
  Chapter 1515 family property

Xiao Tai was finally taken away by Lingshu and wanted to tell Xiao Guoguo don't trust Chi Xuan too much, he couldn't say it after all. And Xiao Guoguo turned her head and Chi Xuan entered the artificial space, but Lingshu was not there. She seemed to put all of her mind into Xi Yuezhong's research.

Xiao Guoguo saw that she had no choice but to be self-reliant. She put the bead in her hand and tried it by changing the Life and Death Sword. Sure enough, the bead changed its appearance. It was originally a round bead, but now it becomes a silver bracelet after the change, but a small bead is still inlaid in the middle of the bracelet. This is a simple storage space, not a high level artificial space.

Xiao Guoguo never imagined that Xiao Ying senior would hide treasure so casually in a storage space, which seemed to be very confident in the magic weapon he refined. Also, most people find this bead, even if they know it is a storage space, they can't take away the contents without this unlocking technique.

"Hurry up and see what's inside." Chi Xuan was also happy for Xiao Guoguo, and couldn't help but say, seeing her look excited.

"Okay." Xiao Guoguo took out the boxes one by one, also full of disbelief. This Master Xiao Ying's net worth is too rich!

"This Master is too good at managing money! This is a little money-making expert!" Xiao Guoguo said, and saw Xiao Ying's Divine Soul silently appearing behind her.

"What is a young expert? Xiao Ying suddenly made a sound, and immediately surprised Xiao Guoguo.

"Master! A scary soul can scare people to death! "Xiao Guoguo said this while patting his chest, Xiao Ying smiled.

"You are a cultivator, why are you afraid of Divine Soul?" And don’t take pictures, you’ve finally grown up, and then you’ll be small. "

With Xiao Ying's words, Xiao Guoguo didn't respond for a long time. What was the shot size? When the reaction came, Xiao Guoguo's face was flushed. Master is alive and older, and his face is worse Their youngster is thicker!

"Master! "Xiao Guoguo yelled, Chi Xuan was beside him with a shy face, and he glanced at Xiao Guoguo's chest.

"Chi Xuan!" "Xiao Guoguo called Chi Xuan, this guy has become more and more restless recently.

With this shout, Chi Xuan directly closed his eyes and said anxiously: "You are not afraid of being small. "

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this guy deliberately angry with her?

"Hehe, why are you shy?" You two youngster will be a family sooner or later. My Life and Death Sword is your sincere test stone. There is nothing wrong with it. According to my opinion, you two's marriage should be done as soon as possible. ”

Xiao Ying now looks at Xiao Guoguo just like her own child, and Chi Xuan is very satisfied with Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Ying naturally likes Xiao Guoguo.

Chi Xuan seems to be a little overwhelmed by Xiao Tai during this period. Xiao Ying suddenly felt flattered by being so kind to him. Chi Xuan couldn't help but feel happy in her heart, and it showed on her face.

"Master, you are so wise. A man should marry a woman and a married woman. You should get married first and then start your career. These all are revealing wisdom of the ancients. I think this marriage is a major event of life! "Chi Xuan said very sincerely, trying to marry a daughter-in-law.

"Youngster is right. Get married early! Well, I think that for hundreds of years of observation, if you haven't changed your mind, her father will marry Guoguo even if you don't agree to my decision. "

With Xiao Ying's words, Chi Xuan's heart was cold in an instant. For hundreds of years...It is better to please the future father-in-law, maybe the time can be shortened.

"Master , Don't tease him anymore. "Xiao Guoguo doesn't want Chi Xuan to be pissed off by Xiao Tai outside, and even to be teased by Xiao Ying when he comes in.

"Women's college won't stay here, just like you, I'm your father and me." Also sad! "Xiao Ying said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at her, Master must have been boring alone for so many years, and recently always make fun of them both.

"Master, do you want to go back to see Swordmaster?" Ah? People have been looking for you for so many years, and have waited for you for so many years, so why not even give you a message? I promised him that I will tell him if I have any news from you. "Xiao Guoguo deliberately brought up old things, Xiao Ying's face changed.

"You girl, why do you always mention him to me during this time?" Don't you know that I bother him? "Xiao Ying said so, Xiao Guoguo twitched his lips.

"Forget it, whoever heard that Uncle Fei swordmaster was gone, he almost cried!" Now that you know the news, you wonder what to do. If you want me to say it, hurry up, and just go back and make it clear. At the beginning, it was you who were careful, you had to doubt the sincerity of others, and let them keep the vacant rooms forever, and deeply complained about your husband, it is not good for you. "

Xiao Guoguo looked through the boxes while talking. After all, she agreed to the Feijian Old Ancestor. She couldn't say nothing. She felt that these two people should meet each other.

However, there are really many extreme grade Spirit Stones in these boxes! Xiao Guoguo has to sigh, it feels great to find a rich Master.

"You have no conscience. Disciple, I have given you so many good things for nothing. Make fun of your Master again, and see if I don't teach you! "Xiao Ying floated behind Xiao Guoguo, constantly thinking about it.

"Master, I'm really doing this for your good!" Besides, you don't bully Chi Xuan, can I poke your shortcomings? "Xiao Guoguo went back confidently.

"Sure enough, I married a man and forgot the Master." Are you protecting it? After you protect him so carefully, he will bully you! Xiao Ying said unconvincingly, Xiao Guoguo turned his head to look at Chi Xuan.

"He didn't dare, he didn't dare to give him two guts!" "Xiao Guoguo said and smiled sweetly as he moved towards Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan immediately showed a happy smile on his face. What Guoguo said is not important, what is important is that Guoguo is defending him! With her guarding, he is happy, and Guoguo is what Guoguo says.

"Master, tell me the truth, how many Spirit Stones are there? ! I have opened more than 100 boxes, all of which are extreme grade Spirit Stone! What did you buy and sell before? "Xiao Guoguo asked with a curious look. No matter how she didn't expect Xiao Ying's wealth to be so rich, she felt like she was hit by the Spirit Stone.

"Oh, there are probably only seven or eight in this. There are Spirit Stones in one hundred boxes, and there are so ten million extreme grade Spirit Stones. Of course, these Spirit Stones are not important, what is important is what I left for you. Xiao Ying said so, Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand.

"Master, wait, let's start from scratch." Tell me first, why is Spirit Stone not important anymore? Even if you are rich, extremely rich, you can't despise my outlook on life so much! "

Xiao Guoguo is reluctant, why is it not important to have money, it is important to have money! Is she greedy for money? She just loves money, but not for money.

"Is your outlook on life so direct? "Xiao Ying looked at Xiao Guoguo and shook her head. She is a treasured discipline.

(End of this chapter)

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