
  Chapter 1571 Farewell

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan flew in the air, they looked at the front It's lively, and my heart is very warm. Xiao Guoguo felt that Wei Ling was happy to marry, while Chi Xuan silently wrote down the steps, thinking about how to improve when he got married.

The excitement lasted for two hours, and it was already afternoon when the new couple came to the bridal chamber. Fortunately, Pan has a large family and is well prepared, and all the guests find their place to watch the excitement.

Xiao Guoguo accidentally saw several women rescued from Rainbow Island. Some of them are now married, and some have become powerful cultivators on their own. Perhaps some have fallen. . However, seeing the glamour on these women's faces, Xiao Guoguo felt that what he did that day was meaningful.

Xiao Guoguo only stood in the courtyard for a while, and then left with Wenwen and the others. The woman sitting on the table stood up abruptly, as if she saw the silhouette of the benefactor.

But when she looked for it again, Xiao Guoguo's trace was missing, as if she was just dazzled. Why has she forgotten that the benefactor and Young Master Pan have a very good relationship, maybe she is back after they got married today?

"What's the matter?" a man asked, standing behind the woman, and saw that the woman's eyes were moist, but he shook the head.

"It's okay, I was wrong, I thought I saw the benefactor of the year." The woman replied, and the man hugged her and walked back.

"Don't think about what happened back then. This is the most important thing when we are together now." The man's words made the woman's heart more stable.

After a busy day, Xiao Guoguo looked at Dongcheng in the night, and still felt familiar. No matter where he went, he felt familiar only when he was here.

"If you like, we will stay here for a few more days." Chi Xuan said, and Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

"No, the long time I stayed is not good for them." Xiao Guoguo has made up his mind, and when Wei Ling returns, they leave.

"When we are stable, maybe we can come back often." Chi Xuan said, holding Xiao Guoguo's shoulder.

"Yes, wait until we are all stable." Xiao Guoguo said so, looking at the moonlight, it was really beautiful.

After returning home for three days, Xiao Guoguo saw that Wei Ling looked very good, his face was ruddy, very shy but happy, and relieved. In fact, Xiao Guoguo was not very worried, because she knew Young Master Pan, except for occasionally being unreliable, there were no other shortcomings, and she was sincere to Wei Ling.

"Boss!" Young Master Pan felt relieved when he saw Xiao Guoguo, because Wei Feng's eyes were always unfriendly when he saw him, although he is now his elder brother.

"Morning." Xiao Guoguo said hello, smiling at Young Master Pan who was proud of one's success.

"Wei Ling, go, I have something to tell you." Xiao Guoguo took Wei Ling away directly, and simply ignored the look in Young Master Pan's cry for help. Xiao Guoguo looked at Wei Ling, she could see that Wei Ling the past few days was very happy.

"You and Little Panpan should be good, I hope you will grow old."

"elder sister." Wei Ling's eyes were wet, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly pinched her nose .

"Don't cry, you won't be pretty if you cry. You are happy, and I can leave safely." Xiao Guoguo said, and gave Wei Ling another storage bag.

"Elder sister, are you leaving? What is this?" Wei Ling asked, looking at the storage bag in his palm.

"The wedding gift for you, you will see it when I leave." Xiao Guoguo said, and Wei Ling shook his head.

"Elder sister, you have given enough." Wei Ling hurriedly refused.

"That's to add makeup to you, which is different from this. Besides, when I came back this time, Master gave me a lot of Spirit Stone, saying it was a commission from selling small Spirit Pills over the years, but I did. Money man."

Xiao Guoguo thinks about it, she has received a lot of Spirit Stones over the years, especially the one given by Master Xiao Ying, which can be regarded as immense wealth.

"elder sister." Wei Ling shouted, with a warm heart. No matter when it came, Elder Sister Xiao always thought of them. She knows that she has been cooperating with Cui Family to sell the little Spirit Pill over the years. No matter how much Elder Feng has been sold, she has left a copy for her elder sister, but that is what she deserves. of.

"Okay, I have to go, you take care of yourself." Xiao Guoguo said so, Wei Ling looked surprised.

"You mean, do you leave now?" Wei Ling felt a little worried, and she couldn't bear it for a few days.

"Seeing you are married, I am relieved. What are you still doing? You have to control Little Panpan in the future. That guy is easy to get overwhelmed. If you have anything to do, tell your big brother, he has a way. Deal with him.

And in front of Pan’s parents, don’t be too restrictive. It is their blessing that you give them Pan’s daughter-in-law. If there is really any problem, you can ask someone to take a message to Sword. Sect gives a girl named Cui Cui, she will help you if she knows it."

Xiao Guoguo warned a lot, tidying Wei Ling's hair, and nodding when she saw Wei Ling , And then stood up.

"Elder sister, I remember everything. I will firmly remember what you said!" Wei Ling said.

"That's good, when I come back next time, I will bring you a better gift." Xiao Guoguo said in a tone like coaxing a child, but Wei Ling never refused, but believed in a face .

"Okay, I'm waiting for the elder sister." Wei Ling sat on the bed and watched Xiao Guoguo leave, only then did the tears drop.

Why doesn't she know that she always has to leave, because their cultivation base is so bad that they can no longer walk side by side now. All she can do is live her life well and not let her worry about it.

The outside world is far more dangerous than I know, and the place she went was not full of crises. I only hope that the elder sister will not worry about her at all, and worry about her.

"You are leaving too early, wait two days." Han Meng said, Xiao Guoguo smiled and said nothing.

Yuemu watched the three women come out, and then followed along. He has some feelings for this place, but he will not stay if the boss is leaving. However, when he came back this time, he discovered that his identities were different and his perspective of seeing things was also different, which naturally felt different.

The entire group went outside, Young Master Pan and Wei Feng were standing at the door, Ning Suxin glanced at Xiao Guoguo, nodded went to accompany Wei Ling, she knew Wei Ling would inevitably be sad.

"Boss, are you leaving now?" Young Master Pan asked with a frustrated expression, and Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

"I'm leaving, but if you dare to treat Wei Ling badly, someone will tell me, when the time comes, be careful." Xiao Guoguo said so and gave Young Master Pan A storage bag.

Young Master Pan: "..." The boss scolded him and gave him a storage bag. How do you understand this?

"Boss, I won't, don't worry!" Young Master Pan said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Go with your daughter-in-law." Xiao Guoguo said. Although Young Master Pan is a little bit dissatisfied, she still thinks it is better to accompany her daughter-in-law now.

(End of this chapter)

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