
  Chapter 1568 Preparation

"Let you take a risk." Wei Feng said, Xiao Guoguo sighed .

"If you don't want me to take risks, you can eat the dao fruit I gave you. After eating that thing, you can not only comprehend the Heaven and Earth Rule, but also avoid being trapped in Heart Demon. Within." Xiao Guoguo said so, Wei Feng looked surprised.

"By the way, I forgot dao fruit! This time I go out, I must find a chance to eat." Wei Feng looked sorry, Xiao Guoguo was helpless.

"Let’s go out, they are also waiting to be anxious." Xiao Guoguo said and stood up, she can’t just because Wei Feng has been working hard these days, she shook her body, is she standing still? Up.

"The barrier is open!" Ning Suxin ran forward two steps with a look of surprise, and everyone reacted.

Wei Ling moved forward quickly, Young Master Pan also followed closely from behind, they saw that Wei Feng was safe and sound, and Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan beside him. At this moment, Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo became more mysterious in everyone's minds, and there was someone who could influence Heart Demon Jie.

"Brother." Wei Ling didn't say anything, she just held Wei Feng and she tears down, showing their siblings.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Wei Feng said this while patted Wei Ling's back, as if he had been a child.

"You scared me to death. If it weren't for Elder Sister Xiao, it would be troublesome." Thinking of it, Wei Ling still felt scared. She knew that Wei Feng's Heart Demon was serious, but she could do nothing. It makes Wei Ling very sad.

"Don't worry, I won't do it anymore." Wei Feng assured him that Wei Ling felt a little better.

"Okay, don't surround yourself, let him go to rest. Wei Feng's Transcending Tribulation is very thrilling, but we must consolidate the cultivation base."

"Yes , Elder." Wei Feng replied respectfully. Although Elder Feng's cultivation base is not as high as that of him, he has a high seniority and brought him along the way. Wei Feng respects him very much.

The entire group followed Wei Feng back, Young Master Pan made some wine and dishes, and everyone was very happy. How many years have not seen Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, coupled with the success of Wei Feng Transcending Tribulation, these are two great happy events, which are naturally worth celebrating.

The banquet was over, everyone returned to their Cave Mansion, but Young Master Pan was still standing behind Xiao Guoguo, watching Wei Feng a little nervous.

"You say it again, what are you going to do?" Wei Feng was not angry, his eyes looking at Young Master Pan were not cold, but they were not good.

"Big brother, I want to marry Wei Ling!" Young Master Pan said so, looking at Xiao Guoguo. Looking at the boss's back, there is a sense of security.

"Young Master Pan, we have become friends in need along the way, and also friends who can knife piercing both sides. Do you know that Wei Ling is my younger sister, and she is my only relative!" When Wei Feng asked, he was not angry, but his expression was very serious.

"I know this naturally. Wei Ling is very important to you. But I want you to know that Wei Ling is also the most important thing in my heart. My care and love for her, my love for her No less than you!" Young Master Pan said so confidently, and his feelings for Wei Ling gave him that confidence.

"Okay, then I ask you, can you guarantee that you will be nice to her for the rest of your life and will not let her suffer a little bit of grievance? You have to know that if you and Wei Ling are at odds with each other, then our friend It's the end!"

Xiao Guoguo understands the meaning of Wei Feng's words. Not only did he want to stop them because he felt sorry for Wei Ling, but also because he valued Young Master Pan. They are friends in need and life and death. Wei Feng is worried that Young Master Pan and Wei Ling will not reach the end. Then not only will Wei Ling be sad, but he will also lose his best friend.

"Wei Feng, don't worry, I just let myself be wronged, and I won't let Wei Ling suffer a bit. If I dare to apologize to her, don't say not to be friends, you will kill me. , I have no complaints!" Young Master Pan said loudly. Wei Feng looked at the blush and nervousness on Wei Ling's face and realized that Wei Ling himself was willing.

"Women's big brother is not staying, and my big brother can't take care of you forever! If you are willing to marry him, then marry!" Wei Feng said so, and Wei Ling cried.

Although Wei Feng is just her big brother, it is like a father and mother. She was brought up from a young age. Now facing this situation, Wei Ling is naturally more sad.

"Brother, I will not marry, I will be with you. When will you get married, I will marry again."

After Wei Ling finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo saw Young Master Pan's face turned pale. Xiao Guoguo wanted to laugh when he saw it, Wei Feng this move is really high!

Xiao Guoguo doesn't want to blend in, she is already loyal enough to help Young Master Pan brave, as to whether Wei Feng can be dealt with, it depends on his own ability. If you can't figure it out, the wife will marry later at best.

After another two or three days, Young Master Pan expressed determination again and again, and Wei Feng reluctantly agreed to the marriage. Xiao Guoguo laughed when he saw Young Master Pan like that. Someone should fix him. Normally, it is too unreliable. I hope Wei Feng can take care of him in the future.

"Looking at how hard he is seeking to marry, I feel I have to work harder." Chi Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

"Don't worry, my father is definitely more stubborn than Wei Feng. You will definitely not pass the level so smoothly and easily." Xiao Guoguo said, and smiled badly when he finished speaking.

"You don't feel sorry for me at all?" Chi Xuan asked with a depressed face, and he felt someone suddenly appear behind him.

"Who do you love? Did I miss any good news?" Han Meng asked, Xiao Guoguo patted his chest and looked back at her.

"Senior Sister, can you say something in advance when you show up next time?" Xiao Guoguo's face blushed, and she let her listen to this private remark.

"Do you think I like to listen to your nasty talk? Goose bumps are all up. I'm here to tell you, we have to hurry up, we have to go to the abyss after we finish this marriage!"


Han Meng said that, Xiao Guoguo smiled, this one seems to have been shopping enough. In the past few months, Han Meng has watched all the surrounding areas, and there is nothing interesting before he is thinking about the trip to the abyss.

"That's good, Wenwen and Qingyun daoist will come back tomorrow. Let's discuss when we will leave." Xiao Guoguo replied.

"By the way, I have prepared the things the bride wants to use!" Han Meng said, and began to take things out box by box.

Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, grabbing Han Meng's hand and asked: "Senior Sister, where does this all come from? Why don't I know, you still have these things for marriage?"

"You're stupid, haven't I been out shopping this time? I have put away the highest mating supplies of the surrounding planes. Of course, I will make them for you when you get married. , I am the Artifact Refinement Master, and the things I make are definitely better than what they sell."

A passage from Han Meng moved Xiao Guoguo very much. It turns out that Senior Sister was also busy during this time, so I still help prepare for this. Wei Ling doesn't know her well, and she is willing to help in this way.

"Senior Sister, you are so kind!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and Han Meng pushed her away.

"Don't be numb with me. I'm practicing hand skills this time. When you get married, you won't be in a hurry." Han Meng said, continuing to take things out.

Xiao Guoguo was moved in his heart, but when he finally saw that the box was more than 30 years old, he still couldn't help sighing. What does this Senior Sister want to make this wedding look like?

(End of this chapter)

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