been... staring at Master Song just now." A woman replied shyly, Han Meng was taken aback, girl, can you do this?

"It seems that you are very popular, no matter whether it is true or not, I believe them anyway! I, Han Meng, are not bullying weak people, although you don’t have the power to bind chickens, and you don’t look like a man at all. , I will not discriminate against you either."

Everyone: "..." You are not discriminating against him!

"How much did you buy the pastry? I'll give it back to you!" Han Meng asked, Xiao Guoguo laughed, this Senior Sister was really straightforward.

"One coin." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo decisively took out a large amount of silver. As for the amount of money, she is not very clear, anyway, it must be enough.

"I have eaten your pastries, now I will pay you." Han Meng said, turning around and leaving. Everyone didn't expect Han Meng to do this. Isn't this humiliating their Master Song?

"No, you can't go!" Seeing that Han Meng was about to leave, someone came up again to prevent Han Meng and the others from leaving. Han Meng looked at the group of people and was a little puzzled. What are you going to do?

"Are you serious? Don't let me go?" She doesn't understand, isn't it just a few cakes? What a big deal, as for?

Why not let her go? Just because her attitude is too arrogant! simply did not disregard their adults! He even used his silver to humiliate them Master Song! Their Lord Song is someone worthy of awe and respect in the eyes of the people! How dare she?

Naturally they don't know, Han Meng is already polite for being willing to solve this matter for the sake of face. When do cultivators need to be reasonable, they all do it directly without moving their mouths.

"Girl, it's not a question of a few cakes." The man walked over again and said. Han Meng looked at him and thought this man was too nagging.

"Then what is the problem?" Han Meng asked puzzledly.

"Girl, you shouldn't have taken someone else's place and ate other people's cakes! And you haven't apologized at all!" The Master Song continued, looking at Han Meng's disapproval. Although this woman looks good, but this behavior is really not elegant enough.

"That's what you think, but I don't think so! I took your place and ate your pastries, but I also gave you money. Why should I apologize?"

Han Meng is very straightforward and doesn't understand what the other party wants. She got the wrong position and ate other people's cakes, but she didn't do it deliberately, so Han Meng didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she could only say that it was unintentional.

"Girl, it's not a question of money. You must at least apologize to me." The man said stubbornly. Han Meng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the man in front of him, considering whether to directly beat him!

Xiao Guoguo saw Han Meng hurriedly stop him. They are a cultivator. The cultivator kills the ordinary person. It will provoke Karma and Heart Demon, which is not worthwhile.

Xiao Guoguo stopped Han Meng behind him, looked at the opposite man and asked: "I haven't consulted the Young Master's name yet."

"Wake up in Xia Song." The man replied. .

"Young Master Song, I don’t know who you are and why you are so popular among the locals. These have nothing to do with us. We only talk about this plate of pastries. I, Senior Sister, didn’t mean to eat your food. , This pastry was left unattended at the time, but I was wrong, Young Master Song?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, looking at each other. In fact, she wanted to stun the person in front of her with a fist, but it was a pity that there were so many people here, they couldn't get out of it, let alone kill them, so she could only be patient and reasoned.

"Yes, I went to get something else." Song Xing replied, and Xiao Guoguo smiled again.

"We were hungry and tired after shopping for a long time. My Senior Sister thought it was edible, but I didn't think of eating your portion. She didn't mean it, and later compensated you for the money. This should be Don't violate your laws here, right?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and everyone around was silent and looked at Xiao Guoguo entire group.

"Never." Song Xing replied, never lying.

"In that case, Young Master Song, you are a gentleman, why bother with me, Senior Sister, a woman for a plate of pastries? People who know will think Young Master Song is upright, those who don’t know think you are What do you think of my Senior Sister, that makes you so entangled."

A passage from Xiao Guoguo made everyone around him look at Song Xing’s eyes, and Song Xing was even more surprised. He pointed his finger at him. Xiao Guoguo trembled for a long time, and said something. This woman is clearly a red mouth and white teeth that corrupted his reputation!

"Young Master Song, the old saying is good, the clear is clear, I may say this seriously. But you are a gentleman, naturally you should understand the truth, I think it is reasonable here People who don't get you wrong, don't you?" Xiao Guoguo turned his head and looked at the people around him, pitting them easily.

People who bully her, they are so bold.

Everyone looked a little ashamed, they really couldn't help but doubt it just now, but they couldn't say this, let alone let Master Song know.

"What else is Young Master Song?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Young Master Song shook the head with an extremely ugly face.

"Never!" He never thought that he would be so pitted in the hands of a woman.

"That's good, please let us in, we have to go." Xiao Guoguo said, then Song Xing could only get out of the way and watched a group of people just leave.

"Let's just leave? Don't beat them?" Yuemu felt a little regretful. What a good opportunity to make trouble just now.

"Be kind to others, isn't it what I normally educate you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, patting Yuemu on the shoulder.

"Boss, did you say that? Then why don't I remember at all? Boss, don't you always say that you are strong first, and then you suffer?" Yuemu asked with a puzzled face. Han Meng shook his shoulder twice.

"You must have remembered wrong." Xiao Guoguo denied it calmly. She didn't remember, she didn't remember at all.

"Don't cause trouble, these all are ordinary persons, there is no cultivation base at all. It is really accidentally hurting them, but it is not good to get involved with cause and effect! When the time comes, you are not afraid of Heart Demon trouble, don't you? Do you still want to make the boss not live with you?" Wenwen asked Yuemu this way.

"Okay, I see. They are ordinary persons, they are amazing." Yuemu continued to say with a smile: "But we don’t get entangled, but people refuse to give up. Take a look. What did that idiot catch up with?"

(End of this chapter)

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