
  Chapter 1553 Conditions

"I, I didn't mean it." Chi Xuan explained.

"Then tell me why we came out!" Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and asked.

"There are so many people waiting for us outside, are you sure you want to say this here?" Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, turned his head and looked into the distance, a group of people outside the mist looked at them.

"Okay, I'll talk later." Xiao Guoguo turned his head after speaking, and squeezed Chi Xuan's arm secretly. Chi Xuan smiled helplessly, and hugged Xiao Guoguo's waist. In the arms.

If anyone knows what happened to them in Heart Demon, it would be really shameless to see people. However, Chi Xuan doesn't regret it at all. This Heart Demon Jie can be said to be a memory of his life. If it weren't for being too nervous at the end, I'm sober... Now that I think about it, it would be a pity indeed!

But if you think about it carefully, Chi Xuan is lucky to be sober. He didn't want to wrong Xiao Guoguo in his heart, because he cherished her, and must be more cautious, and love her.

Chi Xuan's mind Xiao Guoguo also understands, so he is a little shy but not very angry. When the two came over like this, everyone felt something was wrong.

What is wrong? The joy after Transcending Tribulation was on the face, but the situation between the two of them seemed to have changed again. Could it be that after the Transcending Tribulation together, this relationship has also improved a lot?

And Lingshu can see clearly, slightly surprised, these two people have become intimate. Not only emotionally, but also physically. It seemed like...Ling Shu looked at Xiao Tai half-arming himself, they seemed to be a real couple.

Lingshu shook his head slightly. What is impossible is that Guoguo is unreliable. Chi Xuan should have a good idea. Even if Ling Shu is optimistic about Chi Xuan, if he knows about Heart Demon, I am afraid that Chi Xuan will not be spared. After all, she is Xiao Guoguo's mother-in-law.

"Guoguo, are you okay?" Xiao Tai asked with a worried look, Xiao Guoguo slightly smiled.

"Let father worry, I'm fine." When Xiao Guoguo said that, Wenwen looked at Chi Xuan and felt that something was wrong.

Of course, everyone was impossible to guess what happened, and when everyone asked about it, Xiao Guoguo's shyness and irritation disappeared. In his heart, sorry and Chi Xuan did the calculations.

How do you ask when the time comes? Why stop in the middle?

Although she has a thick-skinned face, she hasn't let herself go so free. Coupled with Chi Xuan's small eyes, Xiao Guoguo also understood the outline, so he was very moved in his heart.

In this way, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan put the matter in the heart, and the two of them closed again.

After Transcending Tribulation, it only took more than a month to stabilize the cultivation base. There was also Heart Demon in the middle. If the two wanted to completely stabilize the cultivation base, they had to retreat once. And this time, the two chose artificial space without the slightest hesitation. Because Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were going to retreat, the Feijian Old Ancestor had been taken by Xiao Ying to study Xiyue Clock, and the space was much quieter.

This time Transcending Tribulation, two people comprehended a lot, it takes time to digest, the time in the space is slow, when two years have passed outside, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have already passed twenty in the space year.

In the past twenty years, they have been sober two or three times, each time they only fell into cultivation after a brief exchange. It is said that the cultivator life essence is long, which makes sense. If it is not long enough, apart from comprehend, there is probably not much time to enjoy life in this life.

And this time, after Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan woke up, the cultivation base was completely stabilized. Xiao Guoguo is already in the late stage of Level 3 senshi, and Chi Xuan is slightly worse than her, Level 3 senshi Mid-term.

"By the way, what about Spirit Beasts?" Chi Xuan asked, and Xiao Guoguo looked at the Spirit Beasts who were sleeping in the distance.

"They are probably also securing their cultivation base, but the monster beast inner core here is more than enough for them to absorb. At this rate, they will have to Transcending Tribulation in less than a hundred years!" Xiao Guoguo is so sure, Chi Xuan smiled nodded. Yes, these Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation are fast.

"Now, what shall we do?" Chi Xuan asked, and Xiao Guoguo thought for a while.

"The safest thing is to let my father and mother stay in Sword Sect and continue cultivation." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan sighed, this is probably impossible.

"But you and I know that even Sword Sect can't keep our family safe. Even if I let them stay, I'm afraid they would not be willing, but I don't want to watch They take risks, so I want to talk to them."

"How to talk? Are you going to force them to fail?" Chi Xuan thinks Xiao Guoguo can do such a thing.

"It's okay not to stay in Sword Sect, but I have a condition..." Xiao Guoguo said, watching Chi Xuan laughed.

"What conditions?" Chi Xuan only felt that Xiao Guoguo's smile was very meaningful.

Xiao Guoguo came out, Xiao Tai and Na Lingshu were very happy, but after being happy, Xiao Tai was shocked by Xiao Guoguo's request.

"What are you talking about? Let's stay in Sword Sect! This won't work, this definitely won't work!" Xiao Tai refused not even think.

"No? Then I can only sneak away with Chi Xuan. After I leave, where you want to go, I don't care about you." Xiao Guoguo said, Xiao Tai was dumbfounded, fiercely He took a look at Chi Xuan.

"You said, did he instigate you!" Xiao Tai asked, Xiao Guoguo helplessly rolled the eyes.

"Do you think he has this ability?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Xiao Tai felt better.

"Guoguo, we have not been by your side before, let me follow this time, I don't worry about you!" Xiao Tai used a tender strategy, Xiao Guoguo didn't know what to do Up.

If Speak Frankly, I'm afraid it hurts my father's heart, but otherwise Speak Frankly, how can I persuade them? Xiao Guoguo is embarrassed, it would be easier to deal with this matter if he changes to another person.

"Shut up, your daughter's cultivation base doesn't know how high you are. Are you going to help or hinder you?" Lingshu asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, or his mother said Makes sense.

"Let me follow." Lingshu continued, Xiao Guoguo was helpless, these two people meant the same thing.

"You all follow, but I have one condition." Xiao Guoguo saw that the time was right and made the request, Lingshu and Xiao Tai were naturally willing to listen.

"Just let us follow, everything is up to you!" Xiao Tai said so, Lingshu also nodded.

Xiao Guoguo smiled. She knew that if the conditions were not ripe at the beginning, it would be easier to mention it after two rejections.

"You cultivation in the space, you can only come out occasionally." Xiao Guoguo's request made Xiao Tai and Ling Shu hesitate.

"Do you remember what the Master said?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the two were nodded.

"It's what Old Ancestor said, we still have to go out and look for opportunities to have the possibility of victory!" Xiao Tai said hurriedly, hoping Xiao Guoguo would change his mind.

"Father, looking for opportunities by myself is far greater than for a family to find opportunities for success. The space is suitable for cultivation, and there are plenty of resources to help with my Master. You are most suitable for it! "Xiao Guoguo said so, Ling Shu and Xiao Tai were silent.

(End of this chapter)

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