
  Chapter 1548 Lise

"Is this a snow wolf? Why don't I look like it? "As Sword Sect Elder said so, Xiao Guoguo frowned, it was indeed not very similar.

But no matter what Wangcai is, as long as it is her Spirit Beast, her Wangcai was different from those snow wolves back then! Xiao Guoguo was very excited when he thought about this.

At this moment, the flames around the fatty jumped up violently, and there was a clear bird's song in the flames.

"Tweet...hahaha, Young Master, I also have a breakthrough!"

Xiao Guoguo was helpless when he heard this triumphant voice following the birdsong. At this time the goods arrived, I didn't know to pay attention to the image a little bit.

Xiao Guoguo looked past, Fatty was covered in colorful feathers gleaming, with Dark-red Flame on both sides of the wings, soaring into the sky, like a ball of flames.

Xiao Guoguo thought about it for a while, and then she sits on the back of the fatty and walks the scene of the cultivation world... She wants to go back and have to talk to the fatty, can she go there with such an awesome visual effect? Up. Otherwise, they are the targets of movement, and they want to act in a low-key manner, for fear that they will no longer be impossible.

"Hey, this is too awkward." Yuemu commented so, Xiao Guoguo felt that Yuemu made no mistake at all.

The last Dao Tribulation thunder, Xiao Guoguo watched Mo Yu stop and just waited. Wangcai has raised his head and looked into the sky, his eyes are very firm, but Fatty is still crying at the moment, without any sense of crisis.

Xiao Guoguo laughed without speaking, looking at the fatty hovering in the air, a ka-cha Dao Tribulation thunder fell on him, and the flying silhouette fell straight down and fell to the ground.

While Wangcai stood upright in the thunder and lightning, his figure was very stable without any misappropriation. This sharp contrast made everyone on the scene want to laugh. Can't laugh, can't laugh, they have to save some face for their Sect Master.

"Boss, you are too bad." Fatty shook, and a large piece of feathers fell off. He was really handsome but only 3 minutes.

This Transcending Tribulation is so exciting. Sword Sect disciples is very satisfying. Since then, Fatty and Wangcai's status in Sword Sect has increased. Everyone likes and admires them very much.

The robbery cloud dissipated, the spiritual power fell to heal the injuries of Fatty and Wangcai, their cultivation base was steadily improving, and Xiao Guoguo also felt a strong spiritual power coming. Sure enough, her Dantian is unstable.

Feeling the change of Xiao Guoguo, Chi Xuan also sat down and swallowed a medicine pill, holding a Spirit Stone in his hand, mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, and starting to hit the dantian.

The dantians of both of them are very stable, but they are working hard to maintain. If they no longer maintain, Transcending Tribulation becomes a very simple matter.

Everyone saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan suddenly, heart startled.

No way, this Spirit Beast has only finished Transcending Tribulation, and the two of them are going to Transcending Tribulation! However, looking at the fluctuations of the spiritual power on Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, this is clearly what it looked like before Transcending Tribulation.

"Everyone backs away, don't disturb Sect Master Transcending Tribulation!"

As Great Elder said so, Sword Sect dísciple backed away one after another. Although they wanted to see it clearly, they didn't dare to really delay Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan Transcending Tribulation.

At this moment, Yuemu felt a little sour in her heart. He didn't know until now that the boss and Chi Xuan had reached this level of understanding, and the two could actually be Transcending Tribulation together! This is how much trust can be done.

And Xiao Tai looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan turning around and pulling Lingshu away. The panic during Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation just disappeared. He was absolutely confident in his daughter, but instead Ling Shu was a little worried.

"Guoguo is okay?" Lingshu asked, and Xiao Tai smiled.

"Have you forgotten what you told me? Guoguo suppresses the cultivation base and Transcending Tribulation every time. With their strength, Transcending Tribulation is definitely not a problem."

What Xiao Tai said, Lingshu could only be nodded. It is also true that Guoguo and Chi Xuan have been suppressing the cultivation base, but she also doesn't know what level of the cultivation base should be if the two of them are not suppressed.

"This is really strange. Last time we were in Sect Master Transcending Tribulation. It was only a hundred years old. Is it so fast? Is there any fortuitous encounter outside Sect Master?" Second Elder said. Asked, everyone shook their heads blankly.

"But the last time Sect Master Transcending Tribulation was very strange. It didn't need a solid cultivation base, but suddenly became the mid-term of Level 2 Fairy." Fifth Elder still remembers the previous situation.

"Perhaps our Sect Master is so different, so don't worry too much." Elder Chen directly persuaded everyone.

"I think it may be because of the two Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation! The success of the Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation will increase the master's cultivation base by a certain amount. These two Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation at the same time..."

Speaking of this, everyone suddenly envied Xiao Guoguo. It really deserves to be Sect Master, who always makes them envy and jealous. Why don't they have such a Spirit Beast?

Jieyun gradually deepened, and at this moment, Wenwen in Jiangu suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance. The Qingyun daoist opposite her felt Wenwen wake up and took a look at her.

"What's wrong with you Wenwen?" Qingyun daoist asked inexplicably, Wenwen still looking into the distance.

"The boss is back." Wenwen replied, and Qingyun Daoist was taken aback.

"Did you just enter the illusion of Divine Consciousness? She was going to solve the problem of the demonic cultivator this time. How could she come back so soon?" Qingyun daoist felt that Wenwen must have just entered the Ding. When I thought of Xiao Guoguo, my mind didn't turn around for a while.

"No, the boss is not going to check the demonic cultivator." Wenwen said so, Qingyun Daoist was stunned.

"That's wrong, Sword Sect said that. She didn't check the demonic cultivator. What did she do?" Qingyun daoist asked her puzzledly.

Wenwen is silent. Wenwen knows about Xiao Family's affairs, but she wants to tell Qingyun daoist about these things, which is after all the boss's private business.

"It's nothing, I went out to have a look, I think the boss should be back." Wenwen said so, Qingyun Daoist stood up.

"Wenwen, how do you feel?" He was curious about this matter. Women always like to use their feelings to say things.

"There is a telepathy between me and the boss." Wenwen turned his head and looked at Qingyun Daoist and answered seriously.

Qingyun daoist: "..." Stop teasing, what is telepathy!

"Wenwen, you are really amazing!" Qingyun daoist, no matter what he thinks, still has a sincere expression of compliment. It really is no longer the straight steel man he used to be.

Wenwen quickly left the Sword Valley, and the two moved towards Sword Sect, and saw Jieyun accumulating in the air. Wenwen moved towards Jieyun with his faith.

Sword Sect dísciple was surrounded by three layers and three layers outside. The two finally squeezed in, and they saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan standing on both sides of a deep valley, looking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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