
  Chapter 1529 Conditions

How did Xiao Guoguo didn’t expect, the two people who were hitting fast The moved towards them came, and everyone in the Qimaihui around them stepped back respectfully. It seems that they are more afraid of this master than enemies like them.

"Your Master is Xiao Ying? Really?" Sage Zhuang Qi asked as he looked at Xiao Guoguo.

"Really, my teacher is Xiao Ying." Xiao Guoguo nodded, so answered.

"Then I just said bad things about your Master, why don't you refute it!" Sage Zhuang Qi became a little angry, and his eyes looked very dissatisfied when he looked at Xiao Guoguo. As a discipline, I don’t even know how to maintain my Master!

"I didn't have time to express my opinion just now." Xiao Guoguo said helplessly, and at the same time glanced at Wujian Old Ancestor. The most important thing was that Martial Uncle had robbed her of the limelight.

"Now I let you express your opinion. I said that your Master is a crazy woman, what are you going to do!" Sage Zhuang Qi still refused to let this question go, Xiao Guoguo felt strange, this person The focus of attention is strange.

"Hehe, what do you want me to say? Do you feel satisfied with what you do? If I beat you, you would have been smoking you! My brain is abnormal, and I dare to say that I am a Master crazy woman , You have something wrong with it!

It’s okay to scold you for money, right? You don’t listen to others saying that your ears are itchy and uncomfortable, right... You feel devastatingly beautiful if you have a peachy eye, don’t you? There is no other people’s natural and uncut large double eyelids! When they grow to 1.8 meters, you feel that you are so romantic, right? Then you don’t have other people’s tendon meat and eight pack abdominal muscles..."

Xiao Guoguo pointed at Zhuang Qi's nose and said for 3 minutes without repeating a word. It was the first time that Han Meng knew that Xiao Guoguo could curse people like this. Compared with the shrew, he was more elegant and without dirty words.

"You... you really are her discipline." Sage Zhuang Qi suddenly realized.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This is an unforgettable memory that reminds you.

"Let's take your mother away." Sage Zhuang Qi said so, Xiao Guoguo was stunned. Are they really scolded and let them go? Is this person really sick?

"But, I still have one condition. As long as you agree to me, you can take your mother away now." The Sage Zhuang Qi continued, Xiao Guoguo knew that there was no free call in the world. Lomian.

"Let's talk, as long as I can do it." Xiao Guoguo agreed, but looked at the embarrassment of the Lord Zhuang Qi. Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand, it's her who should be embarrassed, isn't it?

"I, I want to see you as a Master, okay?" Sage Zhuang Qi asked Xiao Guoguo so stupidly, how he didn't expect it to be such a request, which is too unacceptable. The cards are played according to common sense.

"It's not that I don't let you see, but my Master, I can't be the master if I see you or not." Xiao Guoguo said, that Sovereign Zhuang Qi was nodded.

"I know this, you only help me ask your Master, she will definitely want to see me."

The Lord Zhuang Qi said nervously, everyone was very much Confuse. What is the relationship between this one and Old Ancestor? Why is the tension like this? That glamorous bastard just now...No, that eyes high above the top, Wu Yishi, and lonely self-respect, do you still feel that you have the most beautiful energy after the tour?

"Wait for me." Xiao Guoguo disappeared in front of everyone.

The Sage Zhuang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't believe it. Could it be that Xiao Ying followed? Since she is here, why not come to see yourself?

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo looked at Xiao Ying also a little embarrassed. After all, it was related to her mother, but she didn't want to embarrass Xiao Ying, so she was a little entangled.

"Since he wants to see me, let's see. If he doesn't see me, I'm afraid he will run after you and you won't be able to live." Xiao Ying said.

"I remember that there is a fan in my pile of magic weapons. Take out the jade fan and follow me."

Xiao Ying ordered that, Xiao Guoguo. An emerald green fan appeared in the storage room, which was one of the treasures Xiao Ying had left her before.

Xiao Guoguo appeared again, and the Lord Zhuang Qi kept staring behind her, and Xiao Ying walked out as expected. However, he didn't expect, and Xiao Ying appeared as Divine Soul.

"This is... what's going on? This is impossible, impossible!" Sage Zhuang Qi looked at Xiao Ying in a panic, unable to believe that Xiao Ying had fallen.

Xiao Ying's fall is not known to Old Ancestor, and he has Xiao Ying's Life Source jade token in his hand. However, Zhuang Qi didn't know. As soon as he saw that Xiao Ying was already Divine Soul, his whole body became something wrong, like a madman.

This scene makes Lingshu slowly back away, because she knows that this man is really scary when he gets crazy.

"Who killed you! Who the hell is it!" Saint Zhuang Qi had a crazy face, he wanted to walk towards Xiao Ying but he dared not approach.

"Zhuang Qi, calm down first." Xiao Ying said calmly. Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath, admired in her heart, and felt worthy of being the Master. This calm look is worth learning from her.

"How do I calm down? How do you let me calm down!" Sovereign Zhuang Qi said so and slowly squatted down. He didn't continue to destroy and attack like crazy, but squatted down and held him. Own body.

Xiao Ying saw that he was about to move forward, but Xiao Guoguo was a little worried and wanted to stop him. After all, Master is now only Divine Soul, very weak. Xiao Ying shook the head. She has a limited time to come out, so it's better to clarify these things early.

"Zhuang Qi, you want to see me, I'm out." Xiao Ying said that and looked back at Wujian Old Ancestor.

"Senior Sister." Wujian Old Ancestor looked excited, after all these years he finally saw Senior Sister again.

"No sword, you have grown up." Xiao Ying looked at Wujian, and thought of Feijian Old Ancestor, feeling a little pain in her heart.

"Senior Sister, I am almost getting old." Wujian Old Ancestor said with a smile, Han Meng suddenly felt sore in his eyes.

This guy never wants people to say that he is old, and even when he meets sect disciple, he doesn’t like them calling him Martial Uncle ancestor, but they don’t know that Old Ancestor without Sword is the second generation Old Ancestor. , And he is really over 20,000 years old! This guy always likes to lie to the disciplines.

"Wujian, let's go back and talk about the old. You take everyone and go out first." Xiao Ying said of Wujian Old Ancestor nodded. He knew that there might be many things that they are not suitable to hear.

And Xiao Guoguo did not leave, she still stood in place. The Master came out for her, no matter when it came, she had to be here. Xiao Ying didn't let her go either. Now Xiao Guoguo is her discipline, so it's naturally different.

After a while, the Sage Zhuang Qi stood up. He looked at Xiao Ying, his eyes were red, but his eyes became soft. Just looking at her, slowly approaching, he wanted to gently touch her face with his hand but he didn't dare, because he knew Xiao Ying was a Divine Soul now, and touching was not good for her.

"Tell me, who hurt you? Tell me, I'll take revenge for you!" Sage Zhuang Qi said, Xiao Ying laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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