
  Chapter 1563 Long Farewell

"Are you okay?" Li Jian asked, the opposite Ling Yun nodded.

"I know you can't speak yet, but don't worry, I found a way, this time I will definitely help you."

When Li Jian said this, he met him Ling Yun smiled, with gratitude in that smile. I don't know when Ling Yun's Divine Soul has been able to condense, but this Divine Soul is still too weak to even speak, so Li Jian can only wait slowly.

I thought I would have to wait a few hundred years, but I never thought that Xiao Guoguo would send Divine Pill. He believed in Xiao Guoguo, so this time Li Jian felt hopeful in his heart, no matter what, there should be a result between them.

Li Jian sat down, the spiritual power was slowly injected into the medicine pill, and the medicine pill was wrapped. After a while, I saw the medicine pill turned into a trace of smoke, surrounding Ling Yun. Ling Yun Divine Soul looked surprised. She hurriedly absorbed the medicine energy. She knew that Li Jian might have found it with great difficulty, and she couldn't waste it.

So, after two hours, this medicine pill is considered to be completely absorbed. Li Jian looked at Ling Yun and felt that her illusory shadow seemed to become clearer.

This made Li’s sword heart full of joy. He told himself that no matter what, as long as Ling Yun wakes up this time and can express her meaning clearly, whether she wants to stay in her own By his side, he still wanted to return to Pill Sect, he agreed.

He doesn't want to go on in such a sloppy way, no matter what, there must be a result. No matter what, he should find himself, he is Sword Sect dísciple and cannot be here forever.

Ling Yun looked at the change in Li Jian's expression, and she didn't know why she always felt uneasy. Such Li Jian felt a little strange to her. He has changed a lot over the years, making her more and more incomprehensible.


Xiao Guoguo looked at the hills in front of her slightly smiled. After walking for so long, I don’t know how the Masters are doing. She is really worried.

"Master! Master! Disciple I'm back!" Xiao Guoguo shouted as he stood at the bottom of the mountain, and he heard the rumbling of the mountain.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It's over, I'll cause trouble as soon as I get back.

These voices Xiao Guoguo only felt very familiar. When her pill concocting was unsuccessful, the whole mountain was the same. It was the sound of the medicine pill ruined in the alchemic furnace.

"Who! Who is it!" someone shouted, running out of Cave Mansion with a black face.

"Cough cough, it's over, my medicine pill has been refining for two months, and this one is over!" Someone said that there was a puff of black smoke behind him, and it seemed that the situation was serious.

"Whose discipline is this anyway! Come out and have a look!" someone asked angrily.

Everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo at the foot of the mountain and felt very curious. They had never seen this one. Xiao Guoguo has never been here before. Back then, Elder Feng and the others came with Li Dan Master, but Xiao Guoguo never showed up.

"Boss! Are you the boss!"

While everyone was still guessing the identity of Xiao Guoguo, they saw one silhouette rushing down from the top of the mountain. He seemed very excited.

Xiao Guoguo's eyes lit up when he saw Young Master Pan. This product hasn't changed much over the years, and it still looks unreliable. She hasn't seen them for more than two hundred years, and she misses them very much.

"elder sister! elder sister!" Wei Ling follow closely from behind also rushed down, and she never thought Xiao Guoguo would appear suddenly. She just heard the voice and her heart beats wildly. She always feels that this style is a bit familiar, and she came out to see that it was indeed her!

Chi Xuan smiled and watched Wei Ling and Young Master Pan holding Xiao Guoguo, jumping with excitement. And Yuemu seems to be used to it too, and can only pretend to be calm, although he doesn't like these guys pestering Xiao Guoguo very much. He didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo will come back this time, he will come to see these guys.

"Disciple! Disciple!" Elder Feng finally rushed down. When everyone saw Elder Feng appear, they suddenly realized that it was Martial Uncle Feng's discipline!

That's my own person, I can't really settle accounts with her. But why don't they know that Martial Uncle Feng also has a discipline? Moreover, it seems that this person's cultivation base is very high.

"Little Panpan, Wei Ling, Master!" Xiao Guoguo held Wei Ling with a smile, and looked at Young Master Pan and Elder Feng.

"Elder sister, why have you come to see us for a long time! I miss you!" Wei Ling said that, tears came down, Xiao Guoguo also felt a little sad, and his eyes were moist.

"It's my fault. I came to see you for so long." Xiao Guoguo took the initiative to admit his mistake, and Wei Ling quickly shook his head.

"Don't blame you, I know it's not easy for you! Elder sister, how are you? Chi Xuan Senior Brother, you are here too."

Wei Ling looks at Chi Xuan station With Xiao Guoguo's side, I also feel comforted. Although they are not with the elder sister, it is good for Chi Xuan to be the master, and someone will take care of the elder sister.

"Chi Xuan Senior Brother, it's really good that you met the boss, we still worry about you!" Young Master Pan said, Chi Xuan patted his shoulder. And Young Master Pan looked at Yuemu, but still didn't like this gloomy guy.

"By the way, what about Wei Feng and the others?" Xiao Guoguo asked, but I didn't see the remaining few people, wondering where they went?

Wei Ling looked at the top of the mountain and said with his fingers: "Big brothers are in retreat, they want to impact the ascension period."

Wei Ling's words make Xiao Guoguo slightly Surprised, ascension period? So fast? Xiao Guoguo nodded, it really is Wei Feng's style, Wei Feng never needs them to worry about cultivation.

"Master, the disciple came back to see you. By the way, where is Master Li Dan? I brought him back a lot of medicine ingredients." Xiao Guoguo asked, and Elder Feng smiled.

"Your Master has also retired, and he is going to ascend in a hundred years, so I am afraid I won't see it this time." Elder Feng said, Xiao Guoguo entire group walked up the mountain, and everyone looked curiously. Against them.

But no one asks much, they all know that Martial Uncle Feng's identity is very special, especially the Master values ​​it very much. And these few people are not ordinary people at first glance.

"By the way, elder sister, have you seen Wenwen and Qingyun daoist? After they ascended, they said they were looking for you." Wei Ling asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"They also came back, but first went to Ling Cloud Sect to see Ling Old Yun's ancestor. This time we passed by here, and we have to leave after a few days." Xiao Guoguo said Wei Ling 1 Facial disappointment.

"Can't you stay for two more days?" Wei Ling asked. Although so many years have passed, she still relies on Xiao Guoguo so much.

"It's okay to stay a few more days." Xiao Guoguo smiled and patted Wei Ling's head, as if it were back then.

Chi Xuan followed silently, and he knew that he had no status when he saw Wei Ling. Fortunately, they won't be here for too long.

And Han Meng was also surprised to find that Xiao Guoguo's favorite is not Chi Xuan or Xiao Nuan, but this little girl. But this little girl is really young, she's only over two hundred years old, right?

(End of this chapter)

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